
Vicky Farley Art


Creativity is my self-care. Crafty, painting, drawing, sewing, ukulele playing, writing, Dean girl with a Sam curiosity. On AO3 My fanfic can also be found on my other Tumblr blog: Toria-Writes ♡♡♡ Buy me a ☕

Pink, Sweet smelling dust

Paring: Dean Winchester x reader

Summary: While on a witch hunt, you and Dean get some sort of dust thrown on you. After Dean ganks her, you two high-tail it to the bunker thinking the worst. Turns out that witch got her dusts mixed up and hit you guys with an aphrodisiac.

A/N: I heart Dean Winchester. The relationship between the two of you is unspecified and its implied that this is the first time you guys are having sex. I love the sex pollen au :P

Warnings: NSFW(18+) car sex, rough sex, unprotected sex


So many TV shows/movies depict the Epi Pen as a total solution for anaphylaxis...it's not. The Epi Pen gives you 30 minutes to get to a hospital where they can save your life. TV makes it look like you just have to use the Epi Pen and then the crisis is over. Do people without allergies or a loved one with allergies know that an Epi Pen only buys you time? The more I see this on TV the more I worry...

**Maybe you should reblog this because I'm actually worried that most people don't know.


-Don't cover the back end (blue) of the Epi Pen with your thumb.

-Make sure the Epi Pen clicks when you inject it in the thigh AND hold it down for several seconds.


Against All Odds

Summary: For Dean, a certain song always provokes memories of Y/N, the woman he loved and lost. He thinks that getting her back is against all odds. Is he right?

Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader 

Word Count: 3.6K (including lyrics) 

Warning: Angst, arguing, Dean and his self deprecation, some swears. 

Bingo Squared Filled: @anyfandomangstbingo - Break Up

Song Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkGg1bzfSys - Against All Odds by Phil Collins.

A/N: As always thank you to my girl @winchest09. I was struggling with writer’s block and lack of motivation, so she gave me a prompt. This was a line from the Phil Collins song ‘Against All Odds’ so I ran with it. She also beta’d this for me. You are my cheerleader, my bestie and my constant support. I love you. I would also like to thank my pre-reader @cockslut-padalecki

A/N 2: Please don’t hate me! 

Dividers: @firefly-graphics​ and @talesmaniac89

He was so lost, so empty. 

She had walked away, taking his world with him.

It had hurt to breathe, as though the air was too thin, the oxygen having been sucked away when she left without a trace. 

How could a freakin’ song by Phil Collins, of all people, evoke so much emotion? he thought. 


heyyy i saw that ask you answered earlier and you said that you were married and I need some advice from a married fangirl, like me! so I've been married since i was 16 and this August will be our 17y anniversary. He's a good guy, hard worker but he has zero patience for my fangirl ways and he *hates* how much I love Dean. I think its irrational, not like i sleep with a Dean body pillow in the bed with us! i don't think I should stop just to make him happy, because this makes me happy, thoughts?


Wooof, that's a toughie.

I got married young too, granted not as young as you, but I've been with my (much) older husband since my 19th birthday. He actually has learned that I am a fangirl, I obsess over things very hardcore. He knows I write pornography, he's well aware of all my online dealings. . . and he's OK with it. He doesn't care if I'm in love with Dean, or Sam, or Jensen, because he knows that I know that I'll never actually be with them. He's even come to cons with me, and is a fan (though, not a huge one) of the show, and more over, the actors themselves. But, again, he knows it's just for fun. We even made up a song at con one year... ahem... "Jensennnn ain't neva gonnna fuck youuuuu" Because a lot of fans do seem to walk around with the impression that they have some magical connection to the guys and one of them will turn around and fuck them. Which is crazy. Misha Collins is my free pass, but that's crazy. Right...? lol anyway... point being...

He is ok with it because he knows it makes me happy. I sit through baseball games with him because I know it makes him happy. I've watched SuperBowls, gone to see Skynyrd 3x, all because it makes him happy, so he does the same for me.

When you're in a marriage, you are partners. You don't have to do everything the other one does, or even understand all of it, but you have to respect them and know that your job is to make the other person happy. So if that means ignoring it when I moan at the TV when Jensen is naked... he accepts it. If that means I gotta act excited when some ball gets hit somewhere, I do.

