


came here for ffs, stayed for loa

In case anyone is having a bad night

(The best of this post and its reblogs, but with links that work)

Here is a website where you can scroll down to all the different levels of the ocean 

Here is a website where you can see the future of the universe

Here is a website where you can press a ‘make everything okay’ button, over and over, until things really are okay

Here is a website that you can read if you feel like a burden

Here is a website where you can look at strobe illusions (TW strobe/flashing)

Here is a website where you can cut stuff up (TW blood/sh)

Here and here are websites where you can play with sand

Here is a website where you can draw with macaroni and other fun foods

Here is a website where you can paint someone’s nails

Here is a website where you can grow a garden with emojis

Here is a website with hundreds of videos of people hugging you (rightfully dubbed ‘the nicest place on the internet’ because it really is, y’all, it made me cry)

Here is a website that will take you to other useless websites

Here is a website where you can make a tiny cat play bongo drums (and other instruments!)

Here is a website to help give you gentle reminders <3

Here is a website where you can grow a tiny farm

Here is a website where you can take a bunch of scientific personality tests

Here is a website of calm rain noise

Take a breath. It’s going to be okay, I promise.


only you (peter parker)

pairing: peter parker x reader alternate universe: none pronouns: ambiguous summary: after trying to break up with your boyfriend, he says something that you never would have expected. warnings: fluff parts: one-shot dividers by: firefly-graphics wordcount: 1,071


Swinging By | Peter Parker

Word Count: 2.5K Pairing: Peter Parker [Earth 199999] x Female!Reader Requested: Yes [@spideysbaby: "Maybe a spiderman (tom) sneaking in your room thinking it's his sense your his neighbor"] A/N: Hope I did the request justice... even if I did post it really late 😬😬 My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffeeTikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!

I'm sorry but i'm so sick of shit like this. I don't know you Patricia and with that attitude i don't care to get to know you.

Why has Marvel suddenly become the poster child for everything wrong in this world? For the 100th time no, Marvel movies are not all the same and they're not ''souless''. Anyone saying this, obviously hasn't even tried to watch a Marvel movie. Ever thought that maybe these characters/stories resonate with people? Cause let me tell you, i've felt more emotions from a Marvel movie than i have from some ''high art'' bullshit.

And the AI shit, really? Lesser people have tried and failed to copy the MCU bc they lacked the heart and soul it took for the MCU to be built in the first place, and u think that an AI could write a Marvel movie and have it be good????? Be serious, even the worst Marvel movie would be better than the best an AI can "come up with". Also, implying that the work put into Marvel projects is as shit as the "work" of an AI, is insulting to the countless of talented artists who have been working their asses off in every single project. Instead of doing shit like this, ever thought that you should use your platform for sth good? Like idk, talking about the REAL issues AI is causing to art? Don't you, as an artist, understand that AI is a threat to everyone? To art itself?

But i guess you've all learned the trick by now. Want attention = start talking shit about the MCU. At least be more creative, this technique has gotten old

I'm bored, Patricia 🥱🥱


The Reason Why You Are Limitless

Disclaimer: I'm releasing an old banger but a revised version as my perception has changed!These are just my personal beliefs, and it is completely open ended just like everything else. If you are searching for a “logical” answer this post isn’t for you, this post is for the shifting and manifesting baddies that are open minded to the “impossible” being possible. If you struggle with disassociation this post might not be for you.

We are constantly being told in the manifestation and reality shifting community that we are completely limitless. However, what does that mean exactly? EVERYTHING is made out of energy: our thoughts, emotions, physical bodies, nature, “physical objects,” etc at its ultimate core. Ultimately, we are pure consciousness not attached to any reality. We are the Multiverse experiencing itself. This is why manifestors say that consciousness is the only real reality, and when we enter the “void state” it’s already within us. The void state is just pure consciousness. We are simply entering our truest state of being where we always shift and manifest instantly, where negative thoughts, doubts, feelings, etc don’t exist because this isn’t our natural state of being. We are all “connected” to this energy, because we are all made out of the same energy that makes up the entire Multiverse: spirits, gods, deities, entities, yourselves, physical objects, animals, plants, planets, realities, dimensions, realms, and down to your thoughts. We are everything, everywhere, all at once. Everyone across the entire Multiverse shares a collective consciousness of “I AM” as we are all made up of the same energy. We are all One. I don’t say this to freak anyone out, this should be empowering to know that you have full control of your reality. You can be anything and anywhere right now no matter what. You can do anything and change anything instantly no matter what because time isn't real.

