
how lonely it is here


and how well it suits you | 26

in another life, I would have loved nothing more than to kill people with hammers with you

[id: a screenshot of Waymond in Everything Everywhere All At Once. the subtitles have been edited to say "In another life, I would have really liked... to kill people with hammers with you." /end id]


girls will be like hm this song reminds me of the most tragic thing that has happened to me I think I'll listen to it on loop


bisan's live video on her 2nd acc is piercing my heart

she started off expressing (in arabic) how sick she is of the constant sharing, photographing, capturing, having to speak english and how she wants to speak in her native tongue instead.

she explained that the leaflets that were dropped again are ordering evacuation to rafah so they are forced into the sinai, and how impossible it is for over 2 million people to go to an area that's only 151 square km, so many have no choice but to stay in khan younis. they are trapped and have no international passports. rafah is the southernmost point of palestine after khan younis and she said - this part in english - "after rafah there is no more palestine. if we are forced into rafah there is no more palestine."

someone asked her if she has eaten and whether they have any food, her response was no, not at all; one loaf of bread has to be divided between everyone in her tent.

the video kept freezing because of how bad the internet service is in gaza right now so i lost bits and pieces, but at some point an older woman joined the live, a journalist outside of the country. it's unclear whether they knew each other previously, but a lot of warmth was exchanged. the woman got tears out of bisan when she told her "dont listen to people who tell you to be strong, i don't want you to be strong, i want you to be you. if you are sad i want to know, if you are happy i want to know." she explained that she tried entering rafah but the occupation refuses to let any foreign journalists in anymore.

after the woman left, bisan talked about her life before october. she said her life was beautiful and fruitful and any source of strife was solely on israeli hands; namely her inability to travel or pursue placements for her education outside of palestine. other than that she had nothing to complain about. if im able to watch the video after it ends, i will add any pieces i missed


It was never about hamas. If israel manages somehow to kill every member of hamas, what then? Do you think Palestinians are just going to forgive and forget everything Israel has done?

Babies who are the only surviving members of their families? Fathers carrying the remains of their children in plastic bags? Palestinians who witnessed people blown to bits right in front of them? Had Israeli forces shoot at them as they tried to escape the north? Palestinians in the West Bank who have been captured and tortured on camera? Palestinians in 48 who have been arrested just for sympathizing with their kin in Gaza? Palestinian school girls being assaulted by the IOF? Mothers who only have the blood of their children on their hands as their only remaining piece of them? The constant dehumanization that followed our every move - how while Palestinians suffered, politicians called us “monsters”, “human animals”, “children of darkness”, “savages”, and “cockroaches”?

It’s been 75 years since my family was forced from their villages by Zionist militias, they have never forgotten what they did to their neighbors and how they are still denied their right of return. None of us will.

Now, IOF forces in Gaza raise the Israeli flag over the beaches and take selfies with fleeing Palestinians in the background, cheer and celebrate a “return to their settlements in gaza” and sing about leveling the land and fantasize building shopping malls on Palestinian mass graves - it was never about hamas.


i do not pity israel. never have, and never will.

each night that gaza experiences is deadlier than the last, as idf soldiers record propaganda tiktoks, make rave parties and grwms and fit checks, gloat over having food and water, and film themselves deriving sadistic pleasure from torturing their hostages and victims and desecrating the dead.

Palestinians have to display their martyred before the camera for you to believe the atrocities that the zionist entity has subjected them to. they cannot even mourn in private. the apartheid entity murders them in cold blood, and you deliver the killing blow by doubting them.

babies whose families have been killed will never get to know their own name.

i can't reshare a tenth of the videos and photos that cross my timeline. i have seen more dead children in the past month than i have known death my entire life.

israeli settlers burn olive trees, bomb bakeries and fishing boats, shower white phosphorus and earthquake bombs on the captive civilians of gaza. you already know about the disastrous effects of white phosphorus, but earthquake bombs were last used during ww2 to wipe out entire cities.

how holy is the land that seeks to be built over the mass graves of thousands of children? is it holier than the miracle of a child being born in this hypocritical world?

all 11 universities in gaza have been bombed. academics should be agitating right now, especially those who call themselves "decolonial thinkers." destruction of universities is a sinisterly deliberate act to sabotage the Palestinians who will survive this great catastrophe.

the act of cleansing your hands before prayer is extremely important to muslims. no part of us can remotely comprehend the grief of the mother who refused to wash her hands from the blood of her children after losing them in a zionist airstrike over gaza. "I swear I won't wash them, I won't wash my hands, how else am I supposed to sleep near my kids."

it is only both moral and right when one side defends itself. the other side are the price of war, no better than insects and cattle and sheep left to die within the four walls of the slaughterhouse.

this situation should not be up for debate, but let me finish with one final thing : do your research about Palestine. HOWEVER. you do not need a degree in middle east studies to object to an ongoing genocide. if someone outwits you in a debate about historical details and every nuance of a subject, you were and will remain entirely correct in objecting to a genocide.

may those martyred rest in peace and be reunited again with their loved ones in heaven's eternal vastness.


glory to Palestinian resistance. from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


Massive fuck you to everyone who is talking about Palestinians as if we’re already all dead and sharing more solidarity with our corpses than us living. “We will never forget the beautiful Palestinian people-“ how about you stop “making peace” with Palestinian extermination. My people are not going to be forgotten because we are going to live. Palestinians have already survived one genocide and have been surviving one ever since.

Do not ever let the idea that all Palestinians are going to die exist in your mind. Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living.


bursting into tears because nothing happened. bursting into