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@cosmic-writes / cosmic-writes.tumblr.com

I go by Cosmic, Zel, Pick, or Lils. Chars are Ben, Sage, Blake, Lacie, Ronnie, Ray, Constantine, Orion, Veronica, Stolfi, Burke, Arius, Elliot, Alex,Tan, Avery, Jackie, Ryan, Evander, Evie, Mikey, and even a few more, they'll all get their own pages soon

Tropes You can Pry from My Cold, Dead Hands:

  • Royalty/Bodyguard OTP dynamic
  • Tough, stoic character who is soft for one(1) person
  • Enemies to Friends to Lovers
  • “My job is to protect you!” “Well I’m gonna do the dangerous thing anyway because it’s the right thing to do. If you wanna protect me, you’ll just have to come with me.”
  • The Power of Friendship
  • Friend groups that have both a Mom Friend and a Dad Friend (even better if the two are dating/pining)
  • Characters that are total badasses, but also crack jokes and snark the whole fight
  • Self-rescuing damsels in distress
  • When the tough loner character that got hurt protecting the other characters pretends not to be injured
  • The other characters realizing the tough loner character got hurt protecting them, immediately shouting “You’re hurt!” and rushing to help them
  • True Love
  • The super nice/peaceful character that can also whoop your ass
  • When the super nice/peaceful character utterly DESTROYS the bad guy that hurt/scared their friends
  • That moment right after the Hero’s Self-Doubt Moment, when they look up at the villain, the music changes, and you KNOW the bad guy is about to get wrecked
  • The heroes all sitting down for a meal together, talking and laughing and being a family
  • Found Gamily Dynamics
  • When a villain is doing their villain song and they grab the hero and maneuver them through a dance
  • When the tomboy and the girly girl are actually besties
  • Awkward love confessions
  • OTPs being domestic
  • When the stoic loner character is playing with a bunch of kids, and the character that didn’t like them very much is watching from afar with a smile as they realize they’re not so bad after all
  • When to characters accidentally get married to each other
  • When an OTP accidentally confesses their love in the middle of an argument
  • The character that’s basically the team’s adopted mother/grandmother, and every member of the team will JACK YOU UP if you do much as talk bad about her
  • When two characters who are pining for each other end up dancing together at a party, and the UST is so thick you could cut it with a knife
  • The sunshiny optimist character who’s best friend is the grim and cynical character
  • The grim and cynical character who would die for the sunshiny optimist
  • When two characters have gotten really close together as they argued and keep glancing to the other character’s mouth because they realized how close they are and really want to kiss them
  • When a character is desperate to talk to their crush, but has no idea what to actually SAY once they’re together
  • When the emotionally constipated character waxes poetic about their crush in their head/to their friends, but can only manage to say things like “What’s up asshole” to their crush in person
  • When the tough stoic character just MELTS when looking at their lover/best friend
  • Villains who treat their subordinates like friends
  • When a character who’s jilted lovers and been selfish in the past goes full ride-or-die for the hero they’ve fallen in love with

So I had a thought about a plot I want to do.

Imagine muse a and muse b work for the same company. Muse a works pretty high up, while muse b is the new kid in IT who literally works in the basement. However muse a is completely hopeless with technology, everything thing they touch seems to crash or break. Everyone in IT knows how hopeless muse a is and passes all their help requests off to the new kid as an ‘initiation’ for muse b. Weeks go by and muse b has been solving muse a’s tech problems everyday by either taking over their computer from their desk downstairs or talking them through it on the phone. However something happens that has to be solved in person, so muse b goes up to muse a’s office for the first time expecting to see someone older and frumpy, but damn…they’re hot…and damn what’s this sexual tension.

for all you writers out there:

donjon has tons of generators. for calendars. for demographics of a country and city. for names (both fantastical and historical) of people, nations, magics, etc.

this site lets you generate/design a city, allowing you to choose size, if you want a river or coast, walls around it, a temple, a main keep, etc.

this twitter, uncharted atlas, tweets generated maps of fantasy regions every hour.

and vulgar allows you to create a language, based on linguistic and grammatical structures!!! go international phonetic alphabet!!!


a handful of (probably) unpopular opinions on writing:

  1. a kiss scene doesn’t have to lead to sex. it can, ofc, but it doesn’t have to. your characters can kiss for the sake of kissing and nothing more. kissing is hella enjoyable in and of itself, so it doesn’t always have to be a means to an end
  2. a story doesn’t have to be steeped, marinated, and executed with tragedy to be a Real Story. obviously you can and should put your characters through the wringer, but if you don’t tell a story with hope and happiness it’s not really a story worth telling. be brutal but don’t be 100% dismal and bleak
  3. a fantasy doesn’t have to be centered on a war, especially if you don’t feel fully capable of writing about war. they’re tricky and unruly beasts, and if you aren’t willing to give them the proper treatment (read: not romanticizing them), you’re better off not writing about war in the first place
  4. your royal character can be fine with arranged marriages. they don’t always have to run away to escape them only to fall in love with the betrothed they were running from in the first place
  5. on the note of romances, your story A. doesn’t need a romance if it doesn’t fit and B. doesn’t necessitate every character getting into a relationship by the end. for some people, romance isn’t their idea of a happily ever after, so you don’t have to force that into your book
  6. perhaps the most unpopular, but it needs to be said: your female character should not slap your male character. ofc there are times when a slap is warranted, but if he’s just being a dick he doesn’t need to be slapped. that’s physical assault and abuse, which should never be acceptable, even if it makes some people laugh (it shouldn’t and yet it always does 🙄)
  7. your female character A. doesn’t have to be thin, B. doesn’t have to be a Strong Female Character, and C. doesn’t have to go through nauseating hardships (read: sexual assault or physical abuse) for her story to be worth telling

these are all i can think of off the top of my head. feel free to add on if you think of any!

just because a story has “literary merit” doesn’t mean it’s actually good. there are no superior genres.

just like fantasy doesn’t need to be centered on war, it also doesn’t need to be centered on medieval england. fantasy can happen at any time in any region of the world with any level of technology.

traditionally feminine values/traits in characters of all genders doesn’t mean they’re an inferior or weak character.

a female character can want power or have a desire to rule and not be evil.

poc and lgbtq+ characters deserve to be in genre fiction, and there doesn’t need to be a “reason” to justify their existence.

Oh my God I love thisss!


i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 

like, i didnt know about twitter pitch parties!! i didnt know about literary agents and publishers tweeting their manuscript wishlist, in hopes that some poor soul out there has written the book they really want to read and publish!! this isnt some shit you learn about in school! you really need to know the ins and outs of the writing community to be successful! 

for anyone interested, here’s what i’ve learned so far in my quest for more writing knowledge:

1. Writer’s Market 2019 is a great place to start– it gives you a list of magazines and journals that you can send your work to depending on the genre as well as lists a shit ton of literary agents that specify what genres they represent, how you can get in contact with them and how they accept query letters. this is a book that updates every year and tbh i only bought it this year so i dont know how critical it is to have an updated version  

2. do your research. mostly on literary agents because if you listed on your site that you like to represent fluffy YA novels and some asshole sends you a 80k manuscript about like…gritty viking culture, you will be severely pissed off. always go in finding someone who you know will actually like your work because they’re the ones who will try to advocate for you in getting published.

3. learn how to write a query letter. there are slightly varying formulas to how you can write an effective query letter. you’re also going to want to get feedback on your query letter because its the first thing the literary agent will read and based on how well you do it, it could be the difference between them rejecting you outright and giving your manuscript a quick read

4. unfortunately, you’re gonna want to get a twitter. Twitter is where a lot of literary agents are nowadays, and they host things like twitter pitch parties, where you pitch your manuscript in a few sentences and hashtag it with #Pitmad #Pitdark, some version of pit. a lot of literary agents and publishers will ALSO post their manuscript wishlists, which is just the kind of books they’d like to represent/publish, and they hashtag this with #MSWL (it is NOT for writers to use, only for agents/publishers)

5. connect with other writers, literary agents, publishers at book events. you will absolutely need the connections if you want to get ahead as a writer. thats just kind of the state of the world.


tropes i will never get tired of

  • fake dating
  • omniscient narrator who immediately contradicts the characters (“This is fine,” she said. It was, in no way, shape, or form, fine.)
  • deadpan jokes while swordfighting
  • the “I FUCKING LOVE MY WIFE” guy
  • oblivious pining that slowly escalates until A is going on page rants about how pretty B’s eyes are but still doesn’t seem to recognize they’re in love
  • Strong Leader Type having to physically fall down in order for the other characters to see how exhausted they are
  • funny villains who talk and make jokes with their heroes while they’re fighting them
  • the villains presented as the protagonists
  • *increasingly pulls out bigger and bigger weapons from more unlikely places*
  • “I said all of your weapons” *pulls out more*
  • “ALL OF THEM” *pulls out one last tiny dagger*
  • traumatized character using humor to cover up ptsd
  • characters going out for a break at a restaurant/movie/whatever and something bad happening
  • using the “*gasp* what’s that over there???” trick to avert the enemy’s attention and it working
  • a villain’s weakness being something totally random and nonsensical
  • a hero duo arguing over who’s the sidekick while fighting a villain
  • “don’t be silly, we don’t need [important thing]”  “you lost it, didn’t you?”  “yeah”
  • “what’s the one thing I told you not to do tonight?”  “raise the dead”   “and what did you do?”  “raised the dead”
  • “I think that went pretty well” *explosion in the distance*

