
@burymewithmyplanner / burymewithmyplanner.tumblr.com

I'm a Freelance artist always struggling to handle time and production to meet deadlines. This is exclusively a blog about productivity techniques and the creativity process.

exam prep pt. 1

  • Start early. it may seem like it is waaayy to early to start. but here’s the thing: it is never too late to start studying for an exam, so start early and start now
  • Make a revision guide. List all the crucial things you absolutely have to revise for. If your teacher gives you a guide, ditch it. You know more than anyone what you need to work on.
  • Focus on what you don’t know. I know its more comfortable doing things you already know, it gives you a nice ego boost, but the other things won’t learn themselves. i repeat: focus on what you DON’T know.
  • Which means study by priority. Study what you need the most help on. Do not go in order. You will run out of time to study things you actually need help on. So please don’t.
  • Mindmaps. These are good for subjects like history and the sciences. It is much easier to see all your notes on one page. So do yourself a favor and convert your notes into mindmaps.
  • Flashcards. After mindmaps comes flashcards. How I study is by first taking notes, then making a mindmap, and then putting the information into flashcards (I might make a post ;)). They don’t always work for essay based subjects so beware. But remember: flashcards only work if you frequently review them.
  • Past papers. These are your friends. Seriously. If you do past papers, they will help a LOT. This gives you an idea of how the real exam will be. They will mostly come in the same format, so it will help you be familiar with the layout of the papers.
  • Specifications. Don’t just get all your info from study guides. Most of the time they leave out some information. See what exam board you’re doing and find the spec. Try to use that as a checklist.
  • Ask for help. Your teachers are there to help. If you’re struggling, ask for help. See if there are extra classes. Check if your teacher can tutor you if they have time (my teacher did). Seriously. Ask. Its for your benefit.
  • Avoid burnout. Don’t just focus on one topic/subject. Switch it up to avoid burnout and remember to take breaks. You can’t put all the information in your brain in one go. Take care of yourself.
  • You can do this. I believe in you, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. just remember to breathe and take care of your health. It’s more important than anything. Trust me, you can do this :) 
december 30, 2017 - studyblr gif aesthetics

“when you’re in university or college, nobody is gonna babysit you. there’s no bell that goes off when it’s class time. there’s no attendance. you can skip all the classes if you want to. you really just have to take everything into your own hands and make the most of your experience…everything you need to succeed is right in front of you.” —kassie isabelle

currently listening to: “love & kindness” - meltycanon


April Printables, Downloads and Links!

Here is all my downloadable content available for April, enjoy!

(I have started a Facebook Study Group for anyone interested, you can join here! We help each other with problems, do group study sessions, livestreams, etc. I hope you can join!)


Downloads for Desktop/Tablet (all Monday and Sunday start)

Downloads for Phone (all Monday and Sunday start)

Hope you like them! I’d love to see them in use, so please share and tag me in any pictures on Tumblr or Instagram (@emmastudiess) or Twitter @emmajane1103). If you have me on Snapchat (@emmastudies) and would prefer to send a private picture, please do! :-)

If you’re looking for more organisation, planner or study printables, check out my Etsy Shop! I sell individual and large printable packs which are easy to use. Remember to add ‘student10′ at the checkout for a 10% discount! 

Connect with me on YouTube and Pinterest x


I don’t even know what the handwriting tag actually is but!! 😂😂 I’ve often wished my handwriting was a little more cursive and artsy but to each their own 🤗


some test-taking tips that might help all of you~

1. purchase at least one practice book and review everything. don’t assume that you know it until you read through and are able to understand everything you read. do practice problems and the supplemental test questions they provide. highlight anything you didn’t know so that you can review it multiple times. a review that really sticks the information into your head is the best type of review, and you can only achieve that when you read it many times! many books will focus on different things, so if money permits, buy another one!  

2. make flash cards.  even math has definitions you need to know. you have to be able to understand every question in order to score well, and to understand the questions, you need to know the vocabulary. flashcards with history dates, information on chemistry, and biology terms are examples of helpful ways flash cards are easy study tools! quizlet and some other great websites really help with studying vocabulary!

3. take practice tests. practice tests will provide you advantages like: -knowing the test format -an idea of timing -comfortability on answering questions

seriously take tests and time yourself. you’ll know where you stand and how much time you have to spend on certain topics. you can also get a lot of anxiety out of the actual test because you will be very familiar with the testing format!

4. collab with your teachers.

if you ask them questions pertaining to the subject test/topic, chances are your teacher’s going to give you more than you need, which will ease the stress when you’re answering questions. the more you know, the less stress you’ll have, which will really help you do well.

5. don’t be scared. being scared will lower your confidence and increase your anxiety. if you start to panic, you will not be able to think properly. you want to have a clear mind before you start, while you test, and afterwards. therefore, practicing and having confidence will really help!

6. study with friends.  studying with others will really help you because others will provide you with lots of resources that sometimes cannot be found online! they will be able to teach you the concepts and quiz you with vocabulary and stats.  

7. record your progress! write down what you’ve studied and your level of comfortability with it. this will allow you to observe yourself and slowly build your confidence. you will also be able to gauge how much you do not know. this will force you to study and focus on everything you need to accomplish.

8. plan a reward for after the test.  you will seriously want to do well if you promise yourself a gift or a break after acing the exam! i promised to buy myself plants if i did well, and it really motivated me to so well! it really works, especially if you bribe yourself with things you really, really want.

9. have confidence. this is kind of similar to step 5, but it needs to be said! after all this practice and collab work, you’re going to do great! review last minute equations, terms, and concepts the day before going into the test. you will absolutely be fine if you get good sleep, good practice, and confidence.

some things you should bring with you on the standardized testing day:

10. a snack. there will be breaks in between tests/sections. you want to bring a fruit or light snack that will be easy to eat and clean up. fruits are the best option because they will also keep you active!

water. water seems to wake me up when i need a kicker. water will keep your brain-juices flowing! all the concentration you need will flow right back in when you take a sip, trust me!

a sweatshirt. You do not want to be cold and nervous at the same time! if you’re hot, you can take it off, but shivering while trying to solve a math problem or comprehending a shakespeare sonnet will hurt you, not help you!

back up calculator. just do it if you’ve got one! i remember someone bringing an “illegal for testing” calculator and they had to take the test without one. you don’t want it dying in the middle of the test, either.

lots and lots of HB #2 pencils, a large eraser, a silent hand sharpener, and a pen (if it’s the ap exams etc.)

confidence, your brain, all the practice you’ve done!

i really hope all these tips help you guys!!i know i’ve needed these tips to help me, so i’m sharing what’s helped me in the past! any juniors or sophomores worrying about the past, sat, or act, use these wisely! i wish all of you good luck!


06-01-18 Hello everyone! So happy to get back on track again. Sorry for being so inactive for the past 3 months, uni got 89.9% of my life! Lol. Here’s my weekly spread for the first week of the year! I’ll try to become more active this time and upload some of the lectures I made. Btw, happy new year studyblr community! Let’s start the year full of hopes, determination and motivation! Chase down our dreams and turn it into reality! Have a great day studybloggers! ✨

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