
It's A Cinch!



Thank you, @RupertFriend and Homeland, for giving us, Peter Quinn. Without him, I would never have met the most amazing, kind, smart, beautiful, and strong women of FMRF, @hellyeahomeland, (past and present), and friends of the blogs, with whom I have spent countless hours sharing the good, the bad, the ridiculous and the hilarious moments of life. 

You ladies have changed my life for the better and I am forever grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I love you all! 



So true! Thankful for @frangipaniflower001 @snqa303 @lizzyervs and of course, Rupes!

Hugs to @findmyrupertfriend ! Love you girls!


Reblog if you write fan fiction

Doesn’t matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there?


Tell us the results! :)

What type of writer are you?’ Ask Game

Planner : What is your favourite plotting method and why?

Pantser : Tell me about a time you wrote something for your WIP on a whim.

Plantser : What is the first thing you do when you start working on a new WIP?

Up with the sun : What is the earliest you’ve ever woken up to write before?

Night owl : Have you ever stayed up til the wee hours of the morning just to keep writing?

Character questionnaire : What is the most important question to answer about your characters?

Not even a last name : What is one thing you’ve never planned for your character?

Gardener : Quick, on the top of your head, give me a first sentence for a (genre,) novel.

Architect : Name the three most important things for you to plan

Aesthetics : Look for three images which best showcase the overall aesthetic for your WIP

Song bird : If you could pick three songs to capture the feel of your WIP, what would they be and why?

Sprint : What is the longest writing session/ most amount of words, you’ve ever written in one day?

Marathon : What are three things you have to have during a writing session?

Overwriter : What is the easiest thing for you to write/ what are your strengths?

Underwriter : What is one area you feel you should focus more on with your writing?

Chronological : Have you ever gotten stuck with a scene? If you have, how do you power through and finish?

Whatever suits your fancy : Beginning, middle or end? Which is your favourite part to write and why?

Typing : What software do you write with?

Handwriting : How many notebooks do you own and which is your favourite?

Location, location : What are your top three (or,) least three favourite places to write and why?

What lovely questions!


To answer in the morning. I hope.

Anonymous asked:

Do you agree with HYH that Quinn was a hindrance to excellent writing? Seeing that breaks my heart. I kinda feel it’s tainting his memory and would probably make rupert sad if he ever saw that said about him 😢 I’m gonna steer clear of HYH again. I know they are your friends and all but the content is upsetting for those of us who loved him. It’s S5 all over again.

Sydney: Absolutely not! Blaming Quinn on the writers’ horrific writing is total and complete bullshit. If the writers couldn’t figure out a way to write his character into a coherent, interesting and worthy plotline, then that says more about their skills as writers and storytellers than it does about Quinn and Rupert. They had so much they could have done with Quinn — and I’m not even talking about a romance with Carrie — because he is such a compelling, rich character.  He easily could have gotten better and been part of a spy plot. Or maybe they shouldn’t have fucked it all up and given him a massive stroke to begin with. (Or had him shot, stabbed and gassed.) Or how about we blame the crappy writing on Gansa’s decision to keep Carrie out of the CIA for two seasons. Or the decision to put prescience over storytelling. IMO, those were more of a hindrance to excellent writing. 

Frangi: I agree with the part that the writers didn’t know where to take the character after season 5 and how to create a coherent, interesting and meaningful storyline including Quinn whereas still driving the show forward. But that doesn’t mean there was no way to do that. So to me, it’s more of a weakness or let’s say a deliberate choice of the writers/showrunners. It’s been a conscious choice to get rid of Quinn.

With that, they had kind of clean-ish slate to tell a story with a Carrie without someone at her side who tethers, challenges, mirrors, supports her - and loves her. It’s sad that they hadn’t it in them to find a meaningful way to tell a story with Quinn in it - but that’s not Quinn‘s fault but theirs. Personally, I‘d enjoy the season 7 spy plot evolving around the Carrie-Quinn-dynamic a lot.