This right here is a serotonin generator




7 Worldbuilding Tips

I. Diversity exists, everywhere

II. Multiple religions and languages can and should exist in the same area

III. No info dumps or any of the Exposition Monologues

IV. Magic and powers should have limits and rules, whether the characters know them specifically or not

V. Know how the world accommodates (or doesn’t) for people with disabilities because… they certainly exist

VI. Figure out not only the advances in technology but also its availability to different people

VII. Always a good idea to know how messages are sent and information is shared

A lot more is covered in my worldbuilding master lists: Part One and Part Two

Self Sacrifice

I’ve been thinking a lot about this trope lately. Especially when it comes to whumpees offering themselves up as the sacrificial lamb:

  • The whumpee who distracts and taunts the villian so they will go after them instead of their friends
  • The leader of the team who pushes the youngest one out of the way and takes the bullet/arrow/gets stabbed
  • The hero who tricks their friends into staying behind so they can go off and face the villian alone
  • The team memeber who surrenders and distracts the enemy just long enough for the rest of the team to get away
  • The companion who skips their ration of food/water so an injured member doesn’t have to suffer further
  • “I’m fine. Help the others first”

It’s my favoite kind of whump. 💜


A Kissing Prompt List

Places Where People Kiss:

  • In the rain.
  • In a vehicle.
  • In the street.
  • On the sidewalk.
  • In the shower.
  • In the kitchen.
  • In the snow.
  • Under the stars.
  • In the moonlight.
  • By the river.
  • In the water.
  • In the bedroom.
  • In a bar.
  • At a party.
  • At the other’s place.
  • By a campfire.

Reasons to kiss:

  • Life or Death
  • Love
  • Celebration
  • Longing
  • Missing the other
  • Relief
  • Lust
  • Need
  • No reason at all
  • Admiration
  • Power
  • First Kiss
  • Confessing feelings
  • A bet
  • Sad or hurt feelings
  • First date

I have no will power and I want to write some smooching. Hit me with a ship and a prompt from either list - or for ultimate power, one from each list!


How to tell the difference between a smart character written by a dumb person vs a smart character written by a smart person

The dumb “Smart Character”: Gets conclusions almost entirely through revelation, lacks methodology, intelligence is hyped up constantly by others, lacks realistic problem solving, knowledge comes solely through a nebulous mental encyclopedia which always gives them the needed facts at the right time, seemingly disconnected from human thought process because they are guided into decision making through plot, not the merits of their work.

The smart Smart Character: Conclusions made by working out problems and following a practical methodology. Knowledge is gained and learned from experience through said methodology, not plucked from a mental encyclopedia. Act rationally and realistically to problems as if they were in the world and aware of nothing but the world and their immediate circumstances, not afraid to experiment and fail if it means eventually working out a solution.


I knew I got it from somewhere


There’s a third terrible option where the “genius” displays low to middling intelligence, but in an attempt to make them look smarter the writer made every single other character a complete imbecile.


You know what I don’t get?  When fanfic authors apologize for long chapters.  It’s like?  You gave me bonus content, for free, and you’re sorry about it?  Bruh.  I have already named my firstborn after you.  Dude.

You know what else I don’t get?  When they apologize for short updates.  It’s like: look at these new words I gave you!  Sorry I didn’t give you even more free words.  Bro, that’s at least two words that I did not have yesterday.  For free.  Dude.  Thank you.

And another thing: when people drop out of nowhere with a surprise update and then apologize for it taking a while.  Like, dude, I wasn’t expecting anything, and you gave me words.  I thought this fic was abandoned, but wait: there’s more.  You just popped in and reminded me that this is a Good Fic that I should probably reread.  You made my goshdarn day.

Basically fanfic writers are under no obligation to publish anything so when they do update it’s always a net positive because the story is longer now, and I have something to read, so thank you so much to everyone who writes fic at whatever pace or quantity they want.

This is wholesome and I need to hear this all the time. You’re sweet and kind, op, and i am happy you tell us such nice things!


Trying to find the perfect name for a character, but you only have a vague idea of what you want, like “he feels like a 2-syllable kind of guy” or “It need a hard consonant at the end.”   

May I recommend nameberry.com? I’ve sung its praises before, but you can search for specific lists of like “three syllable girls names” or “names ending in a.” You can also input names with a similar vibe to what you want and it’ll give you suggestions.

I have been looking for this site since I first started plotting out my novel, god bless you

I also like behindthename.com there you can filter too!

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