
This ain't so bad.

@catsrphub / catsrphub.tumblr.com

Hi. I'm Cat and this my rp blog hub. This was formerally abitofdeath. Click the links to visit the blogs.

Hey! I go by Cat and this is an Indi!Pidge from Voltron Legendary Defender. Please give this a like or reblog if you’re interested!

This is a sideblog to abitofdeath, so follow backs will come from that blog!


I am now catsrphub. Follow backs will come from there.


Wow, you probably want a one-word answer, but I'm gonna give you a paragraph (or maybe 7).

I feel like Lance would be laughing hysterically and nope out of the situation. Keith would probably scream or punch a wall first or at least have a lil broody moment to panic, but yeah after that he'd try to get out of it. Though, is this before or after the lion switches? Are we assuming that this is an au and the lions never happened? Because after the lion switch, Keith could probably be moved to the same category as Lance. But if it's before the lion switch, Lance would be moved to the same one as Keith/Hunk.

Though, yeah, Lance doesn't have enough self-value to believe that he's the chosen one. I think Keith would say no in a more, 'I don't care about your freaking prophecy, let me be broody and emo in peace.' They're both super insecure.

The one with Shiro made me laugh. It is SO spot on. Poor old man just wants a break. I think if this is after the lion switch/Kuron, then maybe Keith would be the one to jump in and be like, 'Nuh uh, stay away from my brother, if he dies again I am gonna be SO PISSED.'

Pidge... yeah. No explanation needed. There's a reason I'm emotionally attached to her/him/them. This angelic demon child must be protected.

Hunk! Poor Hunk. No, leave him out of this, I can see him giving them the biggest, saddest puppy eyes while he says that. He doesn't want to be the chosen one, I feel like the entire team would jump in and try to prevent that. But because he's a perfect angel, he would accept it to help him team and STOP IT THIS MAKING ME SAD.

Sorry bout that. Let's not talk about Hunk anymore.

Allura would see this as an obligation that she has, as a princess and as the (sort of) head of the Voltron coalition. She means those words completely, and will not let anyone down no matter what because this poor bean has too much pressure on her. The whole show was made to portray her as a serious, regal leader. However, she clearly has a dorky side, and her whole role/character would be so much deeper and engaging if this were a bigger part of her personality. 'I will not let you down, and I will be completely serious about it, and you will see the transition from when I was that fun older sister who you can confide in, to the scarred older sister who has seen far too much for one lifetime.'

Can we add Coran in? Because he would be in the same category as Allura, but he would whip out a cape from somewhere and be like, 'Yes! I knew this day would come! I will not let you down!' while twirling his mustache. (Holy crap I just heard his voice in my head crystal clear saying those words. His accent makes it sound so cute!) Coran Coran the Gorgeous Man saves the day! (And he would fulfill the prophecy perfectly, and there would be a giant parade with Coran-balloons and aliens swooning anytime he winks in their direction.)

So, yes. I agree with you.


Every time someone says that Japan doesn't have marriage equality, I think they should be required to add "despite polling indicating that a majority of the population supports same-sex marriage, implementing it is politically unfeasible due to the wording of the US-imposed postwar constitution". I just think they should be required to add that.


Might be back here since Twitter might tank...


More Danny Phantom but if he was D&D …also…I made him the Ghost King 👀

I was thinking like Drow Warlock or somethin like that 

The amount of detail and skill to this image is giving me whiplash, I almost scrolled past and was like “… Wait a damn minute.”


what I love about this scene is that it implies that everybody but Natasha and Sam seems to have forgotten Steve Rogers grew up poor in Brooklyn and with a dude who was clearly willing to be his enforcer. This is EXACTLY Steve’s style.


I wish the p. Bots would vanish. But good luck with that


To do list...

Clean living room. Remake Lance's blog.


“Can One Punch Man beat-”

Yes. Always. Good lord. I never understand why people can turn this into a big serious discussion. Yes, One Punch Man would beat Thanos. He would beat Luke Skywalker, Superman, every single character from Dragon Ball Z, and every ninja from Naruto. He would beat Thor and Wolverine and the Hulk in a tag team match. 

Because he plays by different rules. One Punch Man is a PARODY character. His skill set is defined by comedy, not power levels or physical strength. One Punch Man not Superman facing off against an ever-more powerful lineup of villains. He’s the Roadrunner against Wil E. Coyote’s ever more convoluted plans. Deadpool is the only other super hero type character who comes close to living in the same realm of parody, but frankly, Deadpool repeatedly getting the crap beat out of him would be funnier than Deadpool winning, so One Punch Man would win that fight too, even if he can’t actually kill Deadpool in one punch. Because parody.

If I see another Youtube video recommended to me like “Could One Punch Man beat-” really, truly, I do not care. 


I saw somebody also make this point once in another great post, I’m paraphrasing from what I remember; how strong is Saitama? However strong he needs to be in order for it to be funny.


The only possible matchups that Saitama might lose are ones where:

1) it’s conceivable that, due to the rules the other character is operating on (as in, whatever rules of comedy govern the other character’s universe), he might not be able to get in one punch.


2) A compelling argument could be made as to whether it would be funnier for Saitama to lose that fight.

Canon example where both came into play: he lost the fight against that one mosquito, because it was tiny, fast, and flying, and because it was hilarious. Rule #1 alone isn’t enough, because if it isn’t funny for him to lose, he’ll find a way to punch through whatever restrictions are preventing him from punching the target.

So “could One Punch Man beat Superman/Thanos/Unicron/the Death Star?” will always go to OPM.

But you could have a compelling debate over “could One Punch Man beat the Animaniacs?”


Could Saitama beat Roger Rabbit

Saitama could beat Roger Rabbit similar to the way he could defeat Deadpool, but he could never beat Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny is at the top of the food chain.



Remember when Roger slides out of his handcuff for a joke, then slides it back on and suddenly can’t escape because it wouldn’t be funny?

That sort of implies that it’s less a question of, “is saitama MORE POWERFUL than roger rabbit?” than it is, “Could saitama’s victory be FUNNIER than roger’s?”

At that point, the power is in the hands of whichever character would be the FUNNIEST to come out on top.

And in order to decide that, we would in turn have to decide:

“Which is funnier: a totally jacked man whose single dream in life is to find an opponent who could stand a chance against him finally, finally finding a worthy adversary in a goofy rabbit in a bowtie…

…or a goofy cartoon rabbit getting his absolute ASS handed to him in a gloriously-animated anime smackdown, complete with a killer soundtrack?”


What about the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl?

Ooh, that’s a good one. Saitama can beat anyone in one punch if it’s funny… but Squirrel Girl can defeat any opponent she wants if it’s also funny. I think Squirrel Girl has the edge here primarily because of the ridiculousness of the character.

I second the vote for Squirrel Girl. It would be utterly hilarious if she beat him, but him beating her would just be kind of sad.

Saitama would finally think he has a worthy adversary in Bugs before a single punch knocks Bugs into a suit and a coffin that lands in the ground, instantly buried with a tomb stone and everything.  Realizing he’s killed the only true equal he’ll ever have, Saitama would openly weep over the grave while Bugs comes up in a widower outfit to grieve with him. 

Given Bugs Bunny’s propensity for cross dressing I suspect it would be a widow outfit.

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