Lizzy: No, I do not believe Quinn was a hindrance. I think Peter Quinn meant a lot more to the audience than the writers anticipated, me included. I began watching Homeland Season 1 the winter after it aired. I watched because I was compelled by Carrie’s storyline and fascinated by Damien Lewis as Brody - the acting from both leads in Season 1 was out of this world. I watched Season 2 live and continued to do so for the remaining seasons, including Season 7. I plan on watching Season 8. I still care about Homeland, I still want to see what Carrie’s fate will be. That being said, the main reason why Homeland means so much to me is and always will be, Peter Quinn. He is interesting, dynamic, vulnerable and brilliantly played by Rupert Friend. And no, it’s not just because I’m super horny for Peter Quinn - which I AM- but the writers and Rupert really developed this amazing character seasons 2-4 and I think it helped that Rupert seemed game for anything. It was important to tell about a soldier’s struggle with PTSD, and disabilities post service. And, of course, Rupert put his heart and soul into every scene he was in. I do think the end of Season 6 did Quinn a disservice and wish they could have given Rupert more to do with this beautifully complex character. It would have been amazing to see him live on in a world, a completely changed person, and to see what else he was capable of.

Laura: This is coming from someone who watched S1-S6 six times and S7 two to three times. No, Quinn wasn’t a hindrance to excellent writing. The writers’ lack of imagination, creativity, and interest in Quinn’s character overall was a hindrance to excellent writing. Rupert gave them everything they needed to do justice for Quinn in the writers’ room. They chose not to do so - whether because they weren’t as invested in Quinn or because they thought it would detract too much from Carrie - who the fuck knows. But I do know this - Quinn was a character worthy of the best Homeland could give. They failed both HIM and US, with their shitty S6 and their lame ass attempt at “Quinn’s death and Carrie’s grief for him are everywhere – coloring her every thought,” in S7. Indeed, FUCK THEM FOREVER!


I believe it’s the exact opposite. With Quinn, the character arc of Carrie was sooooo much better and more interesting. She was a tremendously flawed human, who was trying to find love, be a good mother, AND a good professional. Her struggles reflected mine, and I guess lots of woman, just on a more dramatic and catastrophic scale.

The problem seems to be that male writers couldn’t find a way to write about such an interesting and flawed female hero. They fell back on old cliches and their plot was oriented towards punishing Carrie. Her neurosis , which makes her so interesting, and her focus on the mission (her profession) resulted in the death of her lover and the loss of her child. Homeland just supports the cultural narrative that women should be good girls who prioritize relationships. So, S7 ended with Carrie alone and stripped of her feminine struggles. She was just like any other bad-ass male hero saving the day in an awesome spy plot. I don’t know what they’ll do in S8, whether they’ll be able to find a way to make Carrie as awesome an anti hero as she was when she had Quinn, , but I doubt it.

Hey guys! As a writer myself, it’s hard to have a lot of resources for writing in one place. That’s why I decided to create this masterpost, and maybe make more if I find future resources. I hope you like it, and expect to see more masterposts like this in the future!








Some Tips

Just a few I found from the writing tips tag!


Some Advice


Websites and Apps

For Writing

  • ZenPen: A minimalist writing website to keep you free of distractions and in the flow.
  • The Most Dangerous Writing App: A website where you have to keep typing or all of your writing will be lost. It helps you keep writing…kind of. You can choose between a time or word count limit!
  • Evernote: An online website where you can take notes and save the product to your laptop and/or smartphone!
  • Writer, the Internet Typewriter: It’s just you and your writing, and you can save your product on the website if you create an account.
  • Wordcounter: A website to help check your word and character count, and shows words you’re using frequently.
  • Monospace: An Android app for writing on the go when you feel the inspiration, but you don’t have your laptop on you!

For Productivity

  • Tide: An app that combines a pomodoro-esque timer with nature sounds and other noises! (Google Play / Apple Store)
  • ClearFocus: An Android app with a pomodoro-type time counter to let you concentrate easier and stay productive.
  • Forest: An app with a time counter to keep you focused and off your phone, and when you complete the time limit, a tree grows in your garden! (Google Play / Apple Store)
  • SelfControl: A Mac downloadable app that blocks you from distracting mail servers, websites, and other things!

