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@pandah3r0 / pandah3r0.tumblr.com

I've moved! new account is: Frosty-Panpan

Well this is going to be my last post here. I'm moving to a new account for a fresh start and that's going to be more focused on my art. I will still be posting random stuff that I like but it won't be as crowded (especially with fandom stuff). The new account is under Frosty-Panpan :) hope to see you guys there.


boss/assistant aus that nobody asked for

‘you’re such a loser that the only person you’re close enough with to ask to be your pretend boyfriend for a weekend is me, your boss, and i don’t think we’re fooling anyone even tho i legit have feelings for you’ au ‘you’re my adorably shy and awkward assistant who cares way too much about my love life and at a dance party you tell me to dance with the most attractive person in the room last so you can set up a date with them for me and when everyone’s gone i ask you to dance with me because you’re the prettiest person here to me duh’ au ‘you’re my normally really pedantic and fussy assistant so i get really confused when you start sending me office memos with typos of randomly added letters turns out the added letters spell out a declaration of your love for me’ au ‘you are my (single parent) assistant who i like so much i’m actually taking time out of my day to pick your kid up and babysit him when you’re too busy get a hint already omg’ au ‘i’m a wizard and you’re my assistant who i administer a love potion to because science and i’m really annoyed when it doesn’t work because i’ve never gotten a potion wrong before - oh wait, it didn’t have any effect because you actually already liked me?? okay nvm then’ au ‘my boss keeps buying me ridiculously expensive gifts is he trying to woo me’ au ‘my assistant keeps buying me ridiculously silly gifts that say things like “best boss” is he trying to woo me’ au 'my really stern and strict (but secretly nice) boss and i have to fly somewhere on a business trip and during the plane ride he fell asleep on my shoulder he looks so cute and peaceful i’m melting on the inside’ au 'i think my assistant has a crush on my business rival/partner’s assistant and it’s killing me on the inside’ au 'mafia boss and assistant who’s actually a normal person and has no idea how they ended up working in the black market’ au



Honestly I am glad this whole shitstorm has happened because the type of people that now won’t be playing Overwatch are exactly the people I try to maintain a quarantine distance from.


Oooohh let me preface this by sayin this shits gunna be a long, silly ass rant about vidya games and i apologize for not puttin it under a read more.

AH Tracer, our little shining star and posterchild of Overwatch -what did we do to deserve you. from the first tease of the game the overwatch tag has had your face, ass and tiddies splattered all over it and now theres a strange hubub about your covered ass in the game? WHAT GIVES?

i mean! We’ve SEEN your ass! Your very character design almost says ‘HEY, check THIS out!’

So imagine our surprise when the Overwatch tag wasn’t a sea of poorly rendered porn and fetish art featuring you! Imagine the moment of pause we all had when we saw more text posts actually talking about the BETA than any weird (and, to be honest, pretty shitty) porn of you! What a WEIRD reality where people talked about the GAME ! 

Alrighty so whats the rundown then? All this over some pose, yea? THIS old thing?

Yea- THIS old thing! Whats the deal? All this weird, blown out of proportion ‘THE SJWS ARE TAKING AWAY MY GAME!!” drama over- over these uneven asscheeks?  THAT SEEMS AWFULLY SILLY!  “It’s JUST a pose!” Everyone says! “People these days are too sensitive!” Cool! So - what exactly are we defending here? 

This pose? 

It’s bland as shit. It’s been all over the tag and I’m sure this argument is nothing more than a pile of smoldering shit that people are desperately trying to stomp out, but the original post actually says; 

And yknow what! This person is absolutely fuckin right! This is the most boring, redone, reused, cliche, generic and watered down pose you could ever give a female character. Is it over sexualizing her? I mean, in my honest opinion, no?It just makes me fucking yawn because we’ve seen this a billion fucking times- and I actively play a game that features a Dragon in a bikini and the god damn Banshee queen in the same goddamn bikini. Can someone see this as over sexualizing her? Absolutely. Its like someone spraypainted her ass orange. I’m amazed you’re not constantly seeing a fuckin cameltoe with these goddamn leggings, if she bends over you could see her asshole, it’s stupid. “But she’s speedy!” Okay, sure. Yknow who else is speedy?

But instead of ass-hugging leggings so we could get a sweet glimpse of those asscheeks, he’s got some fucking Robot legs going on. “BUT HE WEARS SKATES!!” Cool, I mean, I’m sure people have the ability to wear skates and leggings.

But the inevitable backlash of boys freaking the fuck out over the potential of seeing some sweet man-ass is besides the point- moving on.

Tracer’s pose had less to do with oversexualizing her and so much more of a ‘this isn’t HER’ than anything else. People scraping at the walls and screaming “SJWS!!! SJWS!!!” like it’s going to summon the God of Blizzard to step in and say “I HEAR YOU, GENTLEMEN” are more of an insult to the gaming community than anyone, male or female, being a little miffed over a stupidly generic pose. 

