
sweetdevil sims

@sweetdevil-sims / sweetdevil-sims.tumblr.com

34F ♦ ♦ TS3 only ♦ TS3 CAS Conversion Catalog ♦ A bit of everything, with occasional cat posts. 🎵 Saltatio Moris - Darkenguard

Store Ruffled Collar for teen-elder

For this dress, I made a small change to the mask to have the ruffle collar recolor completely (instead of just the inside), and made two more stencil variants for the buckle (silver and gold).

  • For teen-elder. Everyday, Formal, Career. Not enabled for random.
  • 4 channels, 3 presets with 3 stencil variants.
  • Original Store item (afBodyResortRuffleDress) not required.
  • Polycount: 4.5k

🔸 Download: SFS | Mega

✨ Related: The Nadine, Retreat Romper.

Preview credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.


Lilisims Shoes02 for teen-elder females

This is my most-used pair of stilettos, converted for teens and elders and with some edits to the adult version: better textures, LOD2 and LOD3. These shoes don't conflict with Lilisims' version.

  • For teen-elder females. Custom thumbnails.
  • Everyday, Formal, Career, Maternity. Not enabled for random.
  • Polycount (LOD1, all): 456
  • Credit: Lilisims [backup folder]

🔸 Download: SFS | Mega


Basegame Relaxed Jeans for teens

I haven't seen a version of these jeans for teens, so I decided to convert them because they're pretty neat-looking. Of course, I edited the textures to be less shiny. Only the mask and overlay are linked to the YA ones, so these textures won't replace the ones of the adult jeans.

  • For teens. Enabled for Everyday, Athletic, Career, Outerwear, Maternity, Random.
  • 1 channel, 3 presets that are slightly modified from the YA ones. Custom thumbnails.
  • Polycount: 1.2k

🔸 Download: Mediafire | Mega

Preview credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

hi ! have a problem, how do make that the clothes of explorers from "World Adventures" and sets like "Quantum Power Suit", "The Party Pack Bundle" are not randomized for the NPC and townies ?

Hi! It's pretty easy, all you have to do is set the ValidForRandom flag to False in the CASP resource. This will mean that when the game rolls a new outfit for a sim, items not flagged as ValidForRandom won't be taken into consideration.

You may need: S3PE, S3OC, Multi Extracter.

Here are some guides to help:

I. How to Convert Sims3Packs to Packages - if your files are in .sims3pack format, you will need to convert them to .packages first.

How to Change Categories for CAS Items - once you're done converting, the field you want to expand is ClothingCategory, as seen below:

II. How to Clone with S3OC - if you want to edit items that come with the basegame, EPs or SPs (like the WA outfits), you will need to clone them first. For clothing, go to Cloning \ CAS Part and select whatever item you want. Since you want default replacements, you will need to untick the "Renumber/rename internally" option. You can change its flags on the right, before clicking Commit.

After you're done cloning an item, you can open the new .package in S3PE and extract only the CASP resource since you won't need anything else. Right-click the CASP resource -> Export -> To package..., and give this .package a name. If you have multiple CAS items you want to edit, you can put all their CASPs in one single .package.

If you want to be able to quickly identify what your items are when you open up this .package (e.g., maybe you want to change more categories in the future), you can also export the THUM resources (in-game thumbnail) along with the CASP ones.


Basegame Athletic T-shirt edit

This is an edit of the basegame colorblock athletic t-shirt, which has seen almost no use in my game because the texture's folds make it look like the sim is barrel-chested from the front. And since there were so many color combinations I found, which the original mask didn't allow, I ended up making a few variations of that too.

Thus, there are two versions. Both are default replacements, so use only one at a time! The new textures are from my All in One Tee project.

🔸 Textures-only version: SFS | Mega Includes: edits of the multiplier, specular, and normal map textures. Conflicts with: no-shine edits.

🔸 Textures + new masks + presets version: SFS | Mega Includes: edits of the aforementioned textures, new masks, new presets (the same across all ages), new EA-match thumbnails. Conflicts with: no-shine edits, recategorizers.

Preview credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


Store Ala Mod Dress for adults and elders

It's dresses like this that highlight the dearth of good patterns in TS3... I highly recommend grabbing a few nice ones from Simlicious!

  • For adults and elders. Everyday, Formal, Career, Maternity. Not enabled for random.
  • 3 channels, 3 presets.
  • Original Store item (afbodyclassdressmod) not required.
  • Polycount: 3812.

🔸 Download: Mediafire | Mega

Preview credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


Pets Cardigan, Poncho & Tied Flannel Cowgirl Shirt

ℹ️ There are two versions of these tops: the ones marked “reqPets” require the Pets EP since they reference the adult textures from it. The others are BGC. While I’ve kept most categories the adult versions were enabled for, nothing below is enabled for random.

🔸 Pets Cardigan (teen): Mediafire | Mega For teens. Everyday, Formal, Outerwear, Maternity. 4 channels, 3 presets. Polycount: 3684.

