
…so give me a happy middle, and a very happy start


a place where there’s free parking for all visitors, including those warlocks who come in tardises and mycroft’s black cars | home to bbc sherlock, doctor who, bbc merlin and every now and then good omens, the sandman and marvel | no nsfw content here at all |

why the fuck is it called the xbox 360 what does 360 mean???????????????????

when u see it u turn 360 degrees and walk away

turning 360 degrees would face you right back to the xbox you dipshit


this post somehow still in circulation despite everyone involved being deactivated

You must be new here

The Xbox Micheal Jackson is also circulating. 360 degrees


absolutely love this shot where rose is watching her home planet die off after five billion years and the doctor is just slaying off in the corner


apologies for using gen z slang on tumblr but we need to talk about john watson’s rizz. bro fell asleep in his office on his first day at work and when his boss comes in to see what’s wrong he immediately asks her out on a date and she says yes. then when they get kidnapped while on said date and she almost dies by the hand of chinese mafia he says “don’t worry, next date won’t be like this”. SIR??

not to mention he bagged genius and ethereal beauty, sherlock ‘heartless machine’ holmes.


some of y’all have a lot of shit to say about moffat but his dialogue? incredible. “you’re leaving us aren’t you. why now?/because you’re still breathing.” “tell her i’m giving her the years” “good is good in the darkest pit-without hope, without witness, without reward. virtue is only virtue in extremis” “you know what you do with all that pain? you hold it tight till it burns your hand. and you say no one else will ever have to live like this. no one else will ever have to feel this pain” “pain is a gift. without the capacity for pain we can’t feel the hurt we inflict” “do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference” “you don’t look at the stars and expect them to love you back” I AM ON THE FLOOR

"it's the oldest story in the universe, this one or any other. boy and girl fall in love, get separated by events. war, politics, accidents in time. she's thrown out of the hex, or he's thrown into it. since then they've been yearning for each other across time and space, across dimensions. this isn't a ghost story, it's a love story!" "through crimson stars and silent stars and tumbling nebulas like oceans set on fire. through empires of glass and civilizations of pure thought, and a whole, terrible, wonderful universe of impossibilities." "you are beautiful. beautiful fragile human skin. like parchment." "the soul's made of stories, not atoms."

"it's not a god. it'll feed on your soul, but that doesn't make it a god. it is a vampire, and you don't need to give yourself to it." "all the elements in your body were forged many, many millions of years ago, in the heart of a far away star that exploded and died. that explosion scattered those elements across the desolations of deep space. after so, so many millions of years, these elements came together to form new stars and new planets. and on and on it went. the elements came together and burst apart, forming shoes and ships and sealing wax, and cabbages and kings. until eventually, they came together to make you. you are unique in the universe. there is only one Merry Gejelh. and there will never be another. getting rid of that existence isn't a sacrifice. it is a waste."

"let me have some good dreams for once" "i stole your childhood and now I've led you by the hand to your death. but the worst thing is, i knew. i knew this would happen...forget your faith in me. i took you with me because I was vain. because I wanted to be adored...i'm not a hero. i really am just a mad man in a box." "put down your sword and stop playing soldier" "i didn't ask you to save me/ you shouldn't have to ask" "immortality isn't living forever. that's not what it feels like. immortality is everybody else dying." "i'll run and i'll run in case all the pain catches up" "you will not insult my memory, there will be no revenge" "tomorrow is promised to no one, doctor. but i insist upon my past." "let me be robbed of my faith in private" "cowardice isn't quaint, it's sly, aggressive."


watching someone else watch the dw movie for the first time is sooooo…. here’s my favorite thing…. please keep your expectations so incredibly low….


why are emoji phases a thing. like the month of november sees me sending 🤸 after every text regardless of context

but december


??what is that who is that??


Life is very long, when you’re lonely - (2023)

I gathered in this post all the BBC Sherlock speed paintings / artworks I did between December 2022 and March 2023. I did them at first to practice lights and textures but I ended up with a series centered around loneliness, grief and…means of transportations.

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