“But a GIIIRLL complained!!! She probably wont even play it!!” Ya’ll howl, neglecting to realize it was a beta that people were trying out- and is actually a pain in the ass to even get in (I’ve only been in once)- and also not even knowing who, or what, that person identified as. And even if it was- who gives a shit? Are we going to ignore that dudes complained about shit in games too (lest we forget the Dorian Drama, the Metal Gear drama, the “WHY IS SYLVANAS WEARING MORE CLOTHES!!” drama, men throwing fits and pouting through out Blizzcon about Overwatch “pandering to SJWS” when they so much as mentioned ‘Sure, there’ll be gay characters.’- this list can go on.)

The strangest comments I’ve seen has been repeated more than once- “If you don’t like it/are too sensitive/ then don’t play it!” Which is a weird thing to say to people that are beta testing a highly anticipated shooter game that actively portrays more of a diverse (albeit, one that still leaves a little to be desired) cast than any shooter we’ve seen in a while. Go fuck yourself? This game is fun as hell, why would a stupid pose that is so boring be the thing the detours off someone from enjoying it- VS a pissbaby that throws a fit when it’s taken away! HAH! OH WAIT! People ARE cancelling their preorders because it was taken out of the game! Ironic! 

It boils down to, for me at least, that the pose wasn’t necessarily oversexualized, but god damn boring. I think the strange knee-jerk reaction from dudes ranging from “Anti-Feminists” to “REAL gamers” was just that- a stupid fucking knee-jerk reaction from shitbabies that couldn’t sit back for a second, use a couple braincells and think ‘wow, okay, that pose is boring as shit for a game I’m going to shell at least 60$ on’. Rather than wait it out and see the new pose, rather than say ‘okay, I get it, that doesn’t fit THAT character’ they choose the weird road of being such sad sacks of shit about it on the internet like a child throwing a tantrum that they so often portray the SJW community as being. It’s weird.There’s a thirty minute video out there of some dude bitching about it- it’s amazing.

Your porn is still there. It’s gross, boring, rendered poorly, drawn poorly, just like 90% of all that other video game porn out there, but I PROOOOOMISE it’s everywhere. There’s more Tracer porn than actual Tracer character content, there’s more porn of literally any of the female characters than anything else- and that’s fucking sad. Tracer’s ass is still there, you stare at it if you play her, I promise. That pose, that ooone tiiny boring, generic fucking pose, MIGHT not be. Your weird posts featuring Tracer in a burqa are in bad taste, go outside.

My happy ass is preordering two special edition copies n I’ll enjoy the game for, y’know, being fucking fun and Blizz actually listening to their BETA testers. 

Female videogame character has an body Displays ass Gets reduced to a bland sex symbol By the very people that defend her I mean Have you played videogames before? That’s a sarcastic question btw Doesn’t LoL have like a shit ton of animations of their characters being silly? That’s out of character but I don’t see anybody complaining Because heeeeey you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to/like it Before you set fire to the torches I don’t own the game and even if I did I would only be upset content is being removed from the game for me to use it.

I didn’t once mention her being a bland sex symbol I just said the pose is boring and overused? 

The games in BETA so no one owns it?  It’s literally in development and the character had a bland ass pose removed because it was boring as shit, even the developers were on the fence about it; some people happened to see it as unnecessarily sexualized. 

So it’s not like it was taken out of people’s hands that already spent 60$ on a game lmfao chill


i know i shouldn’t be surprised of how utterly foolish gamers can be

but man

there are people in the world who don’t even have access to free press

and yet

a game developer looking at feedback, agreeing with it, and changing something as inconsequential as a victory pose… is CENSORSHIP

it’s so mind boggling sometimes


This is true. It wasn't censorship at all, her ass is obviously still there. But I just hate the person in the forums who had to start off with "it's too sexual for her character, remove it!!" When some of the other characters can do that pose.


This whole Overwatch thing is hilarious because it has literally nothing to do with censorship. Like the developers posted a thing asking for feedback on it. A player said that one character’s pose seemed against her personality to them in a well thought out post. And the devs agreed with them so they changed it.

Censorship is about changing something because it’s considered “obscene” by the ruling/in control party. This was literally a “what do you think of this?” “That pose seems out of character for her.” “Oh, you right.” No one is being suppressed here. Even the head developer agreed with the player.


Yeah buy the problem was that they changed it because just being in this pose makes it "sexual" we all know half the women in overwatch got booty, tracers clothes are basically the equivalent to her wearing leggings. So how the he'll you going to change a pose with the thought of "no, they're right she's showing to much ass, it's not in her character" like??!!??? You can have ALL the characters pose like that, the person in the forum obviously got triggered because they could have honestly said "hey, what about giving her another pose? A cooler one that matches her?" Not ramble off about how her butt shows through the obvious tight fabric over a pose. Idk I just think it's stupid that they brought up "sexualization" when all the characters have that pose and it's an animated ass like...?!!? Anyways those are my two cents.


I fucking hate people. Grow a fucking spine and give me Tracer’s ass back. Stop being a weak ass fucking crybaby.  You got offended. Who fucking cares. You offend me, but do I get anything out of it? Does anyone listen to MY views? No. This world is weak.

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