Anonymous asked:

Hello anon here to complain about the final muffin in up against the wall. You bastard. I was so into it. I was so into it and threw that line at me like a baseball bat. How could you. How dare you. Kudos

how do you think quackity felt

Anonymous asked:

Hallo, I just read the chat fic and I fucking loved it like damn, but the Spanish bit Wil texted Schlatt said "I am an idiot and a son of a bitch" I don't know if you meant to say that, but if Wil is saying it to Schlatt it's support to be "Eres un idiota e un hijo de puta"

Hope you're having a great day and also hope that I didn't overstep ;-;

it’s intentional! wilbur is hoping that schlatt will say that. its a more roundabout way of insulting him. “hope it comes in handy” as in “i hope you say that to someone without thinking and sound like asshole” or “this is the only phrase you’ll ever need to know how to say”. i hope that clears up any confusion!! and dont worry you didn’t overstep anything <3 my fault if the joke doesn’t make sense lmao

Anonymous asked:

New victory lap chapter?

i’ll try to finish up what i have written but it’s probably not what you’re expecting LMFAO


Happy New Years to all the lovely people I've met and have made the past 365 day hellhole a little bit better. I'm slightly drunk, so bear with me if I'm a bit of a sop.

Honestly, 2021 was a wild fucking year with more downs than ups, but when we'd talk the downs became a bit more bearable.

I hope you all have the fucking best of 2022.

Love you all :)

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