Prompt Blogs

Writing Tips Blogs


Anonymous asked:

What can I say, Sydney, except that you are showing signs of artistic genius!! The bitmoji set has me laughing with tears! This is a classic! I want a poster of it. Pleeeease send to Rupert and Aimee. I really think they’ll retweet. Oh, and make more!! 👍🏽👍🏽😂🤣

anonymous #2:  Quinn Bitmoji. We. Want. More! We. Want. More! We. Want. More! We. Want. More!

The Evolution of: Rupert Friend


Love this and this man!


My fave is 2017! What’s yours?

Anonymous asked:

So they're scouting locations in Casablanca for S8. Of course! THAT's where Q is living. Scene: Q is sitting at a bar, comfortable in his surroundings, speaking Arabic with the bartender. He turns around after noticing a strange look on the bartender's face. A blonde foreign woman has just entered. Quinn: "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." 😂


Please someone write this!  

Anonymous asked:

Sydney's last Casus Belli's gifs "Don't hurt him" is, imo, among the top heartbreaking scenes of HL. And for this reason, I've watched it only once. Seeing the gifs today reminded me why & made me realize I'm still unsure whether Carrie's closing the door meant: 1) Closing the door to Quinn meaning he is no longer welcome, both literally and symbolically; or 2) To protect Franny from any emotional distress caused by watching Quinn taken away like that. Love to know what you all think. Thanks. 💖

Sydney: I think it’s a bit of both #1 and #2, with a good amount of pure and simple anger mixed in.  But when I think about it, did she ever really let him in in the first place? 

Laura: Honestly, she just looks fucking annoyed to me. Her arched eyebrow and furrowed brow say it all to me. I do think a mother would try to shield her child from a traumatic scene. However, this is Carrie we are talking about here, and Season 7 looms in my mind…

Frangi: I am a mom of three kids between two and nine years old. So this is my momma bear me speaking: whatever happens - kids need to come first, especially when the circumstances are this grave. Carrie had an impossible choice to make and she made it as good as she - and anyone else - could: saving his life and then taking care of her daughter immediately. Of course, shipper/fic writer me wants her to move heaven and earth the very same night to find him…


But Frangi, she did! After all that, Carrie sends Franny home with the BABYSITTER so that she can immediately focus on Quinn (checking out his phone as he wanted), AND she agrees with Franny that Hop needs her.  Not just Carrie, but the whole story remains focused on Quinn when by rights, Franny should be the primary focus.  Honestly, the girl just doesn’t seem that traumatized.  I always thought it was because Quinn told her she would be safe with him, and she knew her mother trusted Quinn.


Strange Angel at ATX TV Festival

I made sure to awake early enough to not forget anything, but the best laid plans…I ran out of the house without my sweater (for the cold movie theatre) or an umbrella (to shield me from the fierce Texas sun), and my phone on 20% battery! I plugged the cord into my phone last night, but somehow the cord was  not plugged into the wall 🙃

The Uber driver got me to my first destination safely. (I didn’t feel like worrying about driving and parking downtown.) I had to pick up my wristband before walking about a block to the Alamo Drafthouse Ritz, where I would screen the first episode of Strange Angel and hopefully meet Rupert!

At first, I was in the line to the right and got a cute “boarding pass” for the event, courtesy of Southwest Airlines.

Then I realized I needed to be in the line to the left, which was a much shorter line! And I got a new boarding pass - lucky #5!!

After waiting in line and sweating to death for almost an hour, we were allowed inside the venue. I was able to snag a front row seat, sandwiched in between two very large guys, one of whom was hogging the armrest. Luckily they both left right after the screening, so I had plenty of room to take notes and see the action up front!

Some Thoughts on the Show (a few spoilers)

The show was really interesting, with beautiful cinematography. We’ve all seen pictures of the period cars and clothing, but seeing it all flow together on screen - it’s rather lovely.

