


Just a couple of proper psycopaths running a spn blog
I think we will see Cas again on s13, but the important thing is how this death will transform him.

Misha Collins @ jib8 (via jimminovak)




A/N: This was written for @cici0507 s heaven vs hell challenge. I picked opening gifts with Demon Dean. :)

When Dean showed up on your doorstep at 8am on December 25th you didn’t know if you should hug him or strangle him for disapearing for  months. He smirked and unearthed a small brightly wrapped gift from his duffel. 

  “Sorry sweetheart,” he winked “had to come give you your Christmas gift” 

        The gift was shoved into your hands as he pushed his way in. “Place looks nice. Wheres all your Chirstmas crap? I mean you didn’t even put the tree up!”

         You felt like your head was going to implode upon itself. Dean - Demon Dean - was in your apartment asking about your Chirtsmas decor after he disapeared doing Chuck knows what.

         “Dean... what... why are you here..?” He stared at you like you had lost your mind.

         “Because its Christmas?” you had to restrain yourself from chucking the gift at his head, deciding to set it on the coffee table.

         “You disapeared! For months. Where the hell have you been?” you scolded him.

       He shrugged “Running around hell with Crowley. Now stop overreacting and open your damn gift.” you crossed your arms over your chest glaring at him before reaching beside the couch to grab the gift you got him before the Mark turned him. You handed it to him,watching the first sign of real emotion cross his face. 

         You had gotten the picture of him, Sam, Bobby, Cas, Ellen and Jo reframed in a simple dark brown wired frame. 

      He cleared his throat and carefully placed in in his duffle. “Thanks. Open yours now”

        So you did. You peeled off the wrapping paper to reveal a small velevet box. Opening the lid you saw it was a small locket with an intricate pattern. You popped the little latch open and inside were two small photos - one of your deceased mom, father and baby brother, the other of you, Sam, Dean and Cas. 

        Your family.

        Tears welling up in your eyes, you looked up to thank Dean. But he was gone, the front door left wide open.


Just a friendly reminder about our baby in a trench coat.

He’s not “a grunt”. He’s not “a foot soldier”. He’s not “some lowly unimportant angel.” He’s not a mal'akh.





In case you’re not clear on what that means, the seraphim are among the highest echelons of angels. They’re the Burning Ones, the serpents of purifying flame, who cover their faces and feet with two pairs of wings and fly with the third, created to sing YHVH’s praise endlessly. They are the kindlers and enlighteners, angels of clarity and action. Judaic mythology puts them at the fifth choir – the upper-middle rungs of Heaven. Christian mythology describes them as the first choir of the first sphere: the highest order, personal guardians of God’s throne.

Does that sound like a grunt to you?

Furthermore, in 7.21 we learned that Castiel was a captain in Anna’s garrison. If you don’t know why that’s a big goddamn deal it’s probably because you’re not familiar with what the word “garrison” actually means. It’s not just a squadron, people, it’s the entirety of the armed forces stationed at a given base, ie an entire city when it’s humans. When they talk about the garrison they’re talking about all the angels assigned to watch over Earth.

And Castiel was a ranking commanding officer in that, with a battalion of angels at his command. He wasn’t some random foot soldier who just happened to be the first one to reach the Righteous Man in Hell, but a leader in that assault. Despite his brusque nature he’s well-known, well-loved, and charismatic as hell in his own inspirational way – enough so to stir civil war against an archangel.

So kindly knock it off with the belittling claptrap, okay?

You should show him…some respect.


Sassy HYDRA agent

*deep menacing accent* “How did you take down Captain America?” *matter of fact European accent replies* “We shot him in the legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he is an idiot”

sassy hydra agent: hello mr. barnes were going to take your arm off bucky barnes: i think i just need help sassy hydra agent: give you cool robot arm

@garnier-fx there’s another one! 


sassy hydra agent: well if it isn’t captain america…

captain america: but it is me.

sassy hydra agent: no, it’s, an expression.

captain america: your nazi tricks won’t work on me!

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