
i have the Gay™️


Idk man sometimes it be like that
Queer, Cripple, Autistic, They/Them, 20

would YOU like some art? i have got 3 commission slots open for the loooow low price of $10-25 bucks <3

payment will be half up-front, half when finished and processed through kofi! i'm more than happy to do most fandoms and OCs, but again, i have the right to say no.

whether or not you'd like a commission, i'd appreciate it if this is reblogged! if you don't want a commission, but would be willing to part with a $1 or so, my kofi is https://ko-fi.com/theinkyisles


This is breaking containment into the TERF enclosures which I very much expected, but I will happily shout from the rooftops that furry porn artists are more productive and beneficial to society than JKR’s incessant whining on the elon musk dick riding app about how much she hates trans people

1439 votes but 288 reblogs because the TERFs are afraid of the truth so they're just linking it directly to each other lmao


I’ve stated this before, but apparently it needs repeating: supporting Jews and supporting Muslims is not something that is mutually exclusive. Picking and choosing only one community to protect enables oppression of the other. The right thing to do is to fight both antisemitism and islamophobia. Don’t let anyone convince you that Jews and Muslims must be enemies. The world has more than enough room for both of us. 


ID: Twitter post by Alan MacLeod which reads

Breaking: Annelise Orleck, Head of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth, has been banned from Campus for six months after protecting Jewish students protesting for Palestine from police attacks. Attached is a photo of Annelise Orleck.

Retweet by ceasefire (@kymtje) which reads

Combating antisemitism by banning the head of Jewish studies nothing to see here End ID


Israel has done what we all predicted and warned about. Simple, pure evil. They pushed Palestinians by carpet bombing everywhere till they all had to go to the least bombed place (No, Rafah was never completely safe. They were bombed there, too, to a horrific degree), and then, after cramming what nears a two million civilians with about 600 thousand children, they are asking them to leave... to where?! Nowhere. They are just saying leave. So then, when they kill them all, they can say 'Oh, we warned them'

It was all predicted, and no one did a thing

Rafah is now the most densely populated place in the world, with a population of about 1.5 million and prehaps more in 64 km2. About 25 miles squere.

25 miles squere

A marathon is 26 miles straight. You can at least run through Rafah in length once and in width twice and pass the 1.5 million Palestinians. That's how crammed it is. With no where to run


you people will just. say anything

okay but do you understand that liz wallace made the bechdel-WALLACE test because she was a dyke who wanted to go to movies and pretend the characters were dykes and her friend alison bechdel happened to put her silly little litmus assessment into a comic strip and then the rest of everyone else decided it was a bona fide way of means testing media for Feminist Content? do you know that? it doesn’t sound like you know that

some of you are the dumbest motherfuckers alive

i am going to explain the bechdel test for people such as those in the tags

here is the original comic strip:

what the bechdel-wallace test is not:

  • an academic analysis of media
  • a bar that determines whether or not a movie is “bad” or “good” (by which i mean if a movie doesn’t pass the bechdel-wallace test that doesn’t make it bad, and if a movie passes the test the movie is not automatically good)
  • supposed to be taken seriously

what the bechdel-wallace test is:

  • a personal litmus test created by a lesbian who was, presumably, frustrated with the fact that women could not exist in the movie without a relationship to a man

it is not a way to “police what women speak about” because it does not apply to real people. it applies to fictional characters. also, the bechdel-wallace test does not stipulate that there can be no conversation about a male love interest. the women just have to talk about something other than a male love interest.

the reason the male love interest stipulation is there is because like… this test was created by a butch lesbian woman to determine whether or not she wanted to watch a movie. removing that part of the test violates the spirit of the test. it’s silly because it’s not supposed to be serious.

tl;dr stop misinterpreting the bechdel-wallace test you losers. op is right. goodbye


disabled people aren't overreacting when we get angry and defensive if you grab our aids without our permission. those are extensions of our bodies. if you've touched my white cane or my friend's oxygen tanks or someone's wheelchair or AAC device without our permission then you've touched or grabbed us without permission. it's not overreacting to defend yourself when part of your daily life involves people invading your personal space and grabbing you and your aids without caring what you want


op disabled reblogs so here


It's so hard to come to that conclusion though, like at this point unalive is a part of gen Z culture. It's just using a word, they're not even thinking about talking on TikTok or YouTube anymore, they're just talking. It's a lot like people getting mad over AAVE because it's not grammatically correct and yes it's not, but AAVE is a cultural usage of English, a dialect if you will. They use it because their friends and family use it, everyone talks that way. Nobody thinks about grammar when speaking AAVE. It's actually kind of offensive if you try to correct someone. It's like that with unalive too. It's a clashing of culture, we don't understand it because we see it as it was formed, a response to a shitty half ass language filter, not as it is used, which is just another word for kill, death, or died. I really think this one is just not a big deal enough to fight. I think that teacher in the first part, while I agree with the sentiment and find the story funny, it's also in my opinion not about maturity but just a culture thing.

From working with children, the way kids who use unalive react when they hear someone say kill or suicide, it's not just slang or comparable to minoritised dialects, it's self-censorship, active and deliberate with fear of consequences built into it.


The idea of being punished by an invisible force for saying a bad word is literally something I was terrified of in Catholic school and it’s creepy that corporate sponsors are living in kids’ heads the way God and Satan lived in ours.

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