
@just-an-anxious-ball-of-flesh / just-an-anxious-ball-of-flesh.tumblr.com

Chronically Anxious and Very Tired
Lover of Most Things Animated or Horror

I love you sassy reader I love you meek reader I love you slutty reader I love you virgin reader I love you reader with an insane background I love you reader who's inserted into Canon I love you Mary sues I love you poorly disguised self insert


something wild and unruly [western!joel miller x f!reader]

summary: At Madame Aurelie's Secret Garden, men pay for beautiful courtesans trained in pleasure to give them whatever they want. And all Joel Miller, infamous outlaw and gunslinger, ever seems to want from you is a warm bath and quiet conversation. ratings/warnings: E [reader is a sex worker in a parlor house in the late 1800s and we are playing fast and loose with the realities of ALL of this mmk, use of the word "whore", angst, descriptions of sex work, references to losing a spouse and infertility, grief, arguably weird power dynamics, joel in the old west is just as grouchy and stubborn as the one in the apocalypse and is a little scary for a sec, lots of sexual tension, a single handjob, joel gets several baths like a baby lamb, mentions of blood and violence] wc: ~10k a/n: please go to @ezrasbirdie-updates to be notified of updates! i'm not apologizing for word count anymore this story slaps and you should read it. i played rdr2 and then i had to write this. i think his voice moves a little between game joel and show joel, but i pictured him as both as various times. he's like a little blend. kissing @starlightmornings on the mouth for the beta and all her sweet encouragement<3 and to all of YOU who hyped this up for me, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. Also, sex work is work and we support sex workers in this house.

“He will be good for your first.” Madame Aurelie speaks in a soft French accent as she gives the strings of your corset an extra tug. Your lungs scream as your ribs compress against them, organs shifting to accommodate the unfamiliar shape around your waist. Whoever stares back at you from the mirror, the woman with her painted red lips and breasts pushed to her chin, is no one you’ve ever met.

I have not had a fic capture my attention like this in years. It’s so beautiful how words can transport you to a whole new world.


I care about you, it is not easy nor does it come naturally to someone like me

But I care for you and I love you with the depth of my soul and the fire of my heart

So forgive me if I swim to deep or if the fire burns instead of comforts .

I don’t yet know the limits of my love or how much to give you ,but for you I will learn


I want you to love me the way the ocean loves the sand,

Crashing, Unyielding, and Disruptive

I want you to love me the way the wild fire loves the forest,

Burning, Destructive, Warm

I want you to love me the way disease loves a body ,

Rotting, Painful, and Unyielding

I want you to love me the way a martyr loves their God,

Faithfully, Reverently ,and Beyond Death

I want you to love me the way a mortician loves death,

Devotedly, Tenderly ,and Mournfully



On todays episode of doctors suck …..drum roll please .………My neurologist never told me the part of my brain that’s mostly dead is the one causing my sleep problems and appetite issues …my sister (whose studying to be a pediatric nurse ) looked at my records and offhandedly mentioned it


I love these


Songs I used:

Tech - Csárdás (hungarian cultural music/dance)

Echo - Calirfornia gurls by Katy Perry

Hunter - Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind & Fire

Crosshair - Barbie girl by Aqua

Wrecker - Everybody by Backstreet Boys

This whole thing is perfect


𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 

summary you're a single mom living three trailers down. eddie thinks you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. queue smiley face oatmeal, grossly misused power tools, desserts on the living room floor, a haircut, and an abundance of nerd metaphors [15k]

warnings teen mom!reader, fem!reader, r is junie's birth mother, fluff, hurt/comfort, eddie ends up being a total girl dad (<3), mutual pining, yearning etc, tw for not having much money, general loneliness, mentions of a shitty/traumatic pregnancy, general mom struggles :(, slowburn friends to lovers, you wash eddie's hair!!!! this was low-key requested by anon


Eddie opens the door and finds a little girl on the steps of his house. Little girl feels generous – she's barely more than a baby. In a set of tiny matching pajamas and white socks stained green from the morning grass, she looks up at him with wide, sad eyes. 

"Hey," he says carefully. "Hey, sweetheart." 

"Good morning," she says, though it comes out blurry.

"Good morning," he repeats with a breathless laugh, instantly endeared.

He curls his hand around the railing and squats down. She really is very cute and obviously well looked after, although he realises upon closer inspection that she's been crying. 

"Where's your mommy?" Eddie feels silly as he asks, but what else do you say when you find kids by themselves? 

He's not really expecting her to know the answer. She pouts her small mouth and Eddie freezes up. 

"Mommy.” Her breath quivers. 

"Don't cry," he says very gently.

It doesn't work, obviously, and she starts whimpering in a way that turns Eddie's heart entirely. 

"Let's find mommy, okay? Do you wanna do that? Wanna come and find mommy with me?" 

"Yes," she says, though it quickly draws up into a sharp cry. 

Eddie treks down the stairs and turns back, waiting. The little girl looks down at the steps and her eyebrows furrow as she places one foot after the other, looking like her socks are stuck to a fly trap. 

He holds his hand out. "You got it," he says encouragingly, wiggling his fingers. 

Her relief is palpable. Her brows smooth as she takes his hand, so small he can cover her entire palm with the meat of his thumb. She wobbles down the steps and then hesitates at the damp ground awaiting. 

Eddie drops his gaze to her wet feet.

I could not stop smiling the whole time I read this fic I’m in love with the concept of Eddie being good with kids


Nothing makes me happier than crying myself to sleep because my doctor thinks my migraines are Psychosomatic and not a result of my literal brain damage….


before you yell at that grocery store worker take a second and think “does this person look especially unhinged... are they going to react in a way that will send me to the hospital because there at the end of their  rope and about to snap” 

to the young man today who didn't do this I hope your nose heals crooked you asshole

also we did have more fruit loops in the back you were just a dick and didn't deserve them 


I am of the firm belief that Wolfe has gotten Plo Koon a worlds best dad mug at some point and time….. and no I will not elaborate

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