
my youth is yours

@highpitchedharry / highpitchedharry.tumblr.com

izzy || 6teen || huge fuckin larrie
there's a special place in my heart for girl direction.

Happiness Will Come To You.

when tho

When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March


reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!


Virus Warning!

If you receive a message saying:

“Hello somebody wrote something about you on this blog. visit [link]” don’t click the link.

It is, from my understanding, a Trojan Virus; meaning that the message will be sent to everybody else either following you or that you’re following (I was sent the message from a mutual that hasn’t messaged me before).

Stay safe!


This is your personal guardian dog.

He’s going to protect you from things like “if you don’t reblog this in 30 seconds your mum will die!!” and “Reblog this or you will fail class!!”
He’s very happy to protect you, so you don’t have to worry about a thing!!

things that need to be done, internationally:

  • lowered voting age
  • more formal education in core classes (such as socials) about political events/issues
  • less high-flown language that makes it difficult for less educated people to grasp issues
  • make information available everywhere, not just on the internet, but on paper, in homeless shelters, on bus stops….
  • teach us how important it is to get involved, show us the statistics that tell us that we can make a difference
  • stop pushing agendas and pretending theyre real news 
  • introducing children to world events and issues at younger ages
  • instil in youth not only a sense of duty but a sense of passion for change

Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck

​this worked last night lets go for round two

I don’t believe in this actually not at all BUT when I reblogged this a few minutes later my mom told me she owes me 24 bucks which I don’t even remember I think it was actually only 6???


I need money lol! Help me mr money goat!

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