



its so crazay how being in a transitional period will have you obsessively reevaluating every decision in yr life to the point of actual insanity…hello

“I could not stop wasting time. It was crazy. I wanted to do something with my life, but instead I went to sleep, or sung in the shower, or sat and stared at the wall. I couldn’t even tell you about anything that I saw. I didn’t talk to anybody. The cicadas kept dying outside, and as I dreamed, my mouth grew thick and venomous with silence.” (Yiwei Chai)


Spooky Shopkeeper: The price may be more than you expect to pay.

Me: Yes, I know how US taxes work, too.


Shopkeeper, increasingly exasperated: I’m trying to tell you that I’m evil and offering these wares with no regard for the harm they will do!

Me, also increasingly exasperated: I know what capitalism is too goddammit


this is one of my favorite posts


Some witches will argue that Christians stole pagan traditions and holidays, that there is absolutely no way syncretism played a role in anything related to the topic... then go on to use the whitewashed concept of chakras, try to girlbossify the Jewish demon Lilith into a "Goddess", demonize Hoodoo (and by extension black folk) in the name of love & light, steal Indigenous traditions to remove them from their original context... and the list goes on...


the uk government is trying to scrap the human rights act.

i’ve not seen a lot in the media about this so i’m going to do my best to put this into words and explain what will happen if the government is successful in replacing the human rights act with the rights removal bill.

this will mean that in the uk:

  • you won’t be allowed to say anything negative about the government
  • if you are disabled or chronically ill, you won’t be allowed to say no to being given a DNR in hospital
  • you won’t be allowed to bring ‘trivial’ human rights violations to court
  • public authorities (the police) won’t have to actively protect people’s human rights
  • the uk military will be allowed to basically do whatever they want overseas
  • if you ever commit a crime, they can disregard your human rights
  • the government will not be obligated to obey human rights

if you are from the uk PLEASE sign this petition, and also to everyone else, please please please share this.


This Guardian article and this publiclawforeveryone page kinda helped me get more of a bearing for it, after reading the petition page and the transcript of the proposal.


Deadline to sign the petition is 7 August 2022


I haaate those '1987: when vampires didn't sparkle' posts for so many reasons. 1. Jesus just let teen girls enjoy twilight shut up about it and 2. You're wrong. Their blood had glitter, they were sparkly too


sorry to hijack your post (I agree with it) but i just wanted to add that those posts are always made by a specific type of annoying horror bro, and the implication is 100% that twilight is “gay” in like a 2005, “anything that i dont personally like is gay” sense. idk I just think it’s extremely funny that they think twilight, which was written by a homophobic pro-abstinence mormon, is gayer than the lost boys, which was made by an openly gay director who injected homoeroticism into every scene


one of the bigger lost boys facebook groups is full of those memes and it’s like...this is literally so homoerotic. this is one of the gayest horror movies. please. did we watch the same movie. did we see the same vampires. oh my god


This is so great because if anyone is caught impeding or messing with these deliveries, it’s MAIL, that makes it a FEDERAL crime, whoever fucks with these packages gets charged FEDERALLY, they face up to five years in prison.

[ID: A tweet by @ nytimes that reads, "Breaking News: Women can get abortion pills by mail for pregnancies up to 10 weeks without seeing a doctor in person, the FDA ruled. The decision comes as the Supreme Court considers whether to roll back abortion rights or even overturn Roe v. Wade." Attached is a link to the article and a screenshot of the title and subtitle of the article. The article was published Dec 16, 2021. The title reads, "F.D.A. Will Permanently Allow Abortion Pills by Mail" and the subtitle reads, "The decision will broaden access to medication abortion, an increasingly common method, but many conservative states are already mobilizing against it." /end ID]

Resources for anyone that ends up in a restricted state:

Aid Access - they can send you the abortion pill even if you live in a restricted state.

PLUS, you do not have to be pregnant to order them. You can order to have on hand, in case of an emergency.

Repro Legal Helpline (reprolegalhelpline.org) -

Some of the things they can help with above.

Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline (mahotline.org) -

They have a ton of information, and resources in one place.

Also, if you find yourself in a restricted state, you need to be careful of how and with whom you are talking about it. You need to use safe, encrypted messaging and calling.

I also recommend removing any biometric information for unlocking your phone. Use a PIN or password instead of a fingerprint or facial recognition.


Abortion Access Resources

Abortion is still legal in some US states, despite the Dobbs decision.

Hey, everyone, it’s a horrible day here in the United States with Roe and Casey being overturned. But rather than lose hope, let’s keep the fight going because there’s a lot of incredible work being done on the ground. 

Here are some places you can donate to, and some further info:

RewireNews  (legislative tracker) and the excellent Boom! Lawyered podcast for repro rights news and analysis

New Handbook for a Post-Roe America: The Complete Guide to Abortion Legality, Access, and Practical Support by Robin Marty. Also! Consider requesting your local public library for this book if they don’t have it in their catalogue yet. 

Let’s be kind to ourselves and each other today, but let’s not lose hope. The fight continues. 

I made a Roe v. Wade and abortion-related masterpost. Please re-blog this as much as possible. I will continue to add to this as I find more resources. @plannedparenthood @sparksinthenight @liberalsarecool @wilwheaton

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