



“daniel’s just not comfortable yet with the car” or we could tell the truth and talk about how his car doesn’t seem to work properly 100% of the time & how the “““team””” strategy always seems to benefit #4 even if daniel has been consistently quicker but yeah. it’s all because daniel can’t get ahold of this abhorrent tractor he’s been given ♡

and before people come sliding into my inbox, russia 2021 style, i don’t think mclaren are ‘sabotaging’ daniel. i just think he’s not been given the public support he deserves, especially after how brutal everyone has been over the last 18-ish months. he deserves better.


i understand the results because they’re there. but people need to start watching him closely if they want to criticise him to the ground, and how his team treats him poorly. daniel is a world class driver, even said by many drivers he races/raced against. no way you just lose that. how about turning around and question the car itself and how his team can cater to him better so that he can deliver the results they seek. they always compare his results to his teammate which is what you typically do esp when there is a big gap but do you not see the poor strategies they give him… it’s always so easy to see his result pattern being out of the points when it’s not all about him but also comes down with strategies and how his car just doesn’t compete well with others. also having your boss go on public tv and doesn’t back you up sucks off your confidence too.


Is anyone else ever genuinely shocked when you find out you have an impact on someone’s life? A coworker can be like “I’ve missed seeing you” and I’m just like “???? you?? missed me????? My presence has an effect on your daily experience???? I affect things??? W h a t ? ? ?”


“34% of men working remotely with children at home said they received a promotion, versus 9% of women in the same situation, according to an August study by software company Qualtrics and theBoardlist, which focuses on gender parity in the boardroom. The study of 1,051 salaried U.S. employees was conducted July 9-13.”

“In addition, 26% of men with children at home said they received a pay raise while working remotely, compared to 13% of women with children at home.”

Men get that raise because they feel entitled to hide behind the computer while their girlfriends or wives are dealing with taking care of their kids even if said girlfriends or wives are also balancing zoom meetings 🤷🏾

Yep!! Women who work at home are expected to keep up housewife status home duties while working. (This has always been a thing but has worsened with COVID) whereas men who work from home are given space. Think mom on zoom calls wrangling kids while dad is quietly working in the office. Her performance isn’t there because she’s working twice as hard as any man and gets passed over for raises and Promotions.


Lewis was investigated for wearing a fucking t-shirt!!

Lewis was investigated for wearing a fucking t-shirt!!

Lewis was investigated for wearing a fucking t-shirt...

I'm waiting to see what they are going to do with this guy, let's see how much "we race as one" is real


Thanks to a certain game, we’re going to forget how to spell the word “suspicious” soon.

As if o ever knew how to spell it in the first place

Did you really just misspell the word “I”?


university is just *makes appointment* *fills water bottle* *updates google calendar* *buys shitty campus food* *answers emails* *makes another appointment* *stares at review page for thirty minutes* *laptop battery dies* *eats all your snacks as soon as you get to the library* *more emails* *walk behind slow people*

Anonymous asked:

Idk if you've ever seen that popular Reddit post about the guy who cried when his partner washed his hair because it was a kind of intimicy he wasn't used to and I can't help but feel like Jaybird would be that guy..

I have not but yES

Jay coming home from a rough night out of patrol. Broke, beaten, and bruised. The hot water of the bath doesn’t seem to do enough justice against his aching body. Head tilted back against the edge of you tub, eyes sealed shut to try and block out the pain. 

He’s glad you’re there with him, even if you just sit silently by him. It’s your presence that matters the most. And then Jason feels your hands trail along his shoulders peaking out of the water. Thumbs digging into the tense muscles, the fine lines on his face distorted in pain. 

Blood was matted in his hair and you couldn’t tell if it was his or someone elses. Either way, you cupped your hands to rinse his hair. Jason didn’t think much of it, the hot water streaming down his face was nice. His curiosity peaked when he head the shampoo bottle clatter. 

Jason swears that the moment your fingers thread through his hair he nearly cracks. It not only the motions of how good it feels against his scalp, but the closeness of it all. How could a simple task for washing hair be so sentimental? It was something that he did himself everyday, but to have you do it? He didn’t know something so mundane could bring himself to tears. 

So when you noticed the few tears slipping down his face, it was easy to assume that you had hurt him further. You pulled your hands away and Jason sobs because the second your touch is gone he feels alone. 

“Jason, baby, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” 

“No, god know,” Jason cups your face as you kneel down beside him. His beautiful eyes glossy with tears of love for you. “Please don’t leave, don’t leave me.” 

“I’m not going anywhere, Jay.” 



Youtube has decided to take away the community contributions that make up the captions on videos.

