

@cardinecardine / cardinecardine.tumblr.com

I am but a crow and this blog is my collection of shiny shit
Anonymous asked:

(1) HI!! OMYGOD SO IVE JUST FINISHED DRUNK ON YOU HOLY#!#!#@@%%@ THAT WAS SO HOT?!!?!??!?! like the jealousy from levi and hange when moblit/petra put a kiss on them and NANABA YOU ARE A GOD=SEND THANK YOU FOR INTERFERING WITH THE BOTTLE BECAUSE I'VE GOT TO READ A HEATED MAKE-OUT SESH BETWEEN LH that was so hot i was reading in my laptop while lying down on our sofa and i can't even roll because of the giddy feeling that i get while reading cause i was so afraid my laptop's gonna fall HUSHUSDHAHHSUHU i just rolled in my mind and in spirit XDDDD ANW HHHH ugh the build-up and the tension was soooooo hot I LOVED IT I LOVED IT

Oh my god hello anon I never check my inbox but thank you 🌝


What instruments do you play?

Him: yes

[Tiktok: white text asking “Musicians, what instruments do you play?” Cuts to a man asking the question aloud. Cuts to another man in a pink shirt who proceeds to play ‘Fireflies’ by Owl City on a seemingly unending series of instruments, initially only doing one note of the song per instrument.]

video ID loses points for not mentioning that the rendition of Fireflies is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS

Nearly loste my mind there


I made a baby blanket for a pregnant woman at work and I went back and forth about it like “is this weird? To like hand make something for someone when we’re like friendly acquaintances not like bffs. God why are you so fucking awkward.” Anyway I gave it to her and she said she loved it and in the back of my head I’m like yea she’s nice and probably just humoring the weirdo. Well she texted me a picture this weekend of a scrunchy faced newborn at the hospital wrapped in the blanket I made her. And I’m like. Wow. She loved it so much she took it with her! To the hospital! To give birth! She wrapped her newborn it! I am just so filled with love and joy right now.

People will love the things you make them. Because you thought of them and you cared.


He put a goddamn light in the chocolate lighthouse!!!!


the technique for getting the rough texture on the stone was so cool to me, like deliberately fill the chocolate with little chunkies of sugar that won't smooth out nicely

I thought the lighthouse was cool. Then I saw the octopus and I lost my shit.


Yeah, same here. “Oh gods, NOW what’s he at??!”


hey a local town actually did this!

they planted berries, root vegetables, leafy greens, herbs, all sorts. they label each plant and the sign said "free to take, leave some for others to enjoy!"

and people did. they took a bit, but left some for others.

it also fed the homeless people living around there.

bearing in mind this is a tourist town, so i half expected to see the plants gone. but nope, there's always some left.

people aren't naturally selfish, and they will share. the initiative works

And honestly? Most people who don't need it won't bother to stop and pick fruit. It's only people who actually need it who will devote the time. People with money still have grocery stores.


[Image description: tweet by Black Botanist @CreativeTiana: transcript follows]

I was talking to someone about planting food and fruit trees in public spaces and they were like “Why so everyone can steal the food?”

And I was like “See, that’s the problem right there. Why should taking food off a public tree be stealing?”

"Urban food forest" is something I'm hearing more and more. Do some poking around, there may be an opportunity to help with or start something like this near you.


Secret Snowman + Levihan 12 Days of Christmas Announcement! 🎄🎅❄

Hey Levihans!

The core content team has prepared some events to celebrate the winter holidays and first up is the highly requested Secret Snowman Gift Exchange! This will be a fan work exchange (fics, art, AMVs/edits) and you will have the chance to specify which mediums you prefer to give and receive.

Rules will be as follows:

1. In order to receive a gift, you have to give a gift

2. All works must be safe for work (SFW)

3. Gifts will be due by December 31

4. Remember to keep who you have a surprise!

If you want to participate, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/QBvsZMRjMviRNELaA

Be as detailed as possible to help your snowman!

You must sign up by Wednesday, December 14 at 11:59 PM PST (pacific standard). We'll assign everyone a person based on gift-giving/ receiving preferences and send out assignments on Thursday, December 15. Feel free to let us know if you have questions in our ask box!

