

@alasyorickimagraveobber / alasyorickimagraveobber.tumblr.com


Valid reasons for not doing NaNoWriMo:

  • Being too busy with work/school
  • Wanting to focus on other projects
  • Being bad with deadlines
  • Not wanting to
  • Literally just not wanting to
  • That's it
  • You don't need a reason or an 'excuse'
  • If you don't want to do it then don't
  • Don't feel pressured into it
  • Or like you're not a real writer for not wanting to do it
  • It's ok to work at your own pace
  • And if you are doing NaNoWriMo
  • It's okay to stop if you're burnt out
  • You don't have to 'push through'
  • Please don't put writing before your needs
  • Look after yourself
  • You're a real writer no matter what
  • Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
  • :)

Writer Block First Aid Kit

We’ve all been there. Some people have it all the time. Some say it doesn’t exist. I class writer’s block as anything from lack of motivation to not being able to solve a plot problem. Whatever it is, here’s a list of activities to try and get those creative rivers running. 

  1. Move. Pick up your laptop and go to a different room. They say a change is as good as a rest and this can be true with writing. Move to the kitchen. Write outside. Go to a coffee shop. Sit in the cupboard under the stairs and block out the world. Just change up the scenery. 
  2. Swap Medium. If words just aren’t doing it for you make aesthetics, mood boards, draw maps or characters. Victoria Aveyard once said she designed book covers and let the plot stew in the back of her mind. 
  3. Write Something Else. Working on other projects can give you inspiration for what you’re working on now. Find some prompts. Write irrelevant short stories or character studies. Write about your characters as kids or at defining points in their lives. 
  4. Plot. Hands off the keyboard, open up one of those many unused notebooks I know you have and start scribbling vague, half formed ideas. Allow yourself to write things you might discard later. Allow yourself to try and work through an idea you like but don’t understand yet. Try and work out the next 10 steps. 10 things you want to cover. 10 scenes. 10 days. Whatever it is, just write it down. 
  5. 20 Minutes Rule. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Sit your butt down in that chair and write for 20 minutes. I don’t care if it’s trash. I don’t care if you’re going to delete it all later. I don’t care if it’s nonsense. Do it. 20 minutes of writing nonsense is still more productive than 20 minutes staring at that wall. After 20 minutes if you still don’t want to write, leave it, but you just might find yourself inspired. 
  6. Finally, Take Time Off. If none of this is working, it’s likely a sign of burn out. Take some time for yourself and just do nothing. “Write every single day,” yeah sure if you wont to be a machine who pumps out words instead of art. Sometimes you need to recharge before you move forward and that doesn’t just mean getting a good nights sleep. Look after yourself and be kind. This isn’t a race against the clock, you have your whole life to publish a book. 

[If reposting to instagram please credit my insta account @isabellstonebooks]


bitches be like Ooh it’s November First I’m gonna write a whole fucking novel this month despite having lost control over every other aspect of my life. it’s me. i’m bitches. 


Masterpost: How to write a story?

Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.

More specific scenarios

If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee! And check out my Instagram! 🥰


🎃 A.C.P 👽

- the Agency for Cryptids and the Paranormal.

The ACP are a group of detectives who investigate strange occurrences. From the paranormal to the supernatural. Spectres in your home, to aliens on your lawn, they work through the night to investigate it all. Admittedly, their track record for actually solving these cases is very low, but when your targets are either imperceptible or just plain non-existent, results are difficult to get.

But when ghosts of the past come to haunt the team, they’re thrown into a battle against monsters that are very human. And as they search for the truth, the detectives are left questioning both the world they inhabit and their own humanity.


Main story:

Chapter 2 - captured, Arthur pt.1

Chapter 3 - captured, Arthur pt.2

Chapter 4 - Zak, touch starved

Chapter 6 - backstory: arthur/isaac, presumed dead

Chapter 7 - backstory: nasira gets hired

Chapter 8 - backstory: M.A.X

Chapter 9 - team whump, forced to watch

Chapter 10 - isaac, kidnap, secrets

Chapter 11 - isaac leaves

Chapter 12 - max, fever

Case files:

Character descriptions and picrews under cut.


