
Tam, Who Death Forgot.

@sapphicsapphos-blog / sapphicsapphos-blog.tumblr.com

tammy | they/them | 21 | feminist | lesbian | taurus | vegan | about

Enough with the “it’s okay to be slutty! Suck all the dicks you want!” feminism. We live in a society where young girls are already being groomed by porn culture and rape culture into thinking that they always have to be sexually available to boys, that they have to cross their own limits and leave their comfort zones to please men sexually. What we need to be telling young girls is that they don’t have to suck dick if they don’t want to. That they don’t have to participate in sexual acts that they’re uncomfortable with. That it’s okay to say no. That there’s no shame in not having sex.


“After ProPublica revealed last year that Facebook advertisers could target housing ads to whites only, the company announced it had built a system to spot and reject discriminatory ads. We retested and found major omissions.”


Same site that hyper-polices it’s Black and native users and constantly sucks for saying things like “White” and thats it, right? That bans trans women for not registering under a deadname? ok.


Friendly reminder that the UN estimates it would take 30 billion dollars a year to end world hunger, which is approximately 5 percent of the annual US military budget. (~600 billion). Fuck the USA and fuck the military.

It would not be hard to fix so many problems with no negative effect or noticeable adjustment even required…

But. We. DON’T.

I feel like it’s also worth pointing out that the world’s richest people have a total of $6 trillion combined and that fortune keeps growing


A trillion is one thousand billion, our wealthiest could pay for this and literally never, ever, ever fucking notice the loss. Never. No effect on them whatsoever.


This father consoling his baby son at the doctor’s office is SO CUTE 😍😍😍


This father is doing SO much more than consoling his infant son …

• this father is showing up as a pillar of safety; he’s told his son he acknowledges and believes in the boy’s strength.

• the father is completely present and accepting of his son’s story and helps him tell it. When the son recognizes that his father was fully present and heard the story of his experience of pain, the boy calms completely.

This piece of video will now be at the very top of my teaching tools when training parents and caretakers to work with shock and trauma in infants. It’s one of the finest examples of exemplary parenting I have ever seen in my 35-year healing career. ❤️

This made me laugh and cry. Black fatherhood is so beautiful. The only thing I’ve ever wanted is a family, and I can’t wait for it to be exactly like this ♥️

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