
👑🦁Leo Girl🦁👑


I post what I think people want to see, that's really it. ♌ sun, jupiter, and mars, ♑ moon, ♈ rising, ♍ mercury and ♎ venus ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Love for the Signs

Aries: You try so hard to show your bulletproof vest to the world, but why is it every time they shoot, you bleed? Sweet Aries, you keep tying yourself to the train tracks without telling anyone, but whenever that train comes, your noble heart is crushed under insecurities' wheels. You'd rather watch yourself bleed out than ask from a giving hand. Your heart is too pure and your intentions are too raw to hide from others. Dear Aries, you are worthy of vulnerability. Exposing yourself to others does not and will not make you weak. It can only give you power.
Taurus: My sweet, dear Taurus, you are radiant in your glow and the person who ever told you otherwise is a damned liar. You pick their words off of sunflowers and dress yourself in their pedals, but Taurus you must let yourself see the flower as a whole. You sew the vibrant pieces to your heart without realizing that half the flower is already dead and now you are attached to something that no longer has life. You thrive in the grandeur of nature and having death fastened to your insides drains your once fluorescent glow. Something you once thought was so right, is now wrong. Admitting your faults will only let your heart breathe.
Gemini: Oh, the vivacity of life you hold within you my exuberant Gemini. You live two lives at once, you're a stimulated bolt of youth while simultaneously being a fallen heart always one finger away from an anxiety attack. Sometimes my dear, we can't see you with your forged facade. Do you even know which face you may wear today? It's an unconscious action, you feel both sides so you are able to be both sides at once and the others call your blasphemies. My dear, stop trying to suppress half of yourself in order to accommodate to their needs. Love both sides, then you may feel whole.
Cancer: My darling Cancer, are you still in bed holding your chest waiting for them by your window? You stand at the corner of their hearts holding a sign for hire "needed to be needed, loved to be loved" but didn't anyone ever tell you no one will ever love you as much as you do? If you move your hand from your chest, i promise you darling your heart will not fall, it can only grow. Your empty spots are not fatalistic, they are opportunities to be filled with the daises you picked from your garden. So let go sweet Cancer, let go and let in the fresh air of your beautiful aspirations.
Leo: I love to watch you paint as you delicately carve your love into trees you wish to lay under. You dream of peace but only seem to land on a pile of stressful need. Your heart is too big for them my sweet Leo, your heart is too pure and genuine that it often consumes you. They call you prideful but don't they know its because you already gave your heart to them and watched them squeeze its evergreen beauty? Your pride is not bad nor is it rotten or grim, it is an example of your standards. They broke your heart once and you'd be a fool to let them break it twice. Hold your head up high dear Leo, but remember to look down every now and then.
Virgo: You order ORDER itself and when it doesn't listen to you, you deteriorate into shambles. All you ever wanted was to help the ones you love, to give guidance for those who can't see past their eyes. Your detailed eye does not go unseen and your hidden heart will not go unfelt. You are the face of sacrifice, genuine in your quest for perfection but you must realize that you do not have to suffer. My sweet Virgo, you've come to know many lovers but have yet to know yourself. The ocean may seem infinite but you are far from the bottom, you may use your thoughts to drown yourself or you may use them to float. Your Mondays handwork with a heart full of integritY, but please my beautiful Virgo, let yourself breathe and enjoy the release of a Friday afternoon.
Libra: Dressed in black and red stained lips, you are lady lust herself playing both sides through stolen sips of wine. You hand out pieces of your heart in perfume masked gift baskets and then at night you hold yourself and wonder why you feel so empty. You have an exquisite soul my dear Libra, but you must stop walking around in the graveyards at night, trying to bury your feelings won't keep them from coming back alive. You fell in love with love itself and now the queen of the equilibrium can no longer keep balance. Sweet Libra, you are worthy of a voice but you must first speak to be heard. Stop using others affection for you as a measure of your worthiness, you must sit in silence and wait for what you cannot change.
Scorpio: Oh my dear Scorpio, how long has it been since you felt secure? Your jealous rampages are the result of your fractured loyalties and now when you do hold trust they often crush it in your hand and you're left to watch it fall through your fingers. You cannot manipulate another to love you. You are not tongue tied, you are delicately planned words with secret intentions hunting the truth you never wanted to know. My beautiful Scorpio, you must realize when to let yourself be. You haunt yourself with the action of others, but what they did to you does not define you, and it will no longer control you. The clever mind of a Scorpio shall not be wasted on the weak willed.
Sagittarius: The adventurous Sagittarius, which walks of life have you danced with today? You sing with the stories of tomorrow and live with the spontaneity of today, but you must realize that life is painted many different tones; it's wingspread freedom, but it's also storms of serious. Honesty is a virtue that we all thank you for, but my dear Sagittarius the integrity of others is not a joke you can recklessly play with. You are the embodiment of optimism cloaked in yesterdays ambition and tomorrows hope, you are beautiful in your wisdom. But life must be taken from all sights, you are the king of experiences, so dearest Sag, let yourself experience your emotions.
Capricorn: My dear Capricorn, you are grand in your restless hunger for the mountains peak. Rushing up the mountain side, trying to make it in time for the sunrise where you wish to lay in the hands of another sipping victorious wine. And although that sunrise will be magnificent in it's symbolic accomplishment, you must realize that missing it isn't a catalyst to your defeat. Although achieving hard works ambition is glorious, your hands are now ice and your heart isolated. This fight to the top may be easier alone, but who will hold you at the end? Remember, with every sunrise there is a sunset, both are qual in their beauty.
Aquarius: You are a blessing to tiresome routines while dressed in fortified independence. They can call you bundles of hand me down labels, making you a character to fit into their games but you will rebel to the noise and continue your crafts. But you see my sweet Aquarius, being a voice for the good, your beautiful detachment to judgement is also your biggest hamartia. Others are attracted to the impressions you plant and grow attachments while you disengage when you feel restricted. You must realize others do not break from their emotions so easily, your actions often leave scars. Let yourself be sedated by others, having emotions run deep is fatal but my dear Aquarius, you will never feel more alive.
Pisces: An extravagant castle, you are the magic that lives in all of us. The purity of your heart whispers divine compassion, constantly giving love to passing creatures. You live with not only your emotions, but you hold the hurt of everyone around you, you feel their tales of travesties. And my dear Pisces, when all you can do is feel floods of yours and others hurricanes, you escape back to your castle with locked gates. But my sweet Pisces, you must understand that you cannot live in that castle, you cannot wash away ruthless pain with sun dried whiskey and vindictive vodka. Your creative soul is magnificent, so never stop drawing your castle, never stop exploring the depths of your imagination, never stop having empathy, but you can't stop living.

