



I think we need to normalize the idea of marrying friends. I don’t mean in a “the best romantic relationships come from the best friendships” type way, though I do believe that’s true. I mean in a “I have zero romantic feelings for you, but I would totally spend the rest of my life committed to a future where you are my primary partner and maybe even raise a family together” type way.

Like, I don’t think it should be an aromantic-exclusive option, or a plan B when you and your best friend are still single at 40 and want to take yourselves out of the dating market.

I’ve heard it mostly as that backup plan, that “if I don’t find anyone, I’ll just marry Trish haha”, and I don’t think that’s even what I’m talking about normalizing. That’s a secondary outcome, seen as “giving up” on finding “real love”, and even if a pair of friends go for it, it’s plagued with this general feeling of “sub par”.

What I mean is that marrying a best friend (or having a committed intimate or emotional platonic relationship) should be seen as just as worth doing as marrying someone you’re in love with. It should be normal for teenagers to try as many committed friendships as they do romantic relationships. It should be normal for someone to say “this is my best friend and if everything works out, maybe we’ll move in together later” or “Trish and I have been roommates for two years now. We’re considering adopting soon, or Trish might carry a child!”

And as an aromantic person, it shouldn’t be strange for me to say “I prefer friendship to romance”. People should hear that and nod their heads like “that’s understandable. John feels the same.”

Hell, I see so many people expressing that they prefer their friends’ company to their romantic partner’s. “My friends understand me better and I think treat me better” and they’re expected to go home to this person, to marry and have kids with this person. It’s bizarre to me. Your platonic feelings for your friend aren’t inferior to your romantic feelings for your boyfriend, and if one of them treats you better than the other, I think you should probably rethink which one is your primary partner.

I also find it strange that it’s not more common in poly spaces for a friend to be considered a legitimate “partner”. In a world where friendships were just as likely to bloom into life partnerships as romantic relationships, I think polyamory would be much more commonplace. “I committed to Josephine about a year ago and now we own a home, but I fell in love with Joe about six months ago and we’re all trying to make it work.” Josephine shouldn’t have to worry about her partner leaving her for Joe just because their bond is romantic and therefore the “sensible” relationship to choose over the other.

I’m just ranting at this point, but I reiterate: committed friendships should not be seen as strange and “sad”, but as a legitimate option for a lifetime commitment. Not just for aromantics like myself, but for everyone. It should just be normal.

And not to be presumptuous, but I don’t think I’m alone in this thinking


Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t


“You’d be surprised”, said Xaldien, who just lost four followers and received a lovely “men can’t be raped” anon shortly after reblogging this the first time.

Yowch, disgusting.

If I don’t reblog this, assume I’m dead.

If you don’t, please just unfollow me, because I don’t want those ideals on my blog.


experiment goal: to determine whether smarties are an effective tea sweetener

hypothesis: smarties will sweeten the tea, but also introduce unwelcome flavor profiles due to their flavoring

procedure: procured one cup (≈12 fl oz) of Barry’s Tea Gold Blend black tea, hot. added 2/3 of a single roll of smarties candy (10 candies). wait for candies to dissolve, then stir well. tea will be sampled after stirring concludes.

addendum: control group was used. control sample consisted of one cup of the same type of tea, sweetened with white sugar. results will depend on the relative tastes of the control and smarties tea

results: smarties tea was significantly more bitter and less sweet than sugar tea. additionally, the smarties failed to dissolve in the expected manner, and when stirred, ended up breaking down into particulates that refused to dissolve. 

conclusions: because of the chemical/structural makeup of smarties, they do not function well as an ad hoc tea sweetener because of their reluctance to break down. it may be the case that crushed smarties would work better, but this experiment was intended to study how normal, uncrushed smarties would work as a sweetener


reblog if you believe in platonic soulmates

i’m trying to prove to a friend that sometimes the most important and reliable and passionate relationships aren’t romantic


This is a reminder that you don’t need dysphoria of any kind to be nonbinary.

Also, f*ck all those who try to make you feel guilty for not experiencing it!


Why is guard considered a "girl's sport" if it's considered a sport at all?

A few classmates of mine (football players, who else) had the gall to tell me today that guard isn’t even a sport and it’s “just a girl’s thing anyway”.