You are a writer. Whether you write every day or not, you are a writer. Whether you write five hundred or five thousand words a day, you are a writer. Whether you’re full of creative ideas or not, you are a writer. Being a writer requires one thing: loving what you do.


Out of your characters, who is the most likely to want to go on a road trip style vacation? How much convincing do they have to do to get their friends to go with them? 

Tell us a bit about this OC!

Ethan Meadows is a young adult who lived most of his life travelling with his mother, and now that his mother is gone he wants to keep up his tradition with his new family. 

Even if Leo refuses to leave the city of Chaville, Shin never gets time off, and his newfound father has to stay within city limits to protect it, Ethan isn’t going to give up. He’ll just have to figure out what kind of road trip would suit them all without giving them a chance to be at each other's throats.

At the start of the novel Ethan goes to Leo in order to ask the Wizard if he can help him find his father. The young man knows that his dad is one of the Neighbors that his mother had spent half her life running from, but with no place left to go Ethan wants to find whatever family he had left. Soon he realizes how much damage these Neighbors cause, and how dangerous he can be when he accepts that side of himself. When Ethan meets his father will he be accepted as he is, or does he have to risk losing himself for his fathers approval? 


Talk about what summer is like in your wip’s world! What’s the weather like? Are there any summer activities that people look forward too? Would people in your world really take a summer roadtrip?

Chaville is a beautiful city up north and not too far away from any of the summer go-to’s! There is Doav lake that connects dozens of beaches, the largest of which is connected to Chaville and is surrounded by shops. On weekend evenings there are bands that get to play on the stage the local club The Pond sponsors. If you’re hot, it’s the place to go!

If the beach doesn’t interest you then check out the hiking trails out by Red Mare Mountain, where you can spend hours under the canopy of leaves. Just make sure you stick to the trails, so you don’t get lost. Remember to only go during the day, and if you hear a child crying do not worry. Those are just local birds and there is no need to investigate!

If climbing up a mountain isn’t your thing, then why not visit some local hot-spots? There’s a carnival that runs the entire summer, which gives you more than enough time to find your way out of the winding mirror maze, and explore the unusual exhibits of the Cassandrian House Museum. Once you have peeled your eyes off of the wonderful exhibits that wander those halls, go have a drink at the town's main sponsor, The Pond Club! Drown yourself in delicious drinks and lose yourself to the club’s handsome owner’s voice as he sings ballads of times long past. 

No matter what tickles your fancy, Chaville has something to tickle your fancy. So what are you waiting for? Come join us and have a bite of what we have to offer! 


Leo looked at the pamphlet, his nose crinkled with disdain. “Only an idiot would fall for this.” 

Ethan’s smile fell from his lips as he hastily shoved whatever was in his hands into his pocket. “Uh, yeah. I thought the same thing.”

“You want to go on this tourist trap roadtrip, don’t you?”

“No, I mean sure it’s my first year living here and why wouldn’t I want to see all the corny stuff tourists do, but you know, it’s not something I have to do.” The younger man grumbled as he looked at everything in the room aside from Leo’s face, as if the water stained ceiling was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. “Who likes those cheesy things anyways, not me.”

“You’re a bad liar.” The brown haired wizard tossed the overly colourful pamphlet towards the trash, not caring if it landed in the bin or not. “If you want to do this kind of thing, why not go with your dad? Lord knows he needs to do something other than work once in a while.”

“Funny thing is, he said the same thing about you.”

Leo tsked, of course that jackass would say that sort of thing. “Bastard.”

“So will you go?” The wizard looked at the man who all but glowed in excitement. He knew Leo couldn’t resist him, and he was right. 

Leo groaned loudly, “fine!”

“This’ll be great!” Ethan jumped from his seat, knocking his knee against the old coffee table and cursing. He dropped the crumpled tickets he had shoved into his pocket on the table and headed towards the door. “You won’t regret it!”

Once Ethan had closed the door behind him Leo picked up the admission slip for the carnival, the bright red words glaring back at him. 

Take a walk in Summer and see a world you’ll never want to leave!

The wizard shuttered. He was already regretting agreeing to this trip.

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