As pure consciousness who are the creators of our realities we have complete and ultimate freewill, so that you have the freewill to create your own beliefs and assumptions. There is no such thing as right or wrong, black or white, everything is grey including what you assume is true or not true. The only real reality is your imagination/consciousness/awareness, because everything is energy. The Multiverse is a paradox, everything and nothing exists at the same time because it all comes down to your dictation as to what is real and isn’t real in your reality. Everything that you can possibly imagine and desire already exists within you, as you are limitless and completely infinite. Nothing is impossible for you. Time is an illusion, and it doesn’t exist so in your imagination where the energy is at its rawest form you already have all of your desires (aka consciousness).

There are no laws of physics that dictate your reality, the concept of the laws of physics is simply your current awareness of reality, which can be easily changed as long as your awareness changes. You are all limitless and you can bend and change the laws of physics/the physical reality with your own assumptions. For example, you assume that you have the ability to fly, as long as you keep assuming that you can fly then your physical reality will transform that. ANYTHING is possible, you create your own rules down to the laws of physics of what is and isn’t possible in your realm of awareness of reality, which can differ for anyone else. Everything that you were taught: spirituality, religion, science, and witchcraft are simply real because you assume that they are real as you were taught since birth to accept certain things as “hardcore truths” when “hardcore truths” is simply an illusion. There are no such things as “ultimate truths” except the ones that you create within your own awareness of reality. This is why “fictional” realities exist, because they simply have a different awareness of reality/“laws of physics” than we do, which can easily be changed. For example, have you ever wondered why some people experience paranormal experiences and others don’t? While they may be real to you in your reality, may be unreal to others in their reality, and both are correct because it is your assumptions that dictates reality. In terms with death, spirits, gods, entities, the astral realm/concept of afterlife, laws of spirituality such as karma, reincarnation, etc-everything boils down to your assumptions as well. These energies are very real only if you perceive it to be real, but if you do not believe in them then they won’t exist in your reality because they will simply not abide by your personal laws of physics. Don’t limit yourself: you can manifest immortality, your desired reality, teleportation, manifesting instantly, time travel, time manipulation, whether you can fly or not, “fictional” characters shifting to your reality, etc as your “core” laws of reality, or lack of. It’s up to you.

Therefore, you completely create your rules to manifest, and how you manifest. Do you shift every time you manifest anything no matter what or simply manipulate the 3D? Up to you to decide, you are correct no matter what because this is your reality. "You" as pure consciousness is where your imagination, desires, assumptions, beliefs and thoughts reside and you already have your all you desires simultaneously because time is not real is the only place you should focus. The physical reality is simply an illusion, and is easily malleable and customisable. It can be changed and manipulated instantly so you can also always change your “laws” on how your reality works whenever you want to. Imagination is your only real reality, where creation is finished it is done. You are never creating anything you are simply being the person who already has your desire/are in your DR. It already exists within you as consciousness being the only real reality. Therefore, the concept of “fiction” and “impossible” isn’t real because what you deem as “fictional worlds” that are created already exist if you assume so. We have just been taught of certain things as “hardcore truths” within this perception of reality, which is completely false and can be changed instantly if we really wanted to. Every single little thing that you think of, desire, etc already exists in the imagination the only real reality right now. Essentially you are limitless you can be anything and anywhere no matter what because you already are that thing right now, no matter what it is. You just need to change your assumption to accepting it.

It should be noted that you do not need to enter the void state to be limitless. All you need to do is accept your true state that you are pure consciousness not attached to any reality or perception of reality, the void is already within you right now. You are the true, ultimate creator /God of your reality, you can even dictate your own “laws of physics” within your reality and what is “true” or “not true.” When you accept that you are more than just your physical body, you open a whole new world of possibilities you deemed “impossible.” You may ask yourself: If it’s the ultimate law that the physical reality must conform to the consciousness that I am (my desires) instantly no matter what then why doesn’t it happen? Whose to say that you can’t just blink right now and be in your DR or have your desired manifestation no matter what right now? Or that you can see the physical change before your eyes to fit your desires or DR? All of this is possible, the problem is that we have grown up in this current awareness of reality to overcomplicate and overthink everything. We think that we need to “believe,” “let go,” “feel happy,” etc. Also, let’s be honest subconsciously we also expect the physical reality to take “time” because we have been taught that we have to “wait” and “work hard” to get everything we want and put “limitations” to our desires. What you need to do is begin to assume that your physical reality instantly conforms to your desires before your eyes no matter what-you don’t need to believe, feel happy, let go, etc. Everything is energy, all you need to do is manipulate this energy by assume what you desire, and make it a dominant assumption. Your dominant assumptions (the energy you put mostly in) always create your reality. Don’t overcomplicate anything just keep assuming in your favour to manifest, shift, create your own laws of physics, etc because your imagination/consciousness already knows every single detail of what you desire since it already exists within you right now.

