
Michael Nordeman Photography

@michaelnordeman / michaelnordeman.tumblr.com

I live in eastern Värmland, Sweden, and my Tumblr features pictures I take of the nature that surrounds me. Birds, squirrels, plants, bugs. // All pictures: © Michael Nordeman // Contact: micke (at) michaelnordeman.se

hello, longtime fan here! may i ask out of all the types of birds that you're familiar with, are there any songs or calls from them which tickle your fancy?


Hi there! Great question! Honestly, I find it impossible to choose a favourite bird sound because I adore them all. From the gentle co-co-coo-ing of the wood pigeon to the intricate melodies of the song thrush, each one holds its own charm. Personally, I'm captivated by the haunting call of the black woodpecker and the majestic trumpet of the crane. The cheerful tunes of the robin and the chaffinch never fail to lift my spirits. Additionally, I love the lively song of the small wren and the delightful crackling it makes as it hops from branch to branch. Even the sounds of birds that some (city people?) might find bothersome, like gulls, magpies, fieldfares, and jackdaws, bring me absolute joy.

Ironically, what I find less appealing are the sounds of human activity and machinery. But I recall an incident when I mistook the repetitive chirping of a starling for a car alarm. It just goes to show the remarkable diversity of birds; they can even annoy me!

What about you? Do you have a favourite bird sound?And everyone else here - feel free to comment! :)


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