the power to find you

@unaruto /

i only care about team 7

*After their family portrait* 

 Sarada: “Let’s take a silly one!”

(Quick sketch of the happy Uchiha family!)


depression casts a shadow on everything. you’ll think that there’s nothing that can help, no point in living, just because of who you are. depression feeds you lies that you believe because it consumes your whole life. it makes you feel guilty because ‘other people have it worse’ so you isolate yourself, stop asking for help, because who could possibly understand? it makes you feel like a failure, it makes you endlessly compare yourself and wonder why things are the way they are, why you aren’t good enough, why you’re constantly mistreated, why you’re always sad even if there is no reason for it. and eventually you come to the conclusion that it’s your fault, life will always be like this…and there is no way you can be helped, because the enemy is yourself, so what’s the point of going on.

please listen to me. don’t listen to depression. when you’re depressed, you are not your thoughts; from other people’s perspective you could be an angel with a beautiful soul, but depression still screams that you’re useless and a failure. there are reasons to be happy, depression just hides them, so all you can see are the things wrong about your life. things could be ‘going well’ but depression still says there’s no use of living like it’s the truth. you could be loved and depression says they’re just pretending, and it gathers little thoughts and memories to convince you. but I promise, the thoughts are all lies to make you want to give up. because it is not yourself who is the enemy, it is the depression, which can be overcome and slowly defeated.

it’s not your fault. depression is an illness which can be helped even if it’s a little. please, ask for help, you don’t need a ‘reason’ to be depressed, depression is an illness and doesn’t care if your life is ‘good’ or bad. if one doctor doesn’t help, go to another one; talk to a friend or go on a therapy website because there is help out there, there is a way out and it is NOT weak to ask for help, it’s a sign of strength, and some people may never understand but others will understand perfectly. it is not weak to fight against it, it makes you strong.

it is normal to feel vulnerable, like nothing will help you, but please just try. depression is a monster and as long as you’re alive, you can be helped. once you’re out of there, the world will be different, you will see things you’ve never noticed before and it will be a thousand times easier to be happy. when you can get better, things will get easier, things will change even if it’s slow. things that saddened you before will barely affect you. you can make happy a constant theme in your life. you’ll see yourself for who you really are, the beautiful person who deserves the world. you can feel okay every day, not weighed down by heavy thoughts. so if you’re depressed, I believe in you and even if you don’t believe in yourself, please be kind to yourself and try to recover. it will be a tough journey but you can do it. you are strong enough, though you don’t see it. you can make it through. it will be worth it. I believe in you.


regret will get you nowhere. you will regret all the hours you spent regretting the past. it’s an endless cycle. this is a sign that it’s time to look forward


Sakura and Katsuyu 💕💕💕

I have a lot of test and school works to do, but now I can finally finish my fanart.

please do not repost, but do reblog :)

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