🔸 Pets Poncho (teen & elder): Mediafire | Mega For teens and elders. Everyday, Formal, Career, Maternity. 4 channels, 3 presets. Polycount: 4016.

🔸 Pets Tied Flanned Cowgirl Shirt (elder): Mediafire | Mega For elders. Everyday, Athletic. 3 channels, 3 presets. Polycount: 3483.

Preview credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Hi! :) Concerning TS3 Store's Savvy Seller's Collection, can you please provide assistance in locating a decor version of the Savvy Seller's Rug that disables the selling & buying options? When they are placed on residential lots, Sims will autonomously browse the various objects that are placed on the rugs. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Hi! I'd say that could be done by replacing the script class in the OBJK resource with the script class of a coffee table, for example. Or with icarus_allsorts' Transmogrifier, possibly.


Various Island Paradise tops for teens and elders

This is a set that aims to fill in some gaps of the Island Paradise EP, namely the fact that the more versatile tops aren't available for teen-elder.

ℹ️There are two versions of these tops: the ones marked "reqIP" require the Island Paradise EP since they reference the adult textures from it. The others are BGC. While I've kept most categories the adult versions were enabled for, nothing below is enabled for random.

🔸 Halter Top (teen only): Mediafire | Mega Everyday, Formal, Career, Maternity. Polycount: 3630. Elder: SimplexSims.

🔸 Cropped Jacket (teen & elder): Mediafire | Mega Everyday, Career, Maternity. Polycount: 3324. These include my mesh transparency fix.

🔸 Racerback Tank Top (elder only): Mediafire | Mega Everyday, Career, Maternity. Polycount: 3560. Teen version already available in IP.

🔸 Swoop Tank Top (teen only): Mediafire | Mega Everyday, Career, Maternity. Polycount: 3330. Elder version already available in IP…or here.

Preview credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.


Three vintage Store dresses for elders

I was surprised to see that these weren't already available for elders!

For the Newcomb Dress, I left a shinier specular and added two more stencil color variants, to a total of three: gold, silver, copper.

🔸 Download: Abe's Cabe Dress: Mediafire | Mega Evening of Jazz Dress: Mediafire | Mega Newcomb Dress: Mediafire | Mega

✨ Related: Flapper Dress, Sashay

Preview credits: 1, 2, 3, 4.


Seasons Festival Egg, buyable and recolorable

I'd been working on this project for literal years, I think. Frankly, I'm still dissatisfied with it, but any attempt to make the textures better turned out even worse than what you see above. Initially I was going to only make the other stencils available to purchase (in buydebug, you can only buy the variant with the golden llama), but then set out to make all of them recolorable, too, and here we are.

I still think the textures look like ass, but...they're not that bad...from map view, I guess? 😂 Unfortunately, a lot of the details are pretty small, so color changes won't be too noticeable in some cases.

The Fancy Festival Egg can be found under Decor \ Sculptures, Misc for $500. It has a polycount of 338 and does not require the Seasons EP. It comes in five recolorable variants.

🔸 Download: SFS | Mediafire | Mega


Island Paradise Latin String Tie Top Edit

This is an edit of one of the tops that comes with Island Paradise. I've never been a fan of the original (wearing lace directly over bare skin must be really itchy!) or its presets, so I made the following changes:

  • new undershirt, with the texture of the Buttoned-down Shirt;
  • fixed some bleeding around the collar;
  • gave some details (pocket, bow, collar, lapels) more definition;
  • fixed the UV mapping on the LOD1 GEOMs of the elder version, which had some really ugly shadows on the lapels;
  • made new presets, added separate channel for the buttons.

I've included several versions of this edit, in the same archive:

  1. default replacement (adult-elder): requires IP, changes _XML, CASP and GEOM resources; will conflict with recategorizers;
  2. basegame compatible (adult-elder): doesn't require IP or conflict with anything, the AF and EF packages are independent of each other so you can pick and choose. Polycount: 3.2k;
  3. UV map fix only (elder only): default replacement, doesn't conflict with recategorizers or include any of the other changes.

Other details:

  • For Everyday, Formal, Career. Not enabled for random.
  • 4 channels, 3 presets. The default version contains updated EA-style thumbnails, the non-default one has custom thumbnails.
  • Preview credits: 1, 2, 3.

🔸 Download: SFS | Mega

Hi! I'm loving your edits of the ea items, thank you for sharing! I was hoping to ask if you have any tips or know an easier way of adding many slots to the objects. Manually adding all those slots and relocating them in tsrw is just a nightmare😱 Thank you🥲

Hi, and thank you! Personally, for the decluttered shelves I just cut myself some slack and used coffee tables as the base, since those come with tons of slots already added.

For editing their placement, I guess if you want to place them opposite each other, symmetrically, you could pick a pair of slots and edit their X-axis and Z-axis values to match in TSRW, but I find that to be more time-consuming than eyeballing 🤷‍♀️

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