
No Capes!

@themidnightmaven / themidnightmaven.tumblr.com

Edna Mode ... and Guest!

hot take: Pippin is the only one of the hobbits who is ‘team Arwen’ in the ‘who is the most beautiful woman in the world’ argument

Pippin, after being formally introduced to Arwen for the first time: hey Merry. do you think if I asked nicely enough she’d marry me instead?

Merry: Pippin. *lays a comforting hand on his shoulder*

Merry: I think it is worth a shot.

Pippin: got it *wanders away*

Frodo: why would you do that

Merry: I want to see if he’ll really try it

Aragorn accepts the challenge knowing full well that, as he can literally read minds, it is impossible to beat him at rock paper scissors.

Aren’t you forgetting the minor detail that Pippin would likely never think of which one he will throw?

consider: Aragorn accepts the challenge assuming he’ll win easily. Pippin wins immediately.

Arwen: well, now I must marry him. we ageed.

Pippin: :D

Aragorn: Arwen please

Arwen: I love my tiny fiance

I love it

Elrond: I don’t like it either but you agreed that if he beat you in fair combat then he could marry Arwen

Elrond: so now my daughter must marry this hobbit

Arwen: I’m comfortable with that

Aragorn: please this isn’t funny

Arwen: you should have thought of that before you accepted the challenge, I’m engaged to Pippin now.

Pippin: listen I know this isn’t actually going to end with me marrying you but this is still the best day of my life so far


medieval backstreet boys: you are… my friar


kitchen appliance backstreet boys: you are... my fryer

employer backstreet boys: you are... my hire


ancient greek backstreet boys: you are… my lyre

electrician backstreet boys: you are... my wire

Driving backstreet boys: you are… my tire

appliance backstreet boys: you are... my dryer


[hits side of cd player so that it stops time traveling and gets to the next fucking line dammit]


wizard backstreet boys: the one… descryer


funeral director backstreet boys: bereave, when I say


ghost backstreet boys: I haunt it that way

backstreet boys doing Saul Goodman cosplay: Tell me, White

cowboy backstreet boys: ain't nothing but a cow tame

educational tv backstreet boys: tell me, Nye

Fast food backstreet boys: ain't nothin but a milkshake


Deli customer backstreet boys: Sell me rye

Afraid of sleeping backstreet boys: I never want to hit the hay


Fashion designer backstreet boys: I flaunt it that way


Step one: Identify a musical theatre nerd. No, not you.

Step two: ask them how many minutes are in this year?

Step three: wait for them to take a deep breath.

Step four: remind them it’s a leap year.

Step five: watch as math and scansion collide head on.


Charles Dickens stared.

It was a good stare. Men with eyebrows like that tended to have good stares. He stared at the scene before him like an artist studying the work of a master, pouring over every detail, canyons of cogitation forming in the furrows of his magnificent eyebrows.

He said: “I think I’ve got it, now.”

The time traveller blinked. “Yeah?”

“This device-” Dickens gestured vaguely. “It might be an elaborate zoetrope. The players are not actually performing, but we see a succession of images that are played so quickly, the eye is fooled into believing that they may be so.”

“That’s. Definitely a way of looking at it.”

“And in this instance, the zoetrope is depicting something like a Punch and Judy show,” said Dickens. “Only by some cleverness, the professor operating the puppets has managed to make himself invisible.”

“Could be.”

Dickens sat back. “Then really, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Although I do have one question.”


“Why is Bob Cratchit a frog?”

The time traveller considered this. “Well,” he started. He stopped. “I guess - why not a frog?”

Charles Dickens’s magnificent eyebrows knotted together. Then he nodded. “Fair enough.”

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