Ernest was prominent in the first episode. You’ve already seen the trailer where he meets Jack Parsons and his wife. There’s a little more to that exchange, but I don’t want to spoil it. Ernest is every bit an eccentric nonconformist, to say the least, which is why I suspect Rupert enjoyed this role.

For those concerned about animal sacrifices - I will say they did not show any animal slaughtered in the first episode, but it is implied that one is indeed slaughtered offscreen. 

And also…Rupert sang a song in a foreign tongue, just briefly, but 😍

Panel Discussion

The panel discussion began with the creator and showrunner, Mark Heyman, who talked about how the idea for the show began four and a half years ago. He grew up in New Mexico with new-aged parents who belonged to a cult-like organization called MSIA (which I assume was Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness). His best friend’s father was a chemist, and Heyman himself was intrigued by mysticism and science.

(Heyman mentioned he has about five seasons in mind. So if this first season is successful 🤗 I think that means MORE RUPERT!)

The panel moderator, Michael Schneider from IndieWire, asked Rupert specifically about his role as Ernest. Rupert stated that playing Ernest felt so different and was a definite departure from Homeland. He described Ernest as a “mysterious guy” who is “weirdly, dangerously magnetic and intriguing.” Rupert played Ernest as a “weirdo” who gives the audience something “that sucks you in.” He described the relationship between Ernest and Jack as volatile and important.

Because Ernest is not a character in the book, Schneider asked about whether or not he was a composite or completely fictionalized. The character was not a composite, and Heyman described Ernest as much more than a plot device. Ernest is a mentor and guide for Jack into the underworld. As the season develops, their relationship morphs and changes. There is a tug of war, a push and pull, and the relationship “flops” at a certain point.

When Rupert was asked about a path forward for Ernest in the story, Rupert really demurred and just said they “haven’t talked about going forward.” However, it’s obvious Ernest’s role would continue. Herman revealed there is a power dynamic at the start of the series that he likens to Cape Fear - an “intriguing menace.”

(Michael Schneider (Panel Moderator), Jack Reynor (Jack Parsons), Rupert Friend (Ernest Donovan), Mark Heyman (Creator/Showrunner), David DiGilio (Executive Producer), and David Lowery (Director)

Rupert looking cute!

Rupert looking cute again 😍

Q&A Time

When Schneider asked for questions, my hand shot up 🖐🏼so I got to ask the first question!!! I asked Rupert, considering all the diverse characters he has played, what did he learn from Ernest Donovan, a very eccentric character. Rupert answered, “How to be a good neighbor.” Everyone laughed because we had just seen how neighborly Ernest and Jack were to one another. Rupert also mentioned learning how to fix cars was cool. The period cars were cool, but NOT easy to drive, according to Reynor. 

I asked the third and last question, because no one else raised their hand. I asked about working with the animals - I mentioned a lamb and chicken, and of course, Rupert corrected me that it was a goat. (And I knew it was a goat, like why the hell I said lamb, I don’t know! 😜) But the Director, David Lowery, mentioned he is a vegan and all animals were treated ethically and humanely.  He said Rupert had a very calming effect on the animals. (I THINK IT’S THOSE HANDS!) Rupert said the goat was supposed to be kicking during the scene where he holds him, but the goat was “happy and lovely.” Another cute tidbit: the goat had a baby sheep on the set as a buddy. As for Reynor, he said he was a “fucking chicken wrangler.” 😂

As the panel ended, I went up to the front quickly, hoping to get a picture and a handshake. A gentleman approached Rupert first and got a picture. Then I stuck my hand out and said, “May I say hello?” I shook Rupert’s hand (not washing my right hand forever now), and told him it was so great to meet him, I’m a big fan, and look forward to watching his show. Then I asked for a photo, and we took a quick selfie. It’s not the best shot, but I’m so glad I asked!

