I Put The Bi in Bitch

@cherry-bomb-bastard / cherry-bomb-bastard.tumblr.com

Never thought I’d grow up to be a bell boy, but here I am...with all this baggage.
he/him or they/them
TERFs/exclusionists fuck right off.
my opinions are not up for debate.


i’m never on here anymore but feel free to reach out for a @ or a # if u miss me

i love u all


ashkenazi jewish girls? beautiful

sephardi jewish girls? stunning

mizrachi jewish girls? gorgeous

ethiopian jewish girls? ravishing

convert jewish girls? lovely

orthodox jewish girls? exquisite

conservative jewish girls? radiant

reform jewish girls? dazzling

jewish girls? perfect


i’m gonna say it

having teenages and ppl in their early 20s with little to no experience with irl sex, dating and LGBT communities lead online discourse on what is sexual orientation and what labels mean has done incredible damage to our community

so much of the shit that has come out of twitter and tumblr in the recent years literally sounds like a homophobic fever dream but if you dare point that out you will be sent death threats by a swarm of teenagers who have never talked to a lesbian offline


still don’t give a FUCK if covid and the flu are similar, dissimilar, etc. bc that all plays RIGHT into an endless antimask strawman whose only purpose is to buy more time for cousin MaecKeneileigheiygh to sneak out to shitty frat parties while grandma and grandpa buck the vent.

they know it’s not the flu. everyone should know by now and if you don’t i’m just assuming you’re fckin braindead and not worth trying to save regardless. you wanna be brave, smartass? go catch covid and tell me how it’s just like the flu, which you can treat and cure with fucking mucinex. maybe if you had passed beyond a 1970’s ciriculum course on 10th grade biology, you’d notice this, and your opinion could hold actual weight in the world. unfortunately for us, since then our definition of “free speech and press” has deteriorated from “the government cannot prosecute or imprison me for what i say” into “i can willingly spread disinformation during a plague and if someone righteously tells me to shut the fuck up, i’m being oppressed”. and your type is exactly what results from that festering cesspool of bullshit. if you had passed ninth grade civics, you would have known that bit too.

so shut the fuck up before i smack u on the ur nasty fuckin teeth

Anonymous asked:

If you want to have children in the future, you can’t get vaccinated for COVID.

This vaccine has the ability to render afab infertile as it targets a protein for the placenta formation.

Just thought that you would want to know, since you want children.

This is literally not true spending half a second on google will show you about 150 sites including the CDC saying this is just some antivax bullshit people are spreading oh my god spend half a second looking shit up before you fearmonger like this


Like I’m honestly kinda insulted that you apparently thought I’d read this and go “OH NO THE ANON MESSAGE ON TUMBLR MUST BE RIGHT OH NO” and not spend three minutes to fact check this.

Shit, I can’t even get a doctor to sterilize me despite asking for it. Y’all really thing they’re doing it through vaccines?

I mean I COULD see it done through vaccines, but not general/widespread ones. Targeted sterilization is a thing in the US, it’s just usually aimed at minority communities as a form of quiet eugenics. It’s not going to be happening through a widespread, mandatory vaccine.



I don’t know how else to tell y’all that the difference between “X is a social construct” and “X isn’t real” is very, very, very, very important!

Money is a social construct. Laws are a social construct. Prison is a social construct. All are very real, as you will find out if you ever rob a bank.


What “X is a social construct” means: this concept is something created and reinforced by our society, and therefore it isn’t necessarily a fundamental or natural truth of existence, and we should be able to modify, expand, or eliminate said construct if it does harm or doesn’t accurately represent or help the people living in said society.

What “X is a social construct” doesn’t mean: we made this thing up so it is totally meaningless and has absolutely no consequences.


damn girl you look like you only spawn in areas with light level 7 or less can i buy you a drink


this is the funniest shit i have ever seen

fending off accusations of homophobia that your leading actor refuses to address by making his character bisexual is the most galaxy brain thing ive ever seen so this decision is actually very fitting

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