Sometimes I want to hit people like that upside the jaw. With my rifle. Although that would be cruel to Igg.

Guard is not a “girl’s sport”. Guard is a sport. The only reason there are not so many guys on my team is that people like those two football boys say it’s too “girly”, so guys don’t bother to join.

But one of my captains is a boy and he’s honestly the best person on our team. One of my best friends in guard, one of my best friends PERIOD, is a boy and he loves guard more than anything in this world. Guard has kept him happy, alive, and out of trouble, and it’s so much fun for him too. The third boy on our team just tried out today and you can see how much he already enjoys spinning rifle. He got near-perfect flourishes in under a day, people. That’s not something you do because a sport is “too girly” for you, a male.

Just because we bleed out of a few different places, just because we have the ability to create new life, just because we have slightly different bodies DOES NOT MEAN that guard is limited to us.

Just because guard involves dancing and spinning pretty things and wearing makeup DOES NOT MEAN boys can’t be in it too.

Fragile masculinity, people who are anti-guard, and people who think guard’s a “girly sport” get on my nerves.

To those people: MAN UP. Have you ever tried to spin a rifle? Have you ever gotten bruises on your arm from sabre? Have you ever pulled multiple muscles trying to master a dance move? Have you ever tried to do a routine with a very large and heavy piece of equipment while looking UP, AWAY from the equipment? And SMILING? Showing EMOTION? Running a show nonstop on a floor or a field for up to ten minutes?

I didn’t think so. Man up, and grow up. And try out for guard.


“I’m finally going to write! I have a great idea!”

hey i’m super late to the party but ur friendly internet poet here to Stop This Madness before you Become The Madness. 

i kind of think of the blank page of ms word as like. when you walk through a doorway into a room and are like “wtf was i even doing.” for some reason our brain sees blank and then draws a blank. and ur like. i was actually really excited about that 45 seconds ago?? come back idea we can still be friends!!

so how do you. not do that? here are some tips that i just PERSONALLY LEARNED and aren’t like. purdue university. 

  • don’t you dare even look at tumblr or any other site tbh just get out asap
  • if you have trouble detaching from reality, have an emergency Music Bin of classical music/instrumental/video game music saved on ur computer. Not the internet. not the internet. bc you type “youtube” in the url bar, goodbye cruel world. 3 AM and you’re watching compilations of cats talking. just have it saved somewhere on ur library and hit play. block out the noise of the Rest of the World.
  • the sound of rain/mood/white noise helps, there’s a bunch of sites for that, but tbh just download rain sounds from youtube when you’re bored one day so you don’t get lost in one of those ~calming masterposts~
  • if something is Immediately Pressing, try to “write” internally and do the thing at the same time - i can’t tell you how many good ideas i’ve had while making myself a sandwich. being away from the blank page and handling my hunger help.
  • don’t wait. write it now. NOW. now. not “after scrolling another second” no now , right now. i have left bed at 2 AM to write. you gotta #commit bc the truth is if you don’t, you have the worst anticlimax when your brain lets you down. it gave you a gift and you said you’d open it later and now it’s mad at you. don’t do that. just open the gift.
  • don’t fear. if it comes out bad it’s still OUT. writers live in the Void Of Self-Doubt, where sometimes we’re like “how can i do this idea justice?” and we get so tangled in being good enough for it that we never do it. who cares if you accidentally write like 3 sentences where u meant to write 16 pages. it just means that you’re concise as hell my guy. it’s always easier to build from something than nothing.
  • fuck everything else. if your brain is like “!!!!!!!!!!!” like mine is (24-7 my guy) it’s hard to “turn it off” how do you write when everything is crowded up there? my solution is to turn the writing up. turn up your imagination so loud it shouts down everything else. you can’t make inspiration but when you start thinking, those cogs get turning. and everything else drowns out. THE SCARY SCARY DURING:
  • fuck ms word. it’s so blank!!! tbh a lot of my writing gets started ANYWHERE ELSE, bc i can’t look at a blank page without getting Writer Sweats. start it at the bottom of your english essay. type it in a tumblr text box so it’s lowkey and not official. i have a saved document of just like … half-stories or story ideas and bc they’re not Official, they can be weird and painless and quick.
  • you gotta write bad stuff before you learn to write good stuff so who cares if it’s not poe like it’s yours just keep writing even if it doesn’t “measure up” to what you want it to exactly look like.
  • don’t start at the beginning, fuck the beginning. your brain started with the idea halfway, right? so you start there too. sometimes i just pick up in the middle of a sentence - “and it was good enough, at last.” who cares what happens before that, my idea starts there, so i’m gonna start there! 
  • on that note, trust your readers. half the time i just decide - u know what, i see this world like this, and you can catch up as i go. a writer when you sit there and have to explain “in this world mice are hording your secrets and They Know,” great, now you’ve written the whole story in one sentence. just write it and let ppl figure it out. don’t waste the inspiration trying to explain the rules behind your floating city. write the city and run in it while you have the energy. 
  • parts missing? like you just really have a setting there but wtf is the plot gonna be? or holy shit a character with bazookas for hands!! handgun guy!!! but like in what world — yeah it happens to all of us. the thing is, instead of being like “this is nothing,” remind yourself you have so much to explore because you just fucking invented something. even if you write fanfic and the world is already there and stuff like that - dang son explore everything. is there dust in the house is he allergic to cats what’s it like in the forest are there many dogs? does he like being kissed upside down how’s that desk they keep doing it on and what has it seen poor thing. and when you start that, you realize - wait! that’s the story! the desk breaks or family shows up and asks to buy it (why won’t u just sell it, laura dear, u hardly do any real work at it) - that’s where it’s all hiding. think of ur brain as giving you the whole idea every time - it’s just up to you to look. 
  • don’t edit fuck editing you’ll get around to it eventually
  • “oh i changed a rule i should go back” no don’t you’ll get to it eventually, just keep writing
  • “does this sound natural?” who cares just write
  • fuck it sometimes i literally will change what i’m saying in the middle of a sentence but instead of deleting i just keep it up because then i’m not starting back at the top 
  • grammar is a silly silly myth and you can break it with your big strong lobster claws and i even hope you do break it
  • meaning if you’re like me and sometimes don’t write in Caps or you start going forwards in Txt speech it literally doesn’t matter just go, heck, once i was in the flow and instead of writing a response for something i just had a character say “>:I” and it worked.
  • if none of the above is even helping not at all: DON’T CLOSE IT. SIT . BE GOOD.  SIIIITTTTT…. SIT. stare at it. stare it down. when u give up too fast the idea is like “fine. i wasn’t good enough to fight for? bye.” i would say that the average “stare-down” time i’d give an idea before giving up on it is 15 minutes. not 15 “changing the tab to be on fb” minutes. 15 don’t you dare look at anything else minutes. bc chances are? minute 5 your brain will become Bored - and it will open up bc it’s like “fine fuck you if this is all we’re gonna focus on let’s go.” THE GRUESOME AFTERMATH:
  • go get water and pat yourself on the back kid
  • even if it went badly do that bc writing is hard and you tried your best 

according to hetero dating law the girl shouldn’t pay for her meal which, logically, means that if two girls go on a date together nobody pays and they get everything for free but the catch is that they have to stand the whole time bc no one can pull out a chair


declan’s 8 year old cousin gabriel has come up with a perfect solution! yes, he admits, it’s true that in order for a date to be sufficiently romantic the man has to pay. when asked how best to preserve the romantic mood if two women go on a date, gabe suggests they simply get the attention of the nearest man and request he pay for their dinner. crowd-funded lesbianism, what a beautiful concept

reblogging this again for the crowd-funded lesbianism tbh


Being a witch is not the highest paid job in the world.


I would kill for a companion piece to this, where she gets her hat..

Im sobbing.

no seriously why hasn’t any replied to this image with a picture of her in the pretty hat c’mon tumblr please

Well it’s not much, but here’s a comic: 



Reblog every one of these happy end comics I don’t even care


Forever reblog. ❤️

Why yes, I will always reblog the happy endings people have given to this illustration. BECAUSE THAT DELIGHTFUL ELDERLY WITCH DESERVES TO BE HAPPY WITH THE FANCY PURPLE HAT.

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