See, he really IS a Strange Angel! That chest is awfully close to my face, too 😚 You can’t really see much of my shirt, but it had a red rose on each shoulder. I thought he might appreciate the gesture 😉

Afterward, I waited outside the building to see if he would come out the same way, and he did! I caught another quick pic of him with Reynor and saw others were taking pictures with them. That spot would have been a much better place for a pic, but I didn’t want to be a bother and ask for another one. 

I stayed behind to watch him for a moment. There was a white van waiting outside with the doors open. I thought it might be their ride, but instead, they stood there longer and then walked away on foot. I was tempted to follow, but didn’t want to turn into a stalker! 😜

Just a couple other things: 

  • Rupert wore the brown, well-worn boots laced up only halfway.
  • That white shirt was very unbuttoned.
  • His hair looked pristine, with beautiful twinkling eyes. 
  • I don’t recall smelling Rupert, but he looked fresh!
  • Rupert was very kind about shaking my hand and taking a picture. I can’t remember a word he said, but I’m pretty sure he answered something in the affirmative when I asked to say hello and take a picture. I’m also pretty sure he said thank you when I gushed over him. 
  • Jack Reynor’s blue eyes POPPED! He’s a funny, handsome devil with a wickedly sexy Irish accent! He described growing a “filthy fucking mustache” as one of the challenges in making a period piece. 😂

You rock Laura!


I’m green with envy and yet so happy at the same time for our dear Laura! She was soooo close to that perfect, naked chest!!! 


So grateful and so impressed with your account. Thanks to your generous spirit, we all get to share in your experience vicariously. So glad to be along on this ride with my fellow fans!


Three Opinions Which Are Not The Same

“Illegal immigration is a crime” - trivially true.

“Illegal immigration is a crime, and for good reason” - I don’t agree, but I acknowledge that it’s complicated and I’m not fully knowledgeable about the issue.  I’m not sure what my ideal set of immigration laws would look like, but I doubt they’d be exactly the same as current ones.

“Illegal immigration is the worst crime, for which no pursuit is too zealous and no punishment too harsh; commit this crime, and you have no human rights” - GET FUCKED.

Anonymous asked:

SAngel does not look that compelling. It looks too 'weird' for network TV. Generally, viewers like to be spoon fed storylines that are simple to follow. Plus, it appears that RF is a peripheral character and not the lead character. The production value looks good but the plot not so good. It may not hold viewers attention. Why not just do films? Or why not do a pilot for a cable show? Cable is better quality. Why pick *this* particular project? I wonder if he has an agent or manager?

Anonymous #2:  I dunno, ladies. Can’t say I’m that enthusiastic about Strange Angel after watching the trailer. I’ll watch for Rupert, but it looks a little too out there for me.

Sounds pretty weird to me, too! But I’m really excited, mostly because I have faith that RF can bring heart and soul to even very weird characters.


Why or do you believe Quinn will or should be treated differently by the show than Brody was?


Well, I’d argue that Quinn has been treated differently. Despite the fact that he was a major presence on the show for the better part of five seasons, they barely acknowledged him at all in season seven. 

Hell, when Brody died midway through “The Star,” the rest of the episode was still about him. Carrie’s pregnancy. The actual star on the wall. 

Quinn received no memorial on the show. His name was barely mentioned. That feels wrong to me. Brody came up multiple times in season four, and we saw a picture of him in season five. In season six, she talked about him in therapy.

It’s just… bizarre. 




Alex Gansa in 2013 describing Body’s death:

“But god: my heart goes out to all the people who fell in love with Nicholas Brody as a character. ...when it was over and I gave Damian a big hug and thanked him for all his amazing work, I slunk off to a little courtyard and I cried.

I was tired, I know, but I was really emotional about saying goodbye to him, too. So my heart goes out to all those people who were moved by his death.”

AG in 2017 describing Quinn’s death and RF’s exit from the show:


I can tell you, this silence felt like a fucking kick in the gut -- contempt for our feelings of grief and lack of closure for a story and a character that AG had deliberately written to represent our soldiers who return from war with physical and psychological damage. Quite frankly, Quinn meant a lot to people who experienced stroke, PTSD, brain injury, and sexual abuse.  It is powerful to see someone like yourself depicted on the screen as a hero, and if the producers at Homeland don’t understand that, then shame on them. And, for those of us who love Carrie Mathison, Quinn’s death would enviably be leading to 7-10 and the end of 7-12, so that was painful as well.  

