
Yeah. I'm still alive


Still lazy as frrrrrrrrrrricc

Testing bc I hate discord sometimes


As soon as get my drawing tablet back I swear I'll start drawing my bois again. I miss drawing

Flippy: I love you more than the amount of stars that exist in the world
Disco Bear: Dude. You can’t say that to Flakes. That’s way too cheesy.
Flippy: Okay. What about: “You are the prettiest person I have eve-”
Disco Bear: Nope.
Flippy: “…I like you”?
Disco Bear: *Gives Thumbs Up*

ima end up using this watch

last Flippy is trash but aye I did it

Holy smokes I wasn't expecting this


this is the curry man. like if you appreciate him. reblog if you would eat his hand-crafted meal. ignore to spit in his artisanal curry and make his 10 children go hungry.

the curry man is shocked and appalled to hear this!!! but it’s not because he demands that everyone like curry… it’s because he doesn’t know how to make anything else! humbly he offers to order you some takeout that fits your taste better, so you can participate in his meal even though the food he prepared is not your favourite.


Y’know, it struck me how in Terraria, all of the bosses are some level of gigantic monstrosity, and they keep getting bigger and more monstrous as you progress…

…and then there’s this guy.


Like, up until this point, you fight various oversized body parts and skeletons who may or may not be deities, a bee with a machine gun butt, varying flavors of “big worm”, a building-sized pillar of rotting meat with eyes, a horrendous pig-fish fusion, the final boss of the game is basically Cthulhu…

…and yet the penultimate boss is just a small angry person in a bird mask.


To my awesome pal, @voidlarva , HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

You are out of this world and a shining star in some of my hardest times. Thank you for being there for me and always caring so much about me, my dude. Thank you!


Literally one of the kindest peeps I've ever met in my entire life <3


Alright, a bit of explanation (I suppose).

I have, obviously, been struggling with posting art here for a WHILE now. But I do have a few reasons.

Besides my usual stuff (motivation, work schedule, and other constantly shifting aspects), I also have a bit more on my plate.

The biggest things right now are that I got a new tablet and laptop buuuut I gotta finish downloading all of my old programs (and some new ones) and my WiFi kinda stinks.

The other big thing is that I’m currently “working” on is a game. A horror game, to be exact. Due to time restraints and several other issues, all I currently have for it are story, some game mechanics, and some monsters and characters (both concept art and backstory elements). I haven’t even started on any of the programming this is gonna need.

Thankfully, no rush to complete the game (which is probably gonna take a very long time to make anyway). However, once I have my laptop and tablet all set up and sorted out, I have some fun stuff planned (mostly consisting of comics and animations that have been stuck in my head for a while)!

Thank you for reading! And thank you to you guys who have helped me stay motivated and inspired!


It is 5AM and I do not regret the two minutes i spent doing this instead of sleeping.

Troy's bossfight splash intro was total shit so I made him a new one that represents his depth of character more accurately your welcome GB
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