
18 Bb



I just want to make you absolutely fucking addicted to what it feels like to fuck me


no i don’t have an “astigmatism” i can just see the halos of the angels that live in car head lights that you losers are too spiritually closed off to see


nothing in the world makes me more evil than just being kind of annoyed

me when i'm in genuine agonising distress: i'm so sorry if i'm bothering you with my childish histrionics :/

me when i'm just in a bit of a bad mood: i hope hydrogen bombs fall on every living thing in the universe


He doesn't say 'I forgive you' because he thinks a demon is trying to corrupt him.

He doesn't say 'I forgive you' because Crowley loves him and something about that (or about Crowley) is inherently dirty.

Crowley thinks angels and demons seem pointless, and would love nothing more than to do what Beelzebub and Gabriel do, running off together and leaving the whole mess to sort themselves out. But Aziraphale still believes in what he thinks being an angel should be.

He's expanded that definition to allow more gray and has come around to thinking that he and Crowley, and not the people running things, have the right of it. But he believes in goodness and enjoys doing good for others. He wants to show that goodness off and be proud of it. He's happy to be (seemingly) shown by Metatron that he can do all the things that make him a 'bad angel' and not only be a good angel, but an exemplary one.

Aziraphale wanting to restore Crowley isn't to fix Crowley, it's to fix Heaven. He thinks that the right person in charge can still fix a horrific mistake that was made thousands of years ago, whoever made it, why-ever it was made. He doesn't want that power, but he does want that chance, for Crowley, for both their sakes and their safety. Aziraphale repeatedly says he wants and needs Crowley with him.

To him, Crowley has rejected that. To him, Crowley has cranked up the speed to impossible levels, with an overwhelming passion, to convince Aziraphale to leave behind a big part of his identity just for him.

Aziraphale is hearing: 'Here are all the feelings we've both always wanted to express. But you have to come with me. You have to leave everything else behind, because it's a mess and it's not important. All that matters is us. And if you can't agree to that, then 'us' can't happen.'

That is what Aziraphale forgives him for.


Skelanimals & Ruby Gloom Toilet Mats

Someone on Facebook suggested I make Ruby Gloom toilet mats, so here they are! I wanted to make a Skelanimals toilet mat too, so I just put the swatches together in one file. I hope you like!🥰 

8 Swatches

*Base Game Compatible*


Patreon (Free)


so glad all of my favorite couples found happiness in the acofaf finale. rue and hob... binx and andhera..... lord squak airavis and Real Life Actor Jeremy Renner........


everything everywhere all at once is about intergenerational trauma. about depression and passive suicidality and the gravitational appeal of nothingness. about aging, getting older in your twenties and getting older in your fifties. about the specific hurt mothers can cause their daughters and daughters their mothers. about the harsh reality of the immigrant experience and the american dream. but it’s mostly about kindness and family and it’s about choosing to sit at home talking about taxes with someone who loves you, and it’s about telling your daughter that you’d choose her over the entire universe, and it’s about how even in the universes where life didn’t form, love can still exist. and it’s really all of that at once.


Important Message Regarding The BTWG Taglist!!!

Hi there lovelies <3

So with my frequent absence and terrible posting schedule, i've noticed a LOT less people are interested in By The Witch's Grace and thats fine honestly! People move on, get different interests, etcetera so im not really upset over it

Because if this though, I dont want to inconvenience individuals by being tagged in a fic they arent interested in anymore, so! I will not be tagging anyone else in updated chapters unless they interact with this post in any way (liking, commenting, reblogging) or by messaging me privately because my dms are always open.

Thank you and I hope you have a great day and life <3 i love you all dearly and i thank you for letting me do this and displaying interest to keep me going

(previously tagged people below the 'keep reading' so dont worry, no more info)


Sometimes a family can be a recently opened cold one, an ace engineer, an ex-con priest, a lesbian pirate doctor, a survivalist expert with a tragic past, an emotional support himbo, a mad scientist, and a roomba.


neutral, chap. 14 (dream smp x reader)

series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.

chapter summary it’s hell in neutral. though they manage little moments of their usual amusement, the arguments between dream and technoblade are inevitable in your presence. not even an hour into the interaction, tommy watches you finally lose your temper with dream.

warnings! swearing, mentions of injury, verbal fighting, manipulation, explicit mention and detail of blood, accidental harm, so much angst

IMPORTANT neutral will now officially be updating every friday!! so have this, and i’ll catch you guys again on friday <33

gif cred belongs to @netheriteaxe

tommy and y/n found themselves in the middle of a glaring match in the foyer of the home. on one end, technoblade stood proud and strong, vermillion eyes looking his opposition up and own. on the other, only dream’s pursed lips were visible under his smiling mask, which seemed more condescending in the present context. tommy waited with baited breath for one of them to move, or speak, or even blink.

but y/n took charge of the situation first. “alright,” she sighed, stepping forward and more into view of them. both men’s eyes turned to her immediately. “you both know the rules. weapons in the bin, armor in the bin. breakfast will be ready soon.” neither of them moved, but she still turned to look at tommy. “tommy?”

“coming,” he nodded, his voice quieter than he intended. but he still followed her into the kitchen, leaving the glaring men behind. once far enough away from them, tommy spoke quietly, “this isn’t going to go well, is it?”

“i can’t predict them,” y/n answered with a stressed sigh. tommy had to remind himself that just two minutes ago she had been kissed by the other man who had fought for her love. or at least, what was left of that man. “for now, we finish breakfast. what should we have with french toast?”