All of that pain, and there was no closure on-screen, like the star Carrie wrote for Brody, or the hugs between Carrie and Maggie, or Max’s words “I'm here for you Carrie. “ Instead, Quinn felt despair and died while feeling inhuman and without a heart. O’Keaf’s burb was the respect our grief received. 

What did we get off-screen?  Often nothing, as though Quinn wasn’t worth mentioning:

“I have refrained from commenting publicly on the death of Peter Quinn, believing that Rupert Friend's heart-wrenching performance should speak for itself. I have not changed my view.” That’s from Gansa’s letter in response to our ad in the 8/23/17 issue of The Hollywood Reporter. 

Ron Nyswaner, author of  "America FIrst,” gave a 4000-word interview to the Writer's Guild of America, focused almost entirely on the episode.  He NEVER EVEN MENTIONS QUINN'S NAME, much less his death. Clearly, that death wasn’t a significant part of the episode to the writer. https://www.wgaeast.org/2017/04/interview-ron-nyswaner-homeland/

For a grieving fan, this lack of acknowledgment was utter contempt for our feelings. But worse was that when Quinn was mentioned, he was typically denigrated due to Quinn’s status as a person with a disability.

"Quinn is never going to be the same man again, he will never be fully functional... Quinn says in the penultimate episode: "Why did you let me live? Please let me go."     From LLG's Gold Derby interview on May 25 http://www.goldderby.com/article/2017/homeland-director-lesli-linka-glatter-claire-danes-mandy-patinkin-twin-peaks-news-975318642/

I felt that for him [Quinn] to continue would be almost a bit sadistic. I’m not really sure in what capacity that would make sense. It would be quite a cruel storyline. In a sense, I think his time had come." RF on April 10  From http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/homeland-season-6-finale-episode-12-rupert-friend-quinn-dies-1202027633/

Claire Danes, explained to the NYTimes that Carrie “was grieving throughout Season 6; it was kind of a ghost story with Quinn as a dead man walking.”  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/09/arts/television/claire-danes-homeland.html

I don’t wish to be overdramatic, but these statements seem pretty clear to me: in the world of Homeland, living with a severe disability is a fate worse than death. That is a terrible message for all viewers, but particularly cruel to those who related to Quinn personally, especially veterans, whose high rates of suicide continues to be a terrible reality

On the other hand, perhaps the silence and thoughtless words resulted from the fact that Quinn’s death simply was poorly written and handled as a result of factors that are not appropriate for the public to know.  So, people say stupid things to try and explain an ending that made no sense. In that case, AG should step forward as a leader and admit that he should have provided a more graceful and fitting closure to a character and a relationship that he had created with the purpose of engaging the real emotions of real people.  

So, yes, I feel that Quinn’s death was treated very differently than Brody’s death and the character’s exit from the story was handled in a way that was thoughtless and cruel to many people who had been Homeland’s biggest fans.



So, here’s my problem.  We have a hero who inspires the following:

I think I love this Carrie character so much simply because Carrie refuses to "do woman," the way society expects her, or any woman to do it. … Motherhood is unanimously agreed upon as being sacred … I guess I love this character so much because there are some days, some moments, some milli-seconds that I don't want to be sacred! It's too much… I am just relishing, indulging in a momentary fascination, and realization that it is her refusal to accept her role as "sacred mother', that is momentarily inspirational for people like me, who feel guilty when we leave our kids with a responsible childcare provider for even a hot minute. https://www.popdust.com/showtimes-carrie-mathison-huge-disappointment-2548536569.html
"I think that as women we have a secret—or maybe not-so-secret—thrill in watching Carrie put herself first no matter what," Hargreaves says. "We, as women, sacrifice and often put ourselves behind our kids and our partners. But not Carrie. Her occasional indifference to her child and her subpar mothering might speak to a secret part of us ladies... the part that sometimes wants to just say ‘screw it’ and go out for milk... and never come back."
“Homeland” took an extraordinarily brave step when Carrie decided, before a family court judge, that she in fact could not save the world and be a suitable mom. For the good of the country (and the urgency of her current mission), she let Frannie go. There’s a message somewhere in here that may yet transmit back to Gilead: Motherhood is many things, but it is not everything.