I'd talk to your husband and let him know that it upsets you that he is nasty about your hobbies and interests.

Also... my husband bought me a naked Sam & Dean pillowcase and it's in our bed still. He actually woke up on it the other night like "GAHH!!" so ... yeah. lol

long story short: If you love someone, you should accept what makes them happy. Especially if it's someting silly like being in love with a fictional character. Because, no offense... Deannn ain't neva gonna fuck youuuu (cuz he aint real)


Daily Mixes Challenge (multi fandom)

I’m close to reaching 1k followers (12 off), I will be celebrating my birthday in May (the same day as Sam Winchester), and my blog will be turning 2 so I wanted to celebrate.

1k followers is kind of mind boggling as I don’t post very often and I’ve been very quiet on here as of late. But I want to change that. So I am copying (with permission) @justagirlinafandomworld​ ‘s flash fic challenge .

Music inspires me in my day to day life and as I have progressive hearing loss I listen to A LOT of music. I want to consume as much as I can before I can’t do it any more.

So my challenge is this: send me an ASK picking a number 1-6. I will hit shuffle on the corresponding Spotify playlist and give you the first song that plays. You then have to write a fic with 1000 words or less or create a mood board, aesthetic or piece of art based on that song or the feelings it gives you.

For anyone who doesn’t use Spotify, it creates 6 playlists that change from day to day. It changes DAILY, so I don’t know what song you could get. I listen to anything from cheesy pop to hardcore rock.

Info & Guidelines - cause no one likes rules: 


You Shook Me All Night Long

Summery: You show Dean how you can "shake him all night long."

Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader

Warnings: Implied Smut

Words: 452

Authors Note: This was written for @deanwanddamons for Rock SPN Flash Fan Fic Challenge. I had the song "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC

This is unbeta'd and all mistakes are my own. Enjoy!

      Dean was sitting at another dive bar, sipping on another beer, in another town. He was lost in the music coming from the jukebox, "You Shook Me All Night Long", one of his favorites by AC/DC. All of a sudden, he spotted some tight, blue jeans gyrating to the music. He swiveled his head and his breath hitched. Those jeans were skintight and belonged to a striking, curvy beauty. His eyes drank her in. Her tight top left little to the imagination. He felt his jeans tighten. Suddenly, her eyes locked on his. She stopped dancing and made her way over to the bar. 

"Hey Tony, another please?", you asked the bartender, pointing to your empty glass. You turned your (y/c/e) eyes to Dean. "Enjoying the show, creep?", you said deadpanned. 

"Uh, I'm, s-sorry miss," he stammered. Then he seemed to collect himself. "You just seemed to be enjoying this song as much as I am," he said with a panty dropping smile and a wink.

"Hmmmm, alright Cowboy," you said chuckling. 

"Dean," he said, offering you his hand to shake.

"(Y/N)", you said. With a mischievous twinkle in your eye. Leaning on the seat next to him, you whispered breathily in his ear, "Let's finish up our drinks, and I'll show you how you can be shook all night long." 


You and Dean struggled to get the door open to the room, as you were all over each other."Get on the bed," you ordered him, as you locked the door and put on the security chain. He scrambled onto the bed, lying on his back, as he watched you reach into your pocket, and pull out something shiny. Wandering near the bed, you reached next to his head and dropped some quarters into the box, the bed started vibrating.

"Magic Fingers!", he said excitedly. 

"Plenty more where that came from," you said giggling, as you reached over and pulled 2 rolls of quarters out of the nightstand drawer.

"You sure know how to spoil a guy, (Y/N)," said Dean. "You know how much I love the 'pick up a stranger at a bar' game.

"I know," you purred seductively. Taking off your shirt and climbing on the bed.



A few orgasms and a roll and a half of quarters later you heard the door open up, but the chain stopped it.

"Oh, come on guys!", you heard Sam's voice call in through the Crack in the door. "I told you to put a sock on the door or something! Ugh, I'll be back in 20 minutes!"

You and Dean looked at each other and started cracking up.


I’m selling my Gold Ticket to the SPNDen con that’s in October this year, 15-17.

Please PM me here or find me on IG (better at chatting there) at whitney.elizabeth88 and let me know if you’re interested.

I paid $975 for the ticket, but am willing to negotiate.

Thank you!