Everyone who reblogs this before New Years (11:59 PM 12/31/17)

will be given a small art piece based off of their blog! (Well a photo over Tumblr of it but it’ll be good quality)

And I mean EVERYONE as long as it’s before the end date! Reblog fast for cute art things!



attention all Officials, all Tumblr users, whoever the fuck you are.

This is severely important.

Ever sit down after a stressful day, watch your favorite youtuber, do commissions, etc.? Well in FOUR DAYS, that can all be taken away very easily. We’re so close yet so *far* from possibly saving the internet, and those who’s lives depend on it. Within this blog, there will be a link to a petition to stop net neutrality from being killed. There are many people who’s jobs are online. online schooling. the internet is extrememly important, and we can’t let the FCC take it away! Instead of just merely liking this post, sign the petition and reblog this post!


we are so close!!
yet so.. FAR!!

Once again, I beg of you, reblog this post! So many people’s lives are depending on this!

Once again! I PLEAD you! Signal boost the fuck out of this! we need everyone to see it!!! We’re so close yet so FAR!!! If we don’t meet the goal in four/three days(?), then so many people will die and become depressed!!! STOP THE FCC AND SAVE THE INTERNET!







Petitions on change.org are nice and all, but they aren’t as helpful as going directly to the FCC.


 im sorry if you’re sick of seeing posts about net neutrality (no i’m not), but if you’re not already sold on the idea and ready to fight Ajit Pai, i’d like you to consider something else: education. 

My high school, like many others, is centered around the internet. My textbooks, my assignments, my research, my essays, etc, all require the internet. Functional internet at-home isn’t just “preferable,”  but is absolutely necessary at this point. Public school is supposed to be one of our rights (as americans,) and… i don’t know, I’d like to make a point about low-income families who wouldn’t be able to pay for Academic Internet, and how awful that is and how it would make it even more difficult for a low-income student to get into college than it would be in the first place. In addition, my school issues chromebooks so that we have little-to-no excuse for not getting our online work done. If my school has to pay dramatically more for internet, that is either going to reflect in taxes or it won’t. If it does, that means that all families in the area will have to both pay more in taxes and in their internet bill, and if it doesn’t, that means that my school is underfunded. for this one silly reason that would have been so easy to avoid. 

