
Miniature Space Hamster

@miniature-space-hamster / miniature-space-hamster.tumblr.com

Disaster Bisexual with a Mass Effect side blog that kinda just became a weird mix of everything. 18+. AO3

white people go like “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman evil character as a poc?” and not wait for an answer

white people go “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman good character as a white person?” and not wait for an answer

white people can rb but please do not clown

white people really cant give a shit abt anyone but themselves unless held at gunpoint or smth huh?

“what about the poor little white kids just trying to have fun?” what about the poor little kids of color made to feel unsafe and unwelcome in a space that was supposed to be fun?

“why can’t poc just make their own redesigns and we can keep these ones” why cant you realize that your actions have consequences and that you should maybe try to not enforce racist stereotypes??

like ofc its ideal to have VARIETY among both villains AND protagonists, its when your characters look like this

that the issue arises

scratch “can”, white people are encouraged to reblog


[Image description: 3 white stickmen labeled as "good guys" and 3 Brown stickmen labeled as "bad guys". End image description.]


this guy at the bar came up and asked me “what gives you the balls to just dye your hair blue?” and i was too drunk to think of anything witty so i just sneered and said “my balls”


i love when pets huff or sigh dramatically. like i am sorry. you're so right. you live such a laborious life. it must be so difficult to take naps and get pet and fed treats and played with all day. really a packed schedule youve got there boss. how do you manage it all. well no matter i'd say it's time for your well earned 7th afternoon nap


for anyone who hasn't gotten access to the feature yet—discord is testing out a new feature that tells you when a user was last online. it's visible both in DMs and in servers. the activity tracking seems to be done client-side, and closing/refreshing the app will refresh it. all users, even those who can't see the "recently online" status yet, currently have this activity shared.

if you're like me, you probably don't want everyone you share servers with or DM to be able to have this level of access to your activity. there is currently no setting that allows a user to turn off this feature. I've changed my status to invisible for the time being, and I sincerely hope that this feature is either rolled back or becomes opt-out


From what I recall, the first time I saw 'rainbow capitalism' from a big brand was this image from Oreo in 2012.

It created a lot of controversy. Calls for boycotts and such. But Oreo didn't take it down. They were unapologetic and didn't try to appease the homophobes or backtrack.

And I know this sounds weird, but it was like a shift. Proof that public opinion or acceptance of queerness was widespread enough for a company to consider it profitable.


Punishing companies for catering to our preferences is the opposite of useful.

Adding on that it is actually disturbing this year to see how quiet many companies are about Pride this year.

It means the bigoted backlash last year made strides in convincing many major brands to not support queerness and to push it all back in the closet.

This is the opposite of good.

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