

@sonicrift / sonicrift.tumblr.com

BY SPACECOLONIE & BEEAMES. Sonic Rift is a fan comic and is no way associated with SEGA, or the supposed game leaks. Please don't use any of our three logos without asking. OUR TWITTER! OUR DEVIANTART! FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS)
Anonymous asked:

So, is the comic dead? Noticed that it's gone off of deviantart

SO... this is something I’d been meaning to make a post about for a few weeks now but couldn’t find the time -- this ask is a great way to get it done.

Rift is dead. Well, kinda. The answer is more complicated than that, because it’s a “maybe in the future” type of situation. Truthfully, we’ve just lost steam for this project.

We started Rift during a time in our lives when we had a lot more freetime and creative space, and it was fun to work on for those reasons! It introduced us to new concepts, ideas and ways of creating. We learned a lot, but the foundation of the comic is shaky due to how inexperienced we were. There’s so much wrong with it that we can’t fix without starting over, and... y’know, that’s not really an option? Rift already has an identity and a whole first issue; it’d be weird to go back to the beginning. 

That combined with the fact we have other, more important things to focus on now means we just... can’t work on Rift anymore. It was a mutual decision that felt natural to us over the last few months -- back and forth with “i don’t know if i’m feeling it”, which made it clear to us both that it was time to call quits.

... But it may not be forever! We decided that calling this a hiatus was too generous, because it could be years until we decide to pick it up again, and that’s a huge if. Only time will tell, so it’s a big ‘til then.

The comic will remain available here, on tumblr, for you all to read. It’s been archived on DeviantArt, and I’ll be wiping the twitter clean at some point. 

Sincerely from us both, thank you for reading our comic. Despite all the weird timing, updates, and everything else, this little project means a lot to us and it was very humbling to have so many people read it. If you like our work and want to follow our other creative endevours, you can follow us at our respective blogs: beeames & spacecolonie.

Thank you again. ✌️


Sonic Rift  — Issue 2, Page 01.

Note from the authors: it's been two years since we finished issue one, and in that time we revisited a lot of things; including the designs of rift's characters. These are visual updates only and have no effect on the story. Please give us your suspension of disbelief, and enjoy the issue! 
 If you’re new to the comic, start reading here.

Here’s some more familiar faces you’ll be seeing with new, updated designs in chapter two: Amy and Cream!

If you’re interested in the cast and their changes, feel free to look at our post detailing Sonic and Tails’ renovated designs for an explanation regarding our new art direction. We hope you like them, and thank you for continuing to read our little comic!


Long time no see!

It’s been a few months since our last update (well over a year since chapter one finished) — we’re sorry for the extended wait! We made the decision to put Rift on hiatus after issue one’s conclusion so we could crawl back to the drawing board with fresh eyes, hoping to return with a comic that better reflects us as artists. 

Now after some time and well needed rest, we’re almost ready to get this show back on the road! Like we mentioned in our last post, one primary focus for us was revisiting Rift’s cast. Whether it was something small like a color change or entirely redesigning certain aspects of a character, we felt it was important to do these things in the comic’s earlier stage than regret it later on. So... here’s Sonic and Tails!

From chapter two onwards, these are how the boys will look! There’s a planned disclaimer for issue two that explains art style + design changes (give us your suspension of disbelief), so it shouldn’t be too startling for new readers. We hope you like them, and we’ll be back soon to show more! o/

Hi. Hey. Hello! Long time no see — here with another update on the status of our comic, and how we’ll be approaching things from this point onwards.
When we uploaded the cover for issue two a few months ago, we had every intention of continuing on with the story in a timely manner. We had several pages finished and ready to upload, and the original plan was to start uploading them about a week or two after the cover release. And welllll... I’m sure it’s abundantly clear that isn’t what ended up happening. /whoops.
When we first started Rift, it was always meant to be a passion project. Something that started at 2am, throwing ideas at a wall and hoping they’d stick. Something for fun’s sake, for us, and it still is! But our ideas have changed and matured over the last two years. The comic we started to create back in late 2017 is, to say the least, a lot different from the comic we wish to make now.
Simply, the foundation of Rift isn’t as solid as we’d like it to be. The story needs some work, there’s designs for specific characters we’d like to revisit (including Blaze, who is pivotal to the chapter we were initially going to release soon), plot points + arcs we need to properly thread and tidy up. There’s just a handful of things, honestly.
It may sound a little silly to be putting so much emphasis on a project that’s meant to be ‘for the hell of it’, but that’s kinda why we’d like to reel it back and put more work into it. This comic means a lot to us, and it’s fun for us to make it the best it can be. We want it to reflect our creative ideas! The best of them, and we currently feel that it’s not doing that successfully.
Soo... unfortunately, this means Rift is taking another break. We plan to take down the cover for issue two (there’ll be a new one eventually), and get back to the drawing board! We’ve considered the potential awkwardness that’ll be at play here with some of our changes, i.e changing the look of main characters ‘randomly’. But the truth is, we’d much rather do this now than say, mid-comic when everything has been running for... who knows how long.
The comic is still young, so it’s best to make these changes while we still can. We’ll just put disclaimers in future pages to explain why 'x character’ suddenly looks like this, or why the art looks different (because there’s a lot we wanna change style wise too).
With all of this having been said, thank you, as always, for the patience. There’s a lot of you that avidly read Rift + encourage us to keep going, and it means a lot! It’s really sweet, and we’re sorry that you’re going to have to wait a bit longer to see our story continue. But it’ll be worth it! Promise. It’s going to be the greatest version of itself that it can be (hopefully, we’re gonna do our best).
Thank you for reading this big long ramble, and we hope to see you back here soon! If you’re interested in our work that’s separate from Rift, you can find us on twitter over at spacecolonie and murasoda. + as always, if you have any questions, feel free to drop them in our askbox here and we’ll answer asap.
Thanks, and have a good one. ♥
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