"my child is fine"

Your child literally reads smut with a straight face while eating breakfast like it's the morning paper.


Acceptance of your true power

What if I told you that everything you've ever been told was a lie, what if I told you that you have created every single thing you are experiencing, what if I told you that there is no such thing as fiction, what if I told you that you are the god of your reality, and that everything that you can ever desire exist within your you and what if I told you that your imagination is your true reality? Would you believe me? Would you accept this truth? Or would you still give outside sources the power? 

Your failure to accept the things I just said is the exact reason that you are not manifesting what you want. Your incapability of accepting your true power is the reason you do not have anything that you desire. You are giving your power away and not accepting your true godself. 

“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are the external thing, realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” -Neville Goddard 

When you realize you yourself are the power source things can feel uneasy and you feel like you were in the wrong or you were saying something that is not true, but none of those things are the truth. You are the god of your reality!

Many people have struggled to accept that, I was one of them, but the way that I was able to truly accept my power is to finally surrender to my inner man. To finally surrender to my imagination and to accept myself within. When I accepted myself within I was able to truly understand that I am the all-powerful knowing creator of My reality. You can struggle to accept this if you have religious trauma or if you have been forced by society and by your family to accept that you are not the person that was in control and that you had to give power to outside sources, however what they have told you was nothing but a lie. 

Why do we fear who we are? Why do we restrict ourselves from fully accepting our power? The answer is easy: you are bound by your fear. You fear you're incapable of being free and being in control. Just like  @lotusmi said in her post Fearful Of Magnificence “we may feel incapable of freedom, of our salvation. We feel that fear and back we go into our own caves, to dwell in our caves of Desire still wishing for freedom.” You overcome the fear and these doubts and this incapability to accept your own power by surrendering to your own imagination. By learning to stop fearing yourself, to stop fearing your true power, to break free from that fear of knowing you are the god of your reality. For everything is your own wonderful creation; it was born from your own imagination.

You are the mother and your reality is the child you birthed. Neville always said "nothing to change but self",  so go within yourself and change those feelings of fear and go within your mind and finally say I am the creator, I am the one who creates, I am the god of my reality, anything I want I can have, I call the shots. Acceptance is all you need. Accept  that you are the creator! Accept that you yourself are the one who will give you whatever you desire!! Accept that you yourSELF are who creates.

If we learn to accept our power we will be able to accept that we created everything within our lives. Everything we experience truly came from our imagination from the family you have to what you are seeing on TV! Everything you have ever seen was created from your mind! We must be willing to actually accept that ourselves created everything that we experience. This can be the hardest form of acceptance but it will truly Empower you to create whatever you desire.

So go within your imagination, and finally accept you, your wonderful limitless power.


reblog if your name isn't Amanda.

2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!

We’ll find you Amanda.


this has almost 11 million notes what is this


I’ve never seen this post once in 10 years on this site


I’ve never even heard of this before tho??? Wtf??????????

oh my god, I didn’t think there were any surviving versions of this post left

For those who weren’t around in the Deep Lore times, this is one of the relics of the editable post era. This post has THE SINGLE HIGHEST NOTES of ANY post on this site, bar none, but with more than a dozen variations. Every single post you’ve ever seen with more than 3 million notes has been a different version of this one.

This is the “Dean’s Gym Shorts” post. This is the Flubber post. This is the original “Reblog if you support gay people” post. it was ALL of them. before half the site got nuked, it had even more notes than it has now - at one point, well over 15 million, and that was years ago.

This, with no exaggeration, is the ONE TRUE heritage post


Does anyone hace the name of a fanfic about peter parker dating reader but then he confesses he is in love with MJ and breaks up with reader on her birthday


It's "rebound" by @peterparkouryo !!!!


good things will happen 🧿

things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿


Good things are happening 🧿

Things that are meant to be are falling into place 🧿

Bring it on!

