

@mianzudrawingcave / mianzudrawingcave.tumblr.com

Bearly an artist ; ) - Michalina(Michelle) - 24 y/o coffee addicted nerd - Drawing hobbyist and fanartist - Dragon Age and Mass Effect fan Feel free to write to me :)

Words do you no justice. Your hair must have been woven by Athena, your body is like a sculpture made by the masters… Your arms look so strong.

Alistair: I simply came to deliver a message from the revered mother, ser mage.
Morrigan: Well, well, what have we here?
Leliana: Gentlemen, surely there is no need for trouble.
Sten: You are not one of my captors.
Wynne: Greetings. You are Duncan’s newest recruit, are you not?
Zevran: The Antivan Crows send their regards.
Oghren: Stranger! Have you seen a Grey Warden hereabouts?
Shale: I knew the day would come when someone would find the control rod.
Varric: I’ve had gentler invitations…
Carver: I think that’s all of them.
Bethany: For the moment.
Aveline: You will not have him!
Merrill: Oh! I didn’t hear. You must be the one the Keeper told me about. Aneth ara.
Anders: I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?
Fenris: Your men are dead.
Isabela: Well, Lucky, I’ll tell you what. Since the information you gave me was worth nothing, that’s what I’ll pay you.
Sebastian: It is my right, my duty to show these assassins there is nowhere in the Free Marches to hide.
Tallis: Well? What are you waiting for?
Cassandra: Tell me why we shouldn’t kill you now.
Solas: Quickly! Before more come through!
Sera: Just say what!
Vivienne: My dear Marquis, how unkind of you to use such language in my house to my guests.
Blackwall: Remember how to carry your shields. You’re not hiding, you’re holding.
Iron Bull: Chargers! Stand Down.
Dorian: Good, you’re finally here!
Cole: Wait.

my 1st commission (top) from 2016 vs my latest (bottom)

weird………..i think the old one still holds its own haha


“it’s just a parking lot”

exactly. there’s nothing there. not a statue. not a plaque. nothing.


[drives over hitler’s death site]


Bloody amazing.

And you know what’s right next to it?

That’s right, the Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden, which translates to the Memorial for the murdered jews.

So if you wanna go have a look at the monument commemorating the victims of Hitler’s regime, you can park your car right on the spot he died and walk there.

Makes ya think, doesn’t it?

Germany: *has a literal parking lot over Hitler’s death site and has the memorial for the murdered Jews right next to it*

America: *has statues and museums dedicated to people who believed slavery was so amazing and good they decided to make their own country and murder anyone who disagreed*

Women, the streets near the car park are named after:

Gertrud Kolmar - German Jewish poet murdered in Auschwitz

Hannah Arendt - famous German Jewish philosopher and author, her works on totalitarianism, authority and the nature of power, who fled Nazi Germany in 1933

Cora Berliner - German Jewish economist and social scientist murdered in Trostinets extermination camp

reblog this forever 

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