Also, so many colleges are web-based or even completely online, loosing net neutrality would either mean a.) tuition goes up, b.) tuition stays the same but broke college students have to pay So Much to access the internet they need just to pass their classes, or c.) both. 

in addition to all of this, there are small businesses, mental health issues, job interviews, long-distance relationships, there are people teaching themselves hundreds of thousands of topics, there’s the fact that censorship through lack of net neutrality is arguably unconstitutional, there are so many things, and as a young person? i’m scared


Signs from my experience

Aries: Extremely passionate and hardworking. Confident, but not in a snobby way. Gets loud if they get excited about something. Loves music more than anything. Don’t mess with them, they won’t hesitate to start a fight.

Taurus: Quiet around people they don’t like but loud around those they love. Their way or no way. Earthy, loves nature. Artistic. Will get heated over things they care about easily. Hates change.

Gemini: Loves to laugh. Weird, but in a nice way. Tries to act tough but is really soft. Just wants to have a good time. Loves their friends more than anyone. Constantly jokingly flirty. Really nice eyes. Very creative. Penny pinchers.

Cancer: Sarcastic but lovingly. Likes to go on romantic dates. Cute laugh. Great fashion sense, looks good without even trying. Actually does cry easily. Loves to binge watch Netflix. Can get mean.

Leo: Likes rock music and bands. All over the place. Messy to others but to themselves they’re organized. Likes to make people laugh. Good ideas but messy executions. Not afraid to tell it like it is. Nostalgic.

Virgo: So kind and loving. Likes to help people. LOVES school. Responsible and organized. Gives the best hugs and always smells great. Very family oriented. Plans out their entire future.

Libra: Balanced and prefers company rather than alone time. Don’t waste time on arguments. Happiest when surrounded by a large crowd, loves to be center of attention. Romantic.

Scorpio: Very hard getting them to open up to you. Wont admit how they really feel about someone to you unless you’re extremely close. Smart and serious. A little bit annoying at first but they grow on you.

Sagittarius: The embodiment of the feeling you get when you go to an breakfast diner. Very old soul. Laughs at silly things. Will forever take care of you. They’re trying their best and they’re getting by.

Capricorn: Great listeners, go to them if you want to rant or want advice. Always looks on the positive side of the situation. When they love you, they really love you. Very sensitive.

Aquarius: Will go from screaming at you to telling you they love you in less than five minutes. Craziest people, and when given a challenge, they’ll take it. Extremely unpredictable. They’re out there, but have hearts of gold.

Pisces: The funniest people ever, make the best jokes that will leave you laughing forever. Can be adorably awkward. Really beautiful eyes. The feeling you get when you eat chips and soda with friends. Loves horror movies. 


Aries: Never met two Aries’ that are the same; personal planets heavily influence how the Aries energy is expressed in my experience. Some may be introverted and quiet yet ambitious and passive whereas others are aggressive, confrontational and loud. Most Aries tend to have some sort of superiority complex and often look down on their peers. 

Taurus: Extremely private people. Experts at befriending a plethora of people whilst remaining relatively mysterious. Self-serving. Tends to have a lot of pent-up emotion; whether that be good or bad. Taureans have trouble letting go of failures or mistakes. Highly driven individuals that give in too easily to procrastination and laziness.

Gemini: Generally able to get along with a wide range of people. This is due to their ability to adapt to their surroundings. May struggle in life with finding somebody who truly understands them due to this. Can be extremely philosophical people. Very intelligent but tend to stretch themselves too thin in regards to the number of interests they have; Gemini’s have trouble allocating 100% attention to 1 thing. 

Cancer: Extremely strong exterior. May only cry or show weakness around close friends and family. Prone to feelings of guilt and shame. In tune with their emotions and thus able to control them very well. Tend to have a somewhat calm and aloof demeanor to them. Can be loud and obnoxious. Have an inclination to adapt to their surroundings in order to keep a low profile.

Leo: Leo’s hold loyalty to an extremely high standard. Have a tendency to walk over those they consider “weak” and befriend those that are “strong”. Very dominant personalities. Have a desire to be #1. Ambitious and intelligent. Able to manipulate a person or situation to suit themselves. May encounter many conflicts in their life due to their personality. Very proud and self-confident individuals; this tends to rub people the wrong way. 