The auto generated captions are not good and don't give the reader enough accurate information for them to know what the video is about, much less understand it.

This is a huge problem because it takes away a platform from deaf people, hard of hearing people, people with auditory processing issues, anyone who doesn't have a firm grasp on english, etc.

These people for the most part can no longer use youtube, an extremely helpful and enjoyable website, because their team decided that there was "too much spam" in the community contributions.

As someone who used the community captions frequently I can tell you that there was hardly ever a mistake in them. They even told you who was talking and sometimes they took the time to tell you the tone.

This is a huge problem and I'd like to encourage anyone who is able to send some politely worded feedback to their team in an effort to bring back the community contributions.

Please be nice with your feedback, the people who read your comments are just trying to do their job, and quite frankly people will be more inclined to give you what you want if you're polite about it.

Thank you to people who decide to send feedback, and thank you to those who even took the time to read this.


not to be controversial but sometimes I think the private personal lives of celebrities are in fact none of our business


This is art. A masterpiece, actually.


A true American hero


They killed him. His name was Muhiyidin Moye.

He was killed 1 year after this video, according to what I’ve gathered online. Someone tried to knock him off his bike and shot him even as he rode away. He made it to a hospital, but, he still died due to blood loss as he’d left a trail of blood in his path.

All activists who you can name/you see make an impact are viewed as a threat to those in power or those who regard themselves as having power over minority groups. The more of these names I learn, the more I wait in anticipation to hear if they are still here or if their lives have been taken too soon yet.

Here’s a PBS article because I like to believe they’re less biased than most.


I’m reblogging again cause this is crazy, please block out the faces & your face of you at a protest. Protect yourselves and each other. 😨

This is exactly why we tell y’all stop posting protesters faces and clothes without black squares over them, not no pixelated or blurred stuff. STAY SAFE!!!


i am begging you all to stop treating politicians like fandom faves and start treating them as what they are: highly ambitious people juggling several different agendas who we elect in the hopes they will vote for things we support

I’m not trying to pick on this tagger but this is exactly the thing I’m talking about: as AOC advances in her career, if she’s going after genuine political power (and it’s not going to be a bad thing if she does: that’s how you turn your platform into legislation,) she is going to compromise. She is going to support bills you don’t like and not support things you do like. Right now she’s one of four hundred representatives and is in a good place to grandstand, but if she ever gets into the Senate, or the cabinet, and even if she just spends the next 20 years in the house, she will do things you disagree with and have to make compromise votes you don’t think went far enough and have to give up on legislation with no path forward that you really wanted and support things that are necessary but make you feel icky.

After which, two paths are likely to follow: she will either be Canceled, because we were all rooting for her how dare she let us down like this, it just goes to show you can’t trust anyone in the system– regardless of whether there were practical reasons for her to do what she did– or her supporters will just go into mass denial. A few years ago I had very liberal friends of mine decided that gun control wasn’t really important after all…   as soon as they learned their favorite congressman didn’t support it. (Because I guess they considered “I disagree with him on this point but support him anyway because the things we do agree on far outweighs what we do not, compared to the other candidates running” as admitting defeat? I don’t know. They sure were on the gun control train again after the next mass shooting, though.)

And the reason the congressman didn’t support it wasn’t some deep moral failing: it  was because he was from a state with a strong gun culture, and he wanted to keep getting elected. This is how representative democracy is supposed to work. And because of that track record, I didn’t support his higher ambitions– because while I didn’t always agree with his opponent, the gun thing tipped the scales into “agree more than I disagree, compared to the other candidate”– which is also how representative democracy is supposed to work. Right now, AOC and elected officials like her are in a position where they can support the things they support and still win, but that might not always bet he case.

I admire AOC. I respect AOC. I agree with a lot of AOC’s platform. But we’re setting ourselves up for a mess if we keep acting like AOC is a fun twitter celebrity who posts good clapbacks, and not, you know, a highly ambitious person juggling multiple agendas who we hope will continue to vote for things we like.

And as fun as it is to see AOC playing video games, and it IS fun and delightful, I worry that the parasocial relationship she’s cultivating with excited young voters is only going to exacerbate people’s feelings of betrayal when she inevitably acts like a professional rather than your friend. She is an incredibly smart and driven woman and I hope she has a long career in politics and makes lasting change and to do that, ditto all the above, she will HAVE to compromise. And the more people feel like they really “know” her, or she’s their friend, or she’s like a friend because she plays the same games as you and talks about life experiences you share, the stronger the backlash is going to be, bc it’s going to feel personal. And it’s really, truly, not.

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