make your peace.

@natsharcn /

amber. she/her. all you need to know is i'm not straight.

So I have my dog trained to sit when she wants pet (she used to be very wild and jumpy when we first got her, it’s been a long road) so now when she wants attention she just sits very still and stares VERY intently at you (she’s extremely non verbal and hardly makes sound in general)

So, today I let her out and didn’t realize the fence gate was wide open, and she just shoots right out at this older man and a small girl (bc she just LOVES PEOPLE. A lot) The girl kinda shrieks and the man pulls her behind him (which I get it, my dogs small but she’s still part Pitt, and she was running full throttle at them) and all of a sudden my dog just pulls up completely, full stop, and plants her ass on the ground in front of them, staring and wagging her tail.

And they just stand there, staring at each other. She’s like, vibrating with energy, waiting for pets, and these people are like “wtf” so I run up and explain and the old guy was just so thrilled honestly. The little girl starts petting her and the old dude was gushing about how trained and well behaved she is (I mean, ignoring the fact that she shot out of the gate LMAO) but like, that just made me so happy. I’ve put so much time and effort into training her and making her feel safe and comfortable after he (horrifying) past and I’m just so so proud of her.

TLDR; my dog is a good gorl and I luv her

This is the good girl in question




they did a big group shot and invited me over to take pictures because i had taken selfies with a ton of them and then fuckin jess told them it was my birthday and they inviTED ME INTO THE GROUP SHOT AND LONG STORY SHORT HERE’S A PICTURE OF ME, PRINCESS OF THE FURRIES

so after posting this i found out that this is a thing that occurs monthly at this particular bowling alley because since this post BLEW RIGHT THE HELL UP and a few people found me and invited me to come back sometime?!?! this month’s furbowl (those are things, they’re called furbowls) happened to be last saturday and i was working a 12-hour closing shift that day but i showed up at the end of the night while they were already in the middle of the big group shot outside and they were about to disperse but i sprinted over asking them to hold still for just another second so i could get a picture and one of them screamed “YOU CAME BACK!!!!!!!” and, long story short, my reign continues supreme

(one of them owned that school bus; it had duct tape over the letters so it could be the “cool bus” and they called it the “waggin’ wagon”)

This story keeps getting better and better


Demolish the nuclear family norm. Destroy the idea that your only option is to live alone until you move in with a romantic partner with the intention of marrying.

Realize that burdens are easier shared, and humans aren’t solitary creatures. Remember that living with others you can share resources, share skills, share responsibility.

If you are dreading the idea of living alone, realize you don’t have to.

Move in with your friends, create your own little commune. Support eachother and split costs. Complement eachothers shortcomings. Be there for eachother. Coexist.


has to explain to someone that last night i was laughing myself into tears just googling “baby echidna”


just for the hell of it heres a baby platypus too


Legitimate *pro bono legal services* don’t exist without a good reason. In a few of the exmormon groups I’m in you’ll see regular posts saying stuff like “Look what my lawyer sent me today!” with a pic of their resignation confirmation letter from the church.

You know. Just stuff that a normal average church that is definitely not actually a cult would do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



As an ex-mormon, I’m gonna look the fuck into this. I want nothing to do with the church that shaped so much toxicity about my self image and my sexual orientation.

Not sure if any followers need this but if you do, here you go.

Everyone should be able to choose their religious beliefs and community, and leave any that they find does not work for them.

Ex mormon here - this guy’s legit. The Mormon holds your files for eternity, and when they find out that you’ve moved to a new area, they will send members and missionaries from that region to harass you. I know this sounds like dystopic bullshit, but they followed my father through three moves before he rejoined the church.


Also ex mormon here who used this. It’s a ridiculously helpful service that is incredibly easy to use. They keep you updated throughout the whole process, and it’s totally worth it since the church doesn’t get to keep all your private information and pass it around once you resign :)

Though this blog is mainly about Vikings in RPGs, history, and Norse Paganism, for anybody who may need this I Ieave it here for you because I never know what kinds of people follow my blog and all I care is that each and every one of you is safe and happy regardless of religion or lack of, if you choose. Be safe, and may whoever or whatever you believe in protect you in getting out of Mormanism.


Americans are too poor to survive whether or not they're working

A new study from the United Way claims that 43% of American households are in a status called “asset limited, income constrained, employed” (ALICE), which denotes employed people who can’t afford housing, food, childcare, healthcare, transportation, and a cellphone – the basics of modern living.

Umair Haque (previously) connects this to the idea of America as the world’s first poor rich country, a country that is awash in wealth, yet so unequal that nearly half its residents sink deeper into debt every month – and most Americans die in debt.

As Haque says, if you work hard all your life and die with no assets, no savings, and debt, that’s not employment, it’s serfdom. America’s former middle class have now hit the limits of their ability to survive with stagnating wages by taking on debt secured by their meager assets – the family home, pensions and so on. Now, Americans are both kinds of poor: asset-poor and wage-poor. Americans aren’t poor because they don’t work hard enough: they’re poor no matter how hard they work.

And unlike poor people in countries like Pakistan or Nigeria, American poor people live in a country where things like childcare, medicine, rent and food are very, very expensive. American poor people are poorer than the poor people in poor countries.


anyone here a fool?? anyone here stupid??


tbh the best way that i explain to other people what it feels like to live with an anxiety disorder is the one time when i had to get a fingerprint and background check done for a job and i, someone who has never received so much as a speeding ticket my whole life, spent thirty minutes panicking that i would fail because i might secretly be a criminal and have no idea 


thick thigh struggle is when you can’t ever get too attached to a pair of jeans even if they’re you’re favorite the constant friction of your thighs rubbing together are going to make holes in the crotch and destroy them. say goodbye pal.

Thick thigh pro: men are so fascinated by the warmth that accumulates between your legs.

i dont care about men i paid for those jeans

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