Here is our second main event for the season! We present to you: Levihan 12 Days of Christmas!

Starting on December 12, every day leading up to the 24th, we’ll be doing a special event every day! The prompts are as follows:

Day 1 - Make a Levihan Holiday-Themed playlist!

Day 2 – Draw Levihan fanart with Levihan participating in holiday festivities

Day 3 – Share your favorite older Levihan works (before 2018)

Day 4 – Share your story of how you came to love Levihan :))

Day 5 – Recipe exchange! Share your favorite holiday recipes!

Day 6 – VC event in honor of Levi’s birthday: Events include Live reading, hunger games, karaoke, and more!

Day 7 – Make messages to your fandom friends to show your love and appreciation to them

Day 8 – Write Levihan holiday-themed One-shots!

Day 9 – Things you wish you knew before you encountered the fandom (a QOTD discussion)

Day 10 – Share your favorite recent Levihan works (after 2018)

Day 11 – Chain story in text: we will have a prompt to start, and people will reply to add on! each person’s reply continues the story

Day 12 - What does the levihan fandom mean to you? (a QOTD discussion)

The Day 6 VC event will happen on Saturday, December 17th at 7am Pacific Daylight Time. If you would like certain fics to be read aloud for the live reading, please dm us with the following:

• the fic of your choosing

• the specific parts you would like to be read aloud

We estimate each fic to take a 20-ish minute timeslot, so be mindful of that when choosing your passages! All works for the events should be SFW :))

Once more, if you have any questions let us know in the ask box!

Yet Another Unrequited Love For Titans Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/HwepKrrM

See you all at the event! 🎄



Usage of the word “The” has begun to decline. This is because as more and more people become educated, usage of the word “Thoum’st” has become more common.


quick question what happened 2009

That’s when we were all using “teh”


and then they proceeded to be the worst at their jobs for the next 20 years


No no, you don’t get it. Jesse and James are the absolute best there is at their jobs, but they have no idea what their jobs are.

They think that they’re thieves, agents of an elite criminal group led by Giovanni, stealing rare pokemon and advanced technology and such. And there might have been a time this actually was their jobs. In the first season or two, they frequently get angry phone calls about how they’ve fucked everything up, or get their expense account cut off because they have literally never turned a profit on their criminal enterprises and constantly procure and then lose/destroy expensive and elaborate devices.

But then the world came within a hair’s breadth of being destroyed, several times, and Jesse, James, and their weird cat rescued everybody. As terrible as they’ve always been at criminal endeavors of any kind, when the apocalypse approaches and they’re forced to step up, they’re really fucking good at saving the day.

And Giovanni is over here like… if the planet is destroyed, or time/space becomes unrecognizable, or civilization collapses, there’s no way for me to run a profitable criminal enterprise anymore. I need this planet, because it’s where I keep all my stuff. And I don’t pretend to understand the why of it, but these couple of bumbling nutcases that I should have fired years ago seem to be an important component of that? Somehow? So you gotta stop thinking about them in terms of acquisitions and start considering them… loss prevention. As in, even if you waste a million dollars a month on giant cat-faced robots and a vast array of fancy ball gowns and they never turn a profit, they are preventing all of your assets from going away at the same time because of something you can’t do anything about.

And that’s the great secret behind Team Rocket. These guys aren’t thieves, they’re professional superheroes (sponsored by organized crime). Of course, nobody ever bothered to tell them that.

“To protect the world from devastation…”

Plus, as is frequently pointed out: Jesse and James are good at every other job EXCEPT Team Rocket. They’re actually smart businesspeople and run successful food and merchandise stands and are great salespeople. Hell, even in Team Rocket situations where they’re not chasing after Pikachu they’ve done better. It’s just their Achilles Heel is one damn OP rodent.

Pikachu Proximity Intelligence Chart

pretty sure giovanni keeps them on so he can commit insurance fraud by giving them tech insured for way more than what was paid for it so when it inevitably gets destroyed he gets a nice check.

I’m accepting all of these responses actually

J&J (& Meowth) are field testers, catspaws and urban legend verifiers.

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