
Incorrect Choices: Stories You Play Quotes

@incorrectplaychoicesquotes / incorrectplaychoicesquotes.tumblr.com

They all literally said this. Maybe. Or not. Submissions are open. Turn on my notifications on this blog for new posts.

Mirasol: How long have you been sleeping with Sam?

Dave: That’s disgusting. And wrong. I don’t even get - why would - I’ve never had sex with anyone, anywhere. It’s none of your - you have - the nerve, the audacity, Sam is my partner, technically. And she is terrible, face-wise. And how - how - do I know, frankly, that you’re not sleeping with her? Maybe you are. Maybe you’re trying to throw me off? Hmm check and mate.


Cassandra: Well, Dave locked himself in the bathroom.

Ryan: Tell him I said something.

Cassandra: Said what?

Ryan: Anything factually inaccurate.

[one minute later]

Dave: [to Ryan] I’m sorry, “the sky is blue because it’s reflecting the color of the ocean”?!

incorrect most wanted: 1/?

i was gonna submit this to @incorrectplaychoicesquotes bc i love my beautiful crackship but i realized it would be funnier with their facial expressions 😂 😂 😂 😂 tfw your bf starts talking loudly about f-u-c**** in public but he actually means fun and is messing with u

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