
@val-eris / val-eris.tumblr.com

Good morning comrades and cowards.

It’s like every week something weird happens.

I can’t even begin to imagine how many episodes would be improved just by Picard giving a stumbling, awkward exposition of the episode’s plot to the crew


ALL episodes could be improved if we saw Picard’s awkward, stumbling exposition to the crew of what’s going on that episode. In fact, I really wanna see that.

“Attention crew, this is your captain speaking. You may notice my voice sounds different, and uh, long story short, I’m 12 again. Another transporter thing, we should really get that looked at. Anywhooo if a little blonde kid starts ordering you around, don’t ignore him, because it’s me. Ok. Bye.”

Petition for future series of Star Trek to replace the ‘Captain’s Log’ bits with the Captain making increasingly bizarre anouncements over the intercom explaining the events of the plot to the redshirts.

“Attention crew, this is your captain speaking. Just letting everyone know that, earlier today, an extra-terrestrial probe inserted about half a centuries’ worth of memories into my brain, leading me to briefly believe that I was living a whole other life that felt as real to me as the one I’m living now. Then I woke up after what felt like decades— but was actually only a few minutes— to discover that my friends, my family and my culture not only no longer existed, but had never actually belonged to me in any real sense.

“So… er, y'know, if I seem a little off over the next few days… that’s why.”


following my meme post the other day, and talking to friends further on the subject of fat characters in art, especially in fandom, i figured some people might like a tutorial on how to draw them.


Pride & Prejudice / Good Omens - Cinematic Parallels

because I can’t be the only one who was thinking of this scene


Today I learned the unfortunate news that JK Rowling based Dobby, and NAMED Dobby after the lowest section of the caste system and I was just sitting there in class like

Literally every time I hear about J.K. Rowling, she just gets worse and worse.


dudes who accuse films like captain marvel of teaching young girls to hate men have no idea that literally no one and nothing is more effective at making girls hate men than men

this is now my most popular post and i haven’t so far seen a single dumbass attempted rebuttal so i’m feeling pretty good about it tbh


i don’t understand the point of having sad endings in fanfiction??? like, if i wanted to cry about tragedies in life i’d do some mcfreaking self reflecting instead 

if I wanted to be depressed I’d read a published book by a man



this is probably targeted toward transmasc people but i have a feeling this could apply to potentially every variety of trans person on the planet and thats incredible

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