


20 | he/star | to get my url you must make it through the wizard maze and send a screenshot of your result :) if I post here it's an accident on my part. most of the stuff here after 10 posts is years old.

funny phrases to use when something goes wrong instead of jokingly saying "i'm going to kms":

  • i'm going to kill god
  • i'm going to delete my blog
  • i'm going to explode
  • i'm going to blow up this entire website
  • i'm going to become the joker
  • this is going to be my villain origin story

feel free to add on


oh you know

What is homestuck? Is it like goncharov?


‘redditors need to know this’, ‘twitterinas need to know that’… no. you need to know one thing and that is that you are not allowed to complain about werewolf fuckers. this is the werewolf fucking website. grow up and go fuck a werewolf.


What does this gif have to do with werewolves?


if you have to ask you’re not ready

can you explain? i don’t get it

Werewolves are strongly in favour of pineapple on pizza.

oh i understand! have a good day!

This is also the not looking at URLs site


I still think it's fucking insane that intersexuality is so much more damn common than people think. because contrary to popular belief, intersexuality doesn't just mean genitals, it also means hormones. PCOS is a form of intersexuality. I have it, several of my friends do, my GSA teacher does, my counsellor and both her daughters have it, my cousins have it, I met people at conventions with PCOS pins, so many people I've met in life have this one condition, this form of intersexuality, with secondary sex characteristics that don't match the idea of an AFAB person, and I swear if the medical field just bit the bullet and acknowledged it, we would be seeing a MASSIVE rise in intersexuality awareness.


Too tired to draw but I still need everyone to be aware of this bizarre interaction I had at work this morning

Worth mentioning is that I'm in Iceland and the store I work at only accepts icelandic króna so like even euros wouldn't have worked in this case

On the one hand I refuse to defend Americans and this behavior is kind of embarrassing but on the other hand dumbasses enraging Europeans by not caring even a little bit about their funny little currencies is absolutely hilarious so I’m conflicted here


recently been listening to the mechanisms

[ID: The lyrics of "Red Signal" by the Mechanisms, which starts with Lovecraftian chanting. It is placed within a speech bubble being said by a figure with the anon face speaking nonchalantly from a car. A McDonald's employee at the drive-through holds a tray of drinks, looking horrified. / End ID]


there is no medical component to a trans kid transitioning

if a little trans boy comes out to his parents & is like 4 all youd do for his transition is cut his hair, buy a new wardrobe, & switch pronouns & possibly change names

no one is gonna put a little 4 year old on testosterone OR puberty blockers until theyre actually about to start puberty & then they give them a few years to really decide if they want to start hormones

a trans kid existing isnt “child abuse.” child abuse is refusing to let your kid live their lives as they truly are & forcing them to present as a gender they arent

radfems who interact with this post will be blocked & your argument will not be read or even considered. i do not care about the opinion of a transphobe & my original post still stands.

a few years ago a kid in my preschool class transitioned socially and the only consequence was that as soon as her best friend discovered that changing your name is allowed she wanted to change hers to Detective

So stay with me here, but fun ballet fact: part of the reason you’re supposed to start ballet young is so you stretch and hold your joint in certain ways regularly enough that your body grows different. You know how men who do ballet look only sort of muscular but then like lift a whole ass person? Their muscles are trained to lie flat like that for flexibility, they don’t bulk up. Girl in your class who always stands in turnout? It’s likely not just habit, her joints probably sit like that now.

I started ballet when I was six and stopped after three years. I then took a break for three years, and came back and did jazz ballet (which has most of the same body mods but without turnout) and tap for another couple of years. And every physio who works on my body looks at my feet, hips and calves and goes “oh you danced”. I was never even flexible enough to do the splits, but you best believe I stand in turnout. I never went en pointe, but I’m 95% sure tap is the reason my feet have random spasms if I don’t take to them with a tennis ball once a week.

When I said I wanted to be a dancer at six years old, adults took that to mean I’d want certain permanent alterations to my body. Unlike with young trans kids, no one was looking to make sure I fully understood what I was getting into. And unlike with young trans kids, these changes were not reversible when I changed my mind. There wasn’t even a way to delay things to buy time (like puberty blockers), it was all or nothing. If I wanted to be a professional dancer, my normal ass joints were a ticking timebomb.

So like ~cis opinion~, but I really don’t have a lot of time for people getting feral about trans kids socially transitioning or going on blockers or even (when they’re old enough for it be relevant) hrt. Me “identifying” as a dancer at six years old was more physically impactful and less informed than if a six year old changed their name and grew their hair, but you don’t see any of the adults in my life getting accused of child abuse.


we can easily kill the profitability of this site for another 10 years all we have to do is write another cock monologue and pin it on neil gaiman this time

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