All of that would be great, IF the story hadn’t shown us the incredibly high price that both Franny and Carrie (not to mention Quinn and Brody) had to pay as a result of the fact Carrie “refuses to do woman” -- refuses to “sacrifice and put [herself] behind kids and partners” -- refuses to make motherhood “everything.” Without the enormous cost, then yes, Homeland is celebrating Carrie the rebel against social expectations as a feminist champion. However, as it stands, Homeland’s depiction of Carrie is a warning about what happens to women who find that they “just can’t take it,” who accept a standard of “subpar mothering,” or chose to value their professional mission too much.  If you succumb to the seductive example of Carrie Mathison’s brand of womanhood, then you can lose your lover and your child.  No intimate relationships are possible for the woman who puts herself first.  And see how she suffers – it is the torture of knowing your loved ones suffer because of your failures.  Quinn and Brody are dead because of Carrie, and pain that we see poor Franny endure is sickening to watch – all because of how much Carrie strays from the constricting expectations placed on women.  

The thing is, I love Carrie so much for inspiring all the girl-power feelings, which is why I am so hurt by the implicit message I can’t stop reading into her fate.

Anonymous asked:

Hi. I'm not watching S7, but these are thread of my thoughts after reading ab HL 7x10: and love to get your input: 1/4: Carrie finally giving up Franny in the name of patriotism is pure BS and an insult to all parents who serve the country. Carrie LOST the custody of her child, ONLY because she was a BAD mother. PERIOD.Thinking back when Quinn told Carrie in S5 that not everyone fits to be a parent, makes a lot more sense now....

2/4: In spite of what HL is trying to imply, it’s just a typical case of a workoholic and/or ambitious parent with twisted priorities who always put their career first.Truth is, Carrie finally lost her child coz she’d much rather get her spy adrenalin shot on a daily basis than be held back by her child. Admit it or not, we all know that deep down, she’s so relieved now….
¾: Maggie calling Carrie the “brave"one is, imho, another insult to all brave men & women serving the country!… Yes S/1 Carrie might have been equally as brave as she was unruly insane. But, in every season, she lost some of the former and gained more of the latter progressively. 
4/4: The way Franny asked Carrie if she was coming back, chances are she won’t! If not this season, then maybe by series finale.

Here’s my input:

  1. Carrie didn’t give up Franny because of patriotism. She gave up Franny because IT WAS WHAT WAS BEST FOR FRANNY. I know there are parents who are able to serve their country AND take care of their children. No doubt. Technically, Carrie did not lose custody of Franny. She voluntarily gave up her parental rights to Franny. Carrie gave it a good try for almost two years in S5. She was raising Franny with Jonas. She no longer worked for the CIA, but trouble came knocking at her door. This season, was Carrie a bad mother? Absolutely. And you’re right - maybe she wasn’t fit to be a parent. In S3E12 “The Star,” Carrie did tell Maggie and their Dad that she wanted to give Franny up for adoption…
  2. I don’t think Carrie is a typical workaholic, ambitious parent. Not every workaholic, ambitious parent (1) has bipolar disorder, (2) works with top secret clearance, (3) travels around the globe to immerse herself in hostile, dangerous situations, (4) advises the POTUS, and (5) regularly risks her own life (and the lives of people around her). I do agree that she is relieved now. 
  3. Was Carrie brave, or was she insane? How about both? I think that now Carrie is stabilized again, we may seem more bravery defining her actions, rather than her mental state.
  4. I agree. If Carrie returns, it won’t be for a while.
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