“fruit,” tommy answered.

“good call.”

soon enough, they heard the eventual clatter of armor being removed and placed in the front bin, and soon, the unamused men were in the kitchen. tommy was terrified to move a muscle, once again. he knew the two powerful men could get along, but in the presence of the woman whose war they both fought in.. it was less than likely.

“did you sleep well, clay?” y/n hummed politely as she continued her cooking. the masked man offered her a nod that she just barely turned and caught. “good.” as she shuffled off a piece of done toast, she continued, “it’s good to see you again, techno. is the shoulder holding up well?”


Tag list for:

By The Witch's Grace

Like my series and want to make sure you stay up to date on the next chapters? Oh boy do I have the thing for you.

I have a tag list now!! This post will be for those that want to join or be taken off the tag list.

  • To join, interact with this post in any way
  • Do not interact if you do not want to be tagged in this series

Tag list:

(cannot tag)@curliknotz


Hello! I just finished “The Way of the House Husband “ which if you don’t know is about a retired yakuza going pro at the duties of a stay-at-home spouse. It sounds a bit familiar right? So im thinking of retired techno x gn reader who does most of his previous work like farming wither skulls and such.


Sure thing! Enjoy a little soft retired Technoblade!

Au: Dream SMP
Character: Technoblade
Pronouns: They/Them
Brief Desc: N/A
Warnings: None

After the news of Technoblade’s retirement spread, people were fighting for his title. Everyone wanted to be the new Blood God, but the second you stepped into the ring? Everyone left. You were Technoblade’s betrothed, of course everyone backed down. Lord only knows if he’d step out of retirement if you got hurt. That and he’s been training you for years now. So you gained the title of Blood God after your soon to be Husband.

Currently you had just come home from farming some wither skulls, just like your lover used to do with you. You sighed and crunched through the snow. You’re just glad to be out of the nether, it’s literally hell in there, let alone how hot that place is when you’re in a full suit of armor. Had you been part Piglin like your lover, perhaps it wouldn’t have bothered you as much.

You made your way to the front door and knocked, very quickly being greeted by Techno in a kiss the cook apron. You snickered at the sight, You still don’t regret buying that for him when he said he was going to retire. Hell Youre shocked you managed to convince him to keep it, let alone wear it. It looked a little silly considering even now he wore his crown.

“Hey, how was your trip?” The male stepped to the side and made his way back into the kitchen. You quickly unloaded all the bones, coal and skulls into a side chest.

“Ah, successful as always.” You raised your voice in response, removing your armor and putting it away before joining your beloved in the kitchen. There was your future husband, hair braided back neatly and eyes trained on his cooking. You remember with a smile how he used to look before he settled into a peaceful retirement, with his long hair messy yet still well groomed. The only real difference was in the scent of his hair. He smelled like strawberries now rather then ash, which was a welcomed change. He looked so much more comfortable when he wasn’t chopping off heads or planning his next attack.

You’re glad to see he finds his new quiet life comfortable, and to be honest? You don’t mind taking on all his old tasks. The hunting, the collecting, trading. It was all so nice to do. It kept you busy and you loved that. Plus, you got to come home everyday to the sight of your lover looking relaxed. You shook your head, Techno was much to busy to notice your staring. You watched him cut the vegetables precisely, yet with extreme accuracy.

You stood behind him, wrapping your arms around his larger frame and lightly pressed your head against his back. The male didn’t get stiff like he used to, he simply made a hum in acknowledgment and continued with his work.

“What’s cookin good lookin?” You asked with a smirk, Techno snorted out a little wheezing laugh and shook his head.

“I’m making rabbit stew and baked potatoes, sound good?”

“Sounds absolutely delicious.”

“Good because I’m not making a new meal.” You knew that was a lie, if you didn’t like the food he’d have made you a separate dish. He’d do it even if you protested. After all, his new favorite hobbies were gardening and cooking.

“Yeah Yeah, you gonna read to me while it cooks?”

“Not until tonight Love, you know that. I have to finish cleaning and you,” the pink haired man pulled your hands off him and turned, “need a shower.”

You laughed, you knew damn well you had to look like a wreck, covered in soot and bone fragments. The man smiled down at you, cradling one of your cheeks in his warm hand. He leaned down and kissed your forehead with a mumbled ‘I love you so much (Y/n)’. It almost made you cry, hearing him say that always tugged on your heart strings. He used to always be so cold and battle ready, opening up enough to express his love used to be so hard for him. You think his retirement has really done some good.

“Alright, Go shower now (Y/n). I’m not letting you eat while you’re dirty.” You laughed again and stood on your tip toes, just high enough to reach the mans cheek and gave him a kiss.

“Care to join me? Maybe we can take a bubble bath?” You pleaded with a hopeful grin. The half piglin man turned to you and gave your forehead one more kiss.

“Alright fine, we can take a bath together, let me put all this away properly so I can finish when we’re done okay? I’ll meet you upstairs.” You cheered in excitement and happily scurried your way up the stairs.

new series ayo? 👀 we'll see how long my motivation lasts haha :'D not sure if i want this to be romantic or not, too.. so many possibilities this story can take

trigger warnings: mentions of blood, corpses, and generally anything that has to do with a battle

Sword clattering soundlessly to the ground, you stood there in silence, not noticing the cold enveloping you. Chills wracked your body — not from the icy wind pelting at your figure, but from the view you had — as you held your hand to you mouth at the sight you beheld—

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