Also, if you could PLEASE reblog this so that it gets circulated I would GREATLY appreciate it. Tagging a few who I’m hoping could do so.

(Ok. A couple more than a few 😅)

You know you want the weekend with these goobers. 😘

damn that’d be a hell of a mom-cation! lol


my sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer two weeks ago

and just yesterday, she was stripped of the hope that she would be able to have her eggs extracted and frozen (ahead of her full hysterectomy) so that eventually in the future she could use them to have a baby

i’m not taking any of this news well despite my best abilities to hide it so if i take time in getting back to anyone (whether it be an ask, dm, comment, reblog etc) please don’t take it personally

however, i have set up a justgiving page and am trying to raise money for her to able to have the procedure of preserving her eggs privately which costs upwards of £4k, i know times are tough but anything you can spare would mean the absolute world to me

“Last night I cried over a Friends episode. Carol was giving birth to Ben and it suddenly dawned on me.. I'm never going to have that moment. I'm never going to get to carry my own child. I won't ever be pregnant. I won't ever know what a contraction feels like or have to go through labour. I know most of this is unenjoyable and painful but it suddenly come to my mind that I will never ever get a chance to experience any of these things and that really cut deep and upset me in many many ways that I'll never be able to articulate. Its a huge loss and I'm grieving for the child I'll never be able to carry and birth and breastfeed.

Then today I've had a lovely chat with a Doctor who made me feel a whole lot better about my situation. Even though I will never be able to do some things in the future there is still a lot of things that can be done in my situation and there is still hope for me. I'm entitled to feel sad, depressed and even angry that this has happened to me but I should also be grateful and extremely lucky that there is still hope that I can still have a biological child even if I can't grow the child myself.

No matter how strong I don't think I am, there is always a glimmer of hope and I always have someone to tell me how well I am actually doing and that to me means the world and makes me want to stay strong and continue to fight to have that child that I have always wanted.”

we are in the final hurdles of our goal (less than £1k to go), but this gets more time sensitive as the weeks pass. on 19th april, my sister will have her entire reproductive system removed to help combat the fight against ovarian cancer. please help if you can, and if not— please pass this message on so somebody else might x


Signal boosting again!

Please, if you have anything to spare, please please donate to this worthy, time sensitive cause <3



I’m so made up that I hit 100 followers a couple of weeks back, it’s taken a few years to get here but the response from you all lately has just been wonderful. So thank you so much for following, and I hope you’ll join in the celebrations with my first ever writing event.

OPEN TO ANYONE WANTING TO WRITE ABOUT THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS OR THEIR ACTORS [RPF WELCOME]; Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, John Winchester

Seeing as the majority of my own fics are heavily influenced by music, for this event you’ll find a series of song lyrics for you to choose from, and an AU/trope to work into your story. These snippets of lyrics are merely there for your own interpretation, they’re just a small representation of the song so feel free to choose a song as opposed to the quote. You don’t have to use them as a quote in the fic, they’re just there to aid you and help your ideas flourish. But if you can work the quote in? Then go ahead!

I’m begging you to go all out with the AU’s/tropes because I’m a hopeless sucker for all the cliche’s.

IMPORTANT:      - You don’t have to follow this account, but I’d be grateful if you did seeing as this is a follower celebration.     - Please do not enter the challenge with the following content; underage sex, non-con/rape.      - I do however encourage a bucket load of angst, consensual sex and a sprinkling of fluff, but that’s just me, you’ve pretty much got free reign!     - The event hashtag to use in your work is; #liveoncewritingevent     - Please tag me in the work when it has been completed, if I don’t respond with a message in two days, please drop me a message to make sure I’ve not missed it.     - All work will be reblogged on this account and I’ll compile a master list for all works too.     - To enter, simply drop me an ask with “[song] + [trope/AU] + [character]”     - Ideally no more than 5 people per song or trope/AU, but if you really want a heavily used one, then of course I’ll still let you do it.     - DEADLINE: MAY 27th 2021 Spotify Playlist for the featured songs


Winchest09′s Patreon

Welcome to the post about my patreon! Take a seat, get yourself comfy and let me tell all about what it’s about. 

~ I’m creating Supernatural fanfiction audiobooks ~

Yep, you read that right. 

You could listen to fanfiction while in your car. While doing housework. While out on your morning jog. 

