
Mellivora 🦡


Hi, I’m a plus sized gal, 21, and sometimes write stuff! 18+ only, Minors do not interact. Have a great day! ❤️

list of mundane things that feel like ancient human rituals

  • cleaning or wipe your bare feet
  • breaking off a piece of bread and handing it to someone
  • putting the weight of a basket on your hip or head
  • eating nuts or berries while hunched over close to the ground
  • seeing something startling just out of your line of sight and very quickly stepping or leaping on to a larger object to get a better view
  • cupping your hands into running water to wash your face
  • the unanimous protection of a baby or child in a public space where women are present
  • when an elderly woman laughs and grips your forearm tightly

May I add?

  • Touching someone’s face with the back of your hand to see if they have a fever
  • Stopping to watch animals moving in groups (geese, fish, horses, butterflies, bees)
  • Helping an elderly person to walk or sit
  • telling stories around a fire
  • huddling together for warmth when it’s cold
  • marveling at sunlight through leaves
  • wonderment at the brightness of a full moon
  • bringing food to sick or grieving families

Mental Crop Rotation

When farmers grow the same crop too many years in a row, it can leave their soil depleted of minerals and other nutrients that are vital to the health of their fields.

To avoid this, farmers will often alternate the crops that they grow because some plants will use up different minerals (such as nitrogen) while other plants replenish those minerals. This process is known as “crop rotation.”

So the next time you find that you need to step away from a project to work on something else for a while, don’t beat yourself up for “quitting” that project. Give yourself permission to practice “mental crop rotation” to maintain a healthy brain field.

Because I’ve found that when that unnecessary guilt and pressure are removed from the process, a good mental crop rotation can help you feel more energized and invigorated than ever once you’re ready to rotate back to that project.

: A crucial part of crop rotation is that the field is let fallow sometimes. You plant what’s called a “cover crop”, which is something you don’t expect to harvest– it’s there for its roots to hold the soil in place, and often it’ll be what’s called a nitrogen-fixer, i.e. a plant that can pull nitrogen out of the air and fix it into the soil with its roots (but sometimes it won’t, sometimes it’s really just there to shelter the soil surface), and then you’ll till in that cover crop, or let the frost kill it and the stalks lie as mulch, and then you’ll rotate productive crops back into that field the next season. 

It’s important, though, to understand that during the fallow period, no nutrients are removed from that ground, and nothing is expected of it. Whatever the land grows then, it keeps, and it gets tilled back in or decomposes in place, to return its energy to the earth.

We’re not allowed, in our current society, to just let our minds be fallow for a bit, to produce nothing for export, to make nothing that can be sold. But it’s part of good land stewardship, to give every field time when it doesn’t need to give you anything back. 

So yes, grow and produce different things from time to time, rotate them around your mind and exercise different mental muscles, take different things from your creative processes, yes– but also, give yourself a fallow spell now and again, and let the field of your mind grow things for itself to keep, to break down and save for later. 

Positive mental health AND agriculture??!?

*slams reblog button*


I could fix him. I could make him worse. Good for you. I could gently take the weapon out of his shaking, blood-soaked hand and hold him until he finally believes that he doesn't have to be defined by all the ways the world has hurt him. Then we could ruin the lives of everyone who has ever treated him like he's a monster who doesn't deserve love.


I’m done w diagnoses there’s nothing wrong w me. I’m just a bit peculiar and eccentric


people when mental illness actually makes you unpalatable and disappointing instead of just making you quirky online


I mean to be fair, same


all a girlie needs is to be surrounded by her trinkets and have ambient lighting and maybe an open window with a slight breeze


boromir was genuinely a good guy who cared about his people so passionately and he actually cared about the members of the fellowship and tried to teach the hobbits to swordfight and he was the only one who actually offered some comfort to gimli when he found out his cousin was dead and and he CARRIED merry and pippin up the mountain and over the broken bridge he tried to make aragorn give everyone just a few minutes to mourn gandalf and THEN when he found out the ring was corrupting his mind and that he attacked frodo he literally started crying in digust of himself and tried to apologize and then he DIED saving merry and pippin and god i am so emotional over boromir


they need to invent a food that i do not have to do any work to prepare and also is cheap and also is nutritious and also tastes good and also that doesn’t hurt my tummy


some SICK FUCK just responded to a FIVE YEAR OLD COMMENT I left on a Hamilton animatic to say "I don't actually care about this comment, I just wanted to remind you you had a Hamilton phase 5 years ago". What kind of MALICIOUS,

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