Virgo: Most likely to possess a superiority complex. These people tend to blend into the background; just the way they like it. They are socially smart and will rarely be seen making a fool of themselves in public. Dignified and elegant. Can be extremely condescending. Most often attracted to a clean and crisp type of aesthetic. Very formal and businesslike in social interactions. 

Libra: Would rather amputate all four limbs than face conflict as it arises. Very passive aggressive. Have a tendency to hold onto emotions and victimize themselves. Often hold pity-parties for themselves and complain about their shortcomings. Can be shallow. Have a great appreciation for beauty. Probably the most socially inept in my experience. Have an inability to gauge the responses of those around them and act according; never know when to shut up. Very talkative and have no issues in venting to strangers or friends.

Scorpio: Tend to have a high opinion of themselves. Can be condescending and dismissive. Would rather avoid conflict than face it. Struggles to accept reality. Gets caught up in their thoughts and convinces themselves that a situation is something that it isn’t. Will often go from one relationship/friendship to another. Will always struggle with cutting ties with people. High-energy and very empathetic people. 

Sagittarius: Intelligent and ambitious. Always wanting something more. Very blunt and straightforward people. Strong presence and personality. Very friendly and tend to get along with the opposite gender extremely well. Has strong opinions and is not opposed to sharing them. Very persuasive. Able to maintain a conversation effortlessly. 

Capricorn: High ambitions but often battle with procrastination. Will always have their own self-interests in mind. Has high standards of what they expect and is extremely stubborn. Cannot stand wasting their time. Has the ability to pour their heart and soul into anything and everything. Motherly/fatherly figure. Has a great sense of timing and knows exactly when and when not to say or do something. Patient. Will not make a fool of themselves. 

Aquarius: God-complex. Strong personality. Able to hold an objective opinion on most things. Rarely invest themselves into relationships. May have more acquaintances than close friends. Social butterfly. Needs social interactions to feel energized. Original and unique; they take pride in this. Will seldom follow trends. 

Pisces: Have a tendency to soak up the personalities of those around them. Have an innate desire to be liked and accepted by their peers. Easily influenced and may be prone to drug and alcohol addictions due to this. Very soft and loving individuals. In a constant state of daydreaming. May find themselves being taken advantage of frequently. Extemely intuitive. 


Rising Signs

Rising sign is the cusp of your first house. It sets the tone for the rest of your houses, as well as adds a gloss coating to the individual birth chart as a whole. In essence, Rising sign is the tip of the glacier for the whole person. It’s what the person may show as a default for meeting new people. It also may show what people assume about the native at first glance.

Aries Risings gives the air of Independence. They may have fast, quick movements. They may take risks and be the doers. The first in line, type of ambition. May get scars from reckless adventures. Give the vibe of being brave, and standing up for themselves. True to who they are as a person, and genuine in what they want for themselves. Mars rulership gives them the passion for them to go out and achieve their desires.

Taurus Risings tends to be grounding. Venus gifts them with a natural taste for beauty, fashion, or admiration of the arts in relation to body. Artistic with self in the world. May lean towards natural care or food products. May have an apparent appreciation for music or nature. Possible slow but mindful movements. Can be calming, and give off a “chill” vibe. Doey features, gaze and/or eyes that reflect the natural simplistic depth of the world.

Gemini Risings give off a bubbly vibe. They often have an awkwardly adorable charm. Can be considered ditzy. Can be talkative or a gossip, expressive with hands. May experiment with appearance, such as styles or hair color. May want to appear knowledgable, or just be social. Mercury expands on the need to communicate, especially verbally. Wispy and hard to pin down.

Cancer Risings appears to be almost disconnected. Cancer is very guarded, and can be withdrawn. Intuition is strong. Despite being gaurded, they tend to be emotionally driven, however their true intentions are known to few as they can be very private. The moon here gives them a moonlight glow in their presence, that’s subtle but noticable. Soft features, often leaning feminine in mannerisms.

Leo Risings are the epitome of displaying loud and proud. They tend to be as large as life and light up the room. The sun ruler here makes the person have a glowing-or glaring- presence. They may soak up attention and praise, even subconsciously demand it. They have an air about them that glows and attracts attention, and may appear to have confidence even if it’s not actually present.

