


miss me?

I understand logically why the game of thrones show aged up so many characters for practical reasons (child labor laws, canon scenes which would be inappropriate to film w a child without traumatizing them, etc.) but having most of the main characters be adults really takes away from the tragedy of the entire story. Dany is only 13 when she’s sold to Khal Drogo, she is a scared and quivering child with no home and no family when we meet her. Jon is also 13, keenly aware of his branding as an outcast by the rest of his family, longing to simply be accepted alongside his big brother robb. robb himself is 14 and rides off into war, his death, before he can even properly grow himself a beard. his own mother is unsure if he’s ever kissed a girl, yet he commands an army. podrick is 10. bran is 8. brienne is only 19, not in her early 30s. missandei is around 9, a child of the slave trade who has lost absolutely everything and yet clings to her fellow former child slave (Dany) as a mother. They’re all so terribly, horribly, tragically young when the stories begin, and all either already the victims of multiple tragedies or the prey for narrative darkness. In this way, asoiaf is a story not about political savvy and connections, but of a hundred desperate and forsaken children grasping for safety and family and trying to ensure the next generation of children will never suffer as they have (and they fail at that too)


Taking anti-depressant pills?? Seeing a therapist??? Journaling???? No need babe, my fav writer just dropped another x reader fic.


Me watching Spider Punk/Hobie, Miguel, and Pavitr on screen

“He’s my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy,”


just came across something on my dashboard and I am kind of gobsmacked…. like I don’t wanna reply to op or tag them or anything. 

but basically, they made a post saying that people posting about Eddie loving chubby girls (which I am assuming means those “Eddie loves thick girls pass it on” type posts and Eddie x plus sized reader fics) is skinny shaming 

and I am just like. ugh. I am gonna vomit 

like - skinny shaming is explicitly saying that being skinny is ugly or bad. and in generally, I believe that it is not as bad as fatshaming on a systemic level, and people never acknowledge the fact that skinny shaming and fatshaming go hang in hand, and if you took queues from the fat people who started the body positivity movement about shutting the fuck up about what other people eat and look like, then there would be a lot less skinny shaming in general. 

anyway - if you look at a post that was clearly not made to be targeted towards you, aka a plus sized reader fic, or a post that says “X character loves fat girls” and you get a fucking victim complex about it, you need to check your internalised fatphobia please. fat girls have been shamed for years, fucking years, most of since we were old enough to stand up to be able to step on a scale - we have been shamed about our weight, we have been told we are not good enough, and having that little bit of posivity, having this little fandom space to learn to love ourselves is a fucking sacred thing. because the real world still fucking hates fat girls. 

so it is nice to pretend that a fake fictional character would love my body with a vicious, horny gaze, and not as a caveat, not as an exception.

I will keep writing plus sized reader fics, I will keep saying that Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, and literally every other fictional character that you like not only likes fat girls, but will literally only exclusively fuck fat girls. they can’t hear you complaining because they are being smothered with my fucking thighs 

especially when we are drowned in this fandom environment with stomach bulge fics, size kink fics where the reader is picked up and thrown around like a ‘ragdoll’, where every other fanfic author is berating you with “aesthetic” fanfic moodboards that involve girls with their fucking ribs sticking out. 

fuck you.

Eddie loves fat girls. Eddie will only fuck fat girls. Eddie lives for jiggle, and he will take nothing less. (except for dick)

end of discussion. 

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