This idea stemmed from when a dear friend of mine struggled to read fanfiction but still wanted to be a part of the fanfiction world. So, I read to her over the phone. It made me think of how many Supernatural fans may be missing out on fanfiction because of different circumstances. Busy lives, mental health, disabilities and so on. The idea resonated with me and has been sitting in the back of my mind for at least six months and thanks to a lot of encouragement, it’s time to make it a reality. And you can sign up for as little as $3 a month! 

Under the keep reading will be the link and some more information! 

So, what do you get? 

I have just uploaded my very first, smut filled audiobook focused around Sam Winchester. 

Do you have sound effects you say? Yes I do. 

Want to hear a preview? Click this here LINK

Wanna hear the full version of Sam having his very filthy way with you across the basement floor?

Look no further…

Experience a new side to fanfiction and find out more…HERE


Spare Me

Summary: You convince Dean and Sam to stop at a bowling alley.

Pairing: Dean Winchester/Reader (platonic), Sam Winchester/Reader (friends)

Warnings: Mention of family's death

Word Count: 1,677 Words

A/N: This is my very first written and published fic. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Feedback is always appreciated!

    “Bowling!” You squealed, as the Impala drove by a neon lit sign on the side of the road. “Can we stop? Please, please, please, please?” you begged the two Winchester brothers in the front seat. 

    Dean and Sam looked at each other, unsure.

    “Oh, come on guys! What else better do we have to do right now?” you pleaded.

    “Get drunk?” replied Dean, chuckling.

    “Perfect!” you exclaimed.”Bowling alleys usually have bars and serve greasy food!” you argued. “Please, can we play a couple of games? If you’re both having a miserable time, we can leave, I promise.”

    The brothers looked at each other again with uncertainty and had one of their silent exchanges back and forth, as you stared them both down, with your best puppy dog eyes. Dean huffed, and said, “Fine. A couple of games, some drinks and food, then we’re heading back to the motel room.”


A Hero’s Welcome

Summary: The Queen and Sir Samuel adjust to a new way of life at the Castle 

Pairing: Knight!Sam x Queen!Reader

Warnings: Angst

Word Count: 13764 words

A/N: I am so into this world and these characters. I realise the chapters are long but I hope, at least some of you will come along with me on this. This builds on the previous Knight!Sam stories. The Masterlist is HERE

Dividers by @firefly-graphics

FEEDBACK ALWAYS APPRECIATED!!! AS IS A COFFEE IF YOU FEEL SO MOVED https://ko-fi.com/thinkinghardhardlythinking


Life for Rent - The Trailer

Even though this series is complete, it is still one that lives in my head constantly and I hold it so very close to my heart. I will never really let go of these characters or this world and there is one song in particular that constantly reminds me of Life for Rent, and that’s the song in this trailer. 

The wonderfully talented, kind hearted soul that is @downanddirtydean listened to the song once I told her and she created this masterpiece. I am SO in love with it and I cannot thank her enough. I’ve watched it over 20 times already. 

If this fiction of mine ever made it to movie status, this song would be the OST. 

This, my darling followers, is Life for Rent - The Trailer. 


ATTENTION ARTISTS: Need help calculating your commission prices?

A tool that I’ve found is really handy is a called the Cash Clock. It’s a simple program that measures both the time that you’re working on a piece as well as how much money you should be earning. You can adjust the hourly wage to whatever you feel is right. Simply start the clock whenever you begin working on a project right up until you’re finished. It can give you a clear indication of what you should charge for commissions.

No artist should make below minimum wage for their artwork.

The Cash Clock is found as a download here


Please, please, please at least make sure you’re making minimum wage.

Please stop lowering the pay floor for independent artists everywhere by thinking $5-10/commission is anywhere close to an acceptable rate for something you spent three hours on.


I’ll just spread the word here because I have seen a lot of talented people online and believe that commission work deserve there worth.


Healthcare PSA

Tiktok removed this, so keep it moving!


I can personally attest to this. I had surgery last year, used up all my insurance benefits & flexible spending account, and still owed a couple thousand dollars. I applied for financial assistance and the hospital forgave the entire amount. They even sent back the personal payments I had already made!

Just a warning, you'll probably have to fill out a form and provide some record of your income & debt, but trust me, it's worth the hassle to fill it out completely. It saved me a major strain on the budget at a time when we couldn't really afford it.

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