

@cyberskunkstudios / cyberskunkstudios.tumblr.com

I make stuff that i like and sometimes others do too.

Made a Monster character named Flick:

They are a take on monsters in movies only being able to be seen when the lights are off. They are named Flick after their affinity and supernatural ability to manipulate lights around them.

They are a bit snarky and playful and love to play tag and play games with others. However, their idea of a game is stalking someone and scarying the shit out of them. If they try and get others involved or act brave and stand up to flick they will likely find themselves Ripped to shreds in an unidentifiable mess. Flick doesn't like Fun ruiners and unsportsmanlike people. One could distract and eventually make loose friends with flick with use of other toys and such. But no promises, they dont hurt you out of joy or whatever emotions they feel.


Could we crash tumblr if we all posted the word "crash" on the 1st of april 2022, 12:35 EST?

Everyone schedule

You may ask, "Jenna, why do you want this? Isn't there enough suffering in the world?" Well, you are right. But I want to scare the owners of this site. Not @staff, you know damn well they don't actually call the shots. No, i want to scare the people who make decisions. I want them to know that we can act as a unit and wreck shit on our own accord, that this community can move mountains. I want them to hesitate next time they make an announcement. Popular sovereignty, motherfuckers.

I know most people know this but some people in the notes don't, so reminder that you don't have to wake up or anything to post it, just schedule the post like this:

now you just hit the blue schedule and forget about it until the day it happens 👍


oh hell yeah im doing this gamers join us


character reference sheet part 2

out of all the character’s color schemes my jester is giving me to most trouble 

red n’ black? Harley Quinn, green n’ purple? the joker, blue n’ black? jevil, bluh ill have to come back to him later. finding colors that feel right is so hard!


I think the worst possible outcome of tumblr getting popular again would be twitter types registering complaints about being told to get devoured by swarms of ravenous bees over their lame opinions, and staff feeling an obligation to ban threats of violence or whatever.

In case this ever happens I want to wish anybody who would support that a very happy falling into an orchestra pit and being pulled apart like brisket on the relentless bows of a highly focused string section.


My story™ Google doc is at about 15 pages now and growing

I really want to plan to the whole thing out and see where I go from there


Ah!! Thank you all so much for the notes! I hope you all enjoy my future works too!

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