Virgo Risings tends to be quiet and observant, paying attention to small details often overlooked by most people. They tend to be critical about their appearance and how the present themselves to the world, usually having a keen idea of how their presence affects other people. Can be shy and withdrawn when first meeting people. Mercury adds a sophistication with language, and a possible anxiety that develops from an overly critical preception of self in relation to the world.

Libra Rising give off a charming and socially sauve vibe. Venus aims to please, particularly Libra blends in any social setting, often refusing to cause any disruption. They tend to mirror what they think people want and aspire to be on friendly terms with everyone involved, regardless of personal feelings. Polite, values manners, and respects unspoken social rules.

Scorpio Risings tend to stand in the back ground and observe. Even the more outgoing ones are observant, constantly reading the vibe of the environment. They are aware of the social undercurrents and want to act strategically. Intense inner vibes that spill into their interactions, intensity is often reflected in gaze and/or eyes. Can be serious but is almost always suspicious of others motives. Pluto here is intense, and people either are drawn to them or repulsed.

Sagittarius Risings display such a carefree vibe, they’re like a breath of freedom. Unmatched in their ability to show off nonchalance in others opinions and be authentically themselves. Jupiter gives them the ability to befriend almost anybody, and without being aware of it they have a light cheery vibe that expands across the room

Capricorn Risings are very serious and almost standoffish. They are not the most social immediately as they carry a weight around them. Serious Outlook and dry humor. Saturn restricts them so they’re not as out going, can accidentally give negative first impressions without meaning to. May come off as a workaholic, or generally tired.

Aquarius Risings is also friendly but in a more detached way. Unconventional and quirky, uncaring if strangers think their wierd but can secretly be self conscious. Uranus gives them a restless energy in crowds and may have an odd mix of being social while being independent. Co-ruler Saturn also can give them a resting bitch face, similar to Capricorn.

Pisces Risings gives off a soft and dreamy vibe. They seem ethernel in this world and can give the feeling of being from a fantasy realm. Can give off the impression of being shy and withdrawn, and dealing with secret fantasies. Neptune gives a glamour effect, in which Pisces may act as a canvas for other people’s personal ambitions.


aries moons light up like summer sunrise

taurus moons glisten like manuka honey

gemini moons flicker like candles

cancer moons shine like full moon

leo moons glitter like golden coins

virgo moons refract like precious jewels

libra moons sparkle like silver bangles

scorpio moons burn like midnight embers

sagittarius moons run like wildfires

capricorn moons smoulder like charcoal

aquarius moons dance like chandeliers

pisces moons reflect like lakes


The signs when:

They’ve cursed in front of children and someone yells “THERE’S CHILDREN!”

Oh! I mean Sugar Honey Iced Tea!: Taurus, Pisces, Libra, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini

I repeat, oh shit. : Scorpio, Aries, Cancer, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius


The signs most to least likely to burn down a cafe for not sugaring their coffee














the sides of the signs

aries at their best: funny, clever, charming, easy to get along with, good listener

aries at their worst: laughs at you rather than with you, complains about everything, holds grudges

taurus at their best: non judgmental, light hearted, good at giving advice, patient

taurus at their worst: stubborn, selfish, short tempered, close minded

gemini at their best: generous, funny, entertaining, emotional

gemini at their worst: sneaky, manipulative, selfish

cancer at their best: quick witted, talented, friendly, easy going

cancer at their worst: overly sarcastic, hard to reach, whiney

leo at their best: giving, loving, passionate, tasteful

leo at their worst: arrogant, entitled, whiney

virgo at their best: smart, rational, down to earth, caring

virgo at their worst: insensitive, oblivious, passive aggressive

libra at their best: sweet, funny, loyal, understanding

libra at their worst: cold, passive, bottle up their anger

scorpio at their best: loving, faithful, put together, keep you on your toes

scorpio at their worst: spiteful, quick to snap, hates to admit their faults

sagittarius at their best: trend setter, clever, bold, funny

sagittarius at their worst: malicious, jealous, doesn’t know when to quit

capricorn at their best: ambitious, clear headed, makes wise choices, knows what they want

capricorn at their worst: unfeeling, too objective, cynical

aquarius at their best: attractive personality, mysterious, likes to learn, quirky

aquarius at their worst: withdrawn, doesn’t communicate well, represses emotions

pisces at their best: positive, lovable, knowledgable, approachable

pisces at their worst: beats themselves up over flaws, overshares, too trusting

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