I believe it.

saving you - peter parker
pairing: tom!peter x stark!reader
warnings: use of y/n, she/her, swearing, mentions of blood and fighting (scenes used from endgame)
a/n: i love peter parker sm i just HAD to write another blurb (also for my bexi boo mwah)


y/n never thought she'd fight a giant purple alien from space, let alone fighting him twice. five years ago she was on titan fighting the alien, then she blipped, alongside half of the world.

five years later she's on the same planet fighting the same purple asshole.

herself and others all came out of different sized portals created by doctor strange. y/n walked out with peter parker, her best friend. she looked around, seeing the army of avengers, ready to fight the battle.

her and peter, and everyone else, got in their positions as they heard steve, "avengers. assemble."

and with those two words, the team of most likely one hundred people ran towards thanos' army.

sam and valkyrie ended up in the sky at some point during the battle, while everyone else mostly stayed on the ground. scott turned huge again since the fight in germany, and immediately started stomping on the evil aliens.

the rest of the avengers started fighting the aliens that remained on the ground. bucky snd rocket shooting them together, with groot branching his arms through the aliens' bodies.

y/n and peter never left each others side as they ran towards the battle. the avengers' goal was to get tony's gaunlet away from thanos once it had all six infinity stones in it. all they had to do was get thanos' gaunlet, easy.

ten minutes pass and most of the avengers are injured while lying on the ground, the only few remaining are tony, steve, thor, peter, y/n, clint, valkyrie and pepper.

dealing with the team of eight they have, they create a plan to beat thanos.

"y/n, sweetheart i know you can fight and i know you can fight well," tony starts, placing his hands on his daughters shoulders, "but i need you to run away, i don't want you anywhere near here when we get the stones, capisce?"

a concerned look shows up on y/n's face, "what? dad, no, i'm not just leaving you guys here. let me he-"

y/n got cut off by tony hugging her, followed by pepper hugging her as well.

the family of three backed up from each other. tony looked back to the rest of the remaining avengers, giving y/n the signal to walk away.

yes, she was going to walk away from the problem, but as she saw her father, and peter start running towards thanos she knew she couldn't just watch.

taking out the ninja stars she has in her suit, she throws them at thanos' wrist to try and get his gaunlet off.

"what- y/n! i told you to run!" tony yells from inside his suit, while blasting thanos.

"i told you, i'm not just leaving you guys!" y/n yells.

tony backs away slightly, before finding clint with the red iron man gauntlet. tony takes it from him and passes it to peter. "peter run!" tony yells before going back to fight with thanos.

y/n watches as peter runs from thanos with her dad's gaunlet.

peter runs as fast as he can before he gets knocked down into a pile of rubble. a giant blue and yellow beam comes down in front of him.

"hi- hello," peter stutters to the blonde woman, "i'm peter parker."

"well peter parker," the woman starts, "you have something for me?"

peter nods as he hands her tony's gaunlet before she flies off.

peter stands up from the rubble, and watches in shock as y/n is on thanos' shoulders trying to fight him.

"y/n!" he yells as he watches thanos throw the poor girl at least 100 yards away. peter immediately runs after to look for her, "um- mr. stark, sir i'm going to try and find y/n."

"oh you better find my daughter alive parker," tony grumbles into the teams shared intercoms.

finally seeing the sight of y/n rolled over onto her side, holding her stomach, peter removes the nano-tech mask from his face.

he rolls y/n over to see the girl with dust and small marks of blood on her face. "hey, hey y/n you gotta wake up. your dad's gonna kill me if you don't," peter laughs, shaking the girl.

"cmon, please wake up."

tears brim peter's eyes, seeing the girl he's fallen in love with get hurt right in front of his eyes.

the only thought going through the boys mind was that he never got to tell her how he felt.

as he talked on his com, his voice was weak. "mr- mr stark i need help! she isn't waking up!"

tony's heart rate drops. disregarding the giant purple alien in front of him, he flies over to where he saw peter run off to. he flies down to the ground to be met with an unconscious y/n in peter's arms.

"friday, read y/n's vitals," tony instructs his ai.

"vitals steady. oxegyn decreased 20%. heartbeat decreased 10%."

"shit," tony mumbles. "you stay with her kid, i have to beat this asshole," he gestures back to thanos. "keep her alive!" tony yells as he flies back to the main fight going on.

peter looks down at y/n again, still with tears threatening to spill over. "y/n," his voice cracks, "please don't leave me."

the tears mentioned before finally spill, leaving peter's cheeks hot and lips trembling. he leans down and presses his lips to hers, while holding her jaw in his hand.

"please, please, please," peter kept mumbling against her lips, tears not decreasing in pace.

peter notices y/n start breathing heavier, he starts shaking her again. "hey, hey cmon, y.n wake up. i cant lose you, i just can't y/n."

peter sighs, "i love you."

y/n starts coughing slightly, before rolling over onto her hands and knees and coughing more than before.

peter immediately starts rubbing his hand up and down her back, "hey, thatta girl," he laughs slightly, glad she's okay, "cough it all up."

