
Bryn's Art


Mostly FE fanart focused on Elibe and anything else that catches my eye!

The thing about flip phones is they would cover the screen when not in use which was good for safety because nowdays the internet demons can escape through the screen into the real world when you’re not looking because nobody seals the portal anymore


you can never convince me the current sapphic pop scene or whatever it's called is dire when 5 years ago they were trying to get you to listen to king princess

honey this record is a thicc queen


I have a sim that looks like her (hair: wings er0612 in nhs system). She died in a fire while making a mac n cheese because I forgot to buy a fire alarm.


Reblog if you want to drink the murky and sinister drinks in Team Galactic’s Fridge

[Image description: a screenshot from Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, which shows Dawn standing in front of the fridge in Team Galactic’s base. A dialogue box reads, “The refrigerator is filled with murky, sinister drinks and nothing else…” End image description]


Whoa, that's some wild white spotting! I did a little looking, though, and it doesn't match known patterns of other depigmentation conditions, so white spotting is likely all it is! Always kinda cool when it gets all funky like this.

Thus, this is a black solid with high white!


“I am typing these words as June 2003 surges with Pride. What year is it now, as you read them? What has been won; what has been lost? I can’t see from here; I can’t predict. But I know this: You are experiencing the impact of what we in the movement take a stand on and fight for today. The present and past are the trajectory of the future. But the arc of history does not bend towards justice automatically—as the great Abolitionist Frederick Douglass observed, without struggle there is no progress . . .”

- Leslie Feinberg


Hey shout out to every custodial/sanitation worker taking out and cleaning up literal hot garbage so that the rest of us can go about our summer days like it doesn’t exist

Glad to see this resonated with someone, respect custodial staff or die<3


sometimes when someone makes a post that they desperately want to get popular they'll tag it with like. #funny #memes #lol and shit

i think this is fundamentally a little bit craven because... posts get popular mostly by luck, right? you can't tag your way into getting lucky, it's pathetic death of a salesman shit

but also, it delights me to conjure this image of a tumblr user who logs into the site and then immediately begins carefully scrolling through the #funny tag like they're on a meme subreddit. I'm sure there are people who do this but it seems so alien to me

You’re very true and right but I also think it would be great if we made this blow up just for the irony of you tagging it like that

Investing at 23 notes


let's make this happen

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