"oh my god," y/n gasps, before sitting on her knees on the ground.

"are you okay?" peter asks, keeping his hand on her lower back. y/n only nods, while peter places a kiss on the top of the girls head.

"i love you too," y/n whispers after leaning her head against peter's shoulder.

breaking away from each other, the two teenagers turn around to see a giant multicolored beam shoot up into the sky, yet the two didn't see thanos with the gaunlet at all.

y/n gasps lightly, before running to where the others were. peter followed after, "no, no, no," y/n keeps mumbling to herself as they got closer to the rest of the team.

peter got in front of y/n, incase anything was a threat to them. y/n couldn't see what was going on, but she saw the group surrounding someone lying on the floor.

she looked around, not seeing her father anywhere. a thousand thoughts flooded the girls' mind.

she heard peter talk to someone, but his words were muffled as her brain wouldn't let her think the worst possible solution happened.

pepper holds peter in her arms, comforing the boy, which left a small pathway for y/n to go through.

"dad," y/n whispers, jogging to her father who was leaning against a piece of a broken ship. "dad hey, cmon, get up. we have to go back home."

y/n grabs his hand as she starts crying, she couldn't hold her tears back any longer.

tony looks up at his daughter weakly before placing his other hand on the side of her face, "tell parker he better take good care of you," tony says weakly, making y/n nod and smile softly.

tony leans up with the rest of the energy he has left and kisses y/n's cheek. y/n and the rest of the group watch as tony leans back against the broken ship, and see his arc reactor light dim.

"no, no, no, no," y/n keeps mumbling tapping on the arc reactor.

her heart drops when the light fully turns off. everything around her goes quiet as she leans her forehead on her fathers chest.

this was it. she'd never see him again. never talk to him again. never tell him how her first day of senior year was. never tell him how amazing her first date with peter went. nothing.

pepper lets go of peter to go bid tony a final goodbye. peter helps y/n up off of her father and immediately holds her head to his own chest.

he tries his best to calm her down by cooing to her.


"it'll all be okay."

"you're so strong, you're going to get through this."

"i'll always be here for you."

"i'll always protect you y/n."

y/n lifts her head to look peter in the eyes. "you better not leave me parker," y/n kisses his cheek.

"never in a million years," the boy replies, holding the girl close to him, kissing the top of her head again.


Shield Stealing (Clint Barton X Teen!Fem!Reader) *PLATONIC

Characters: Clint Barton X Teen!Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff X Daughter!Reader

Universe: Marvel, Avengers

Warnings: None

Request: First off, I love your writing, it’s amazing! Could I request a platonic Clint x teen!reader where the reader is Nat’s daughter and Clint teaches the reader to commit mischief around the compound much to Nat’s dismay? Thanks love!

The sound of cursing followed by giggling around the compound had become a normal and regular occurrence in the last few weeks, more than usual when Tony was in a silly mood. Infact, sometimes he was the one cursing. The source of all this mischief and chaos was two people: Barton and Romanoff- though not the Romanoff that immediately popped to mind. Oh no, it was an even more terrifying Romanoff. 


your instagram while living in the tomholland!spiderman universe

Liked by mystery.jones and 128 others

thereal.y.n @spiderman.offcial. thanks for returning my bike!

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the_amazing_flash he really is the best     → thereal.y.n for once we agree flashlight

mystery.jones how did you lose that thing in the first place, idiot?     → thereal.y.n HEY goldfish memory is a real problem y’know!

spiderman.offcial. no problem @threal.y.n just doing my job as the friendly neighbourhood spiderman!      → mystery.jones i didn’t know space counted as “the neighbourhood”      → TheGuyInTheChair dude havent you been to space??

Liked by _peter_parker_ and 87 others

thereal.y.n. who needs a valentine when you’ve got a @mystery.jones?

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TheGuyInTheChair you guys went to the beach without us?!      → thereal.y.n sorry ned it was a girls only trip, we’ll got Moira’s tmr promise

the_amazing_flash your only saying that bc you were sad and lonely on valentine’s day      → mystery.jones it’s you’re* @the_amazing_flash

_peter_parker_ i thought you got a secret rose?      → thereal.y.n oh yeah i almost forgot abt that

Avengers Incorrect Quotes #3

(y/n is mad at Peter)

Y/n: Peter, tum subse bade gadhe ho! *glares at Peter*
Peter: I'm sorry *looks at them with sad puppy eyes*
Tony: wait, do you even know what they said?
Peter: yEaH, and no, I just memorized the word 'gadhe' that they only use it when I do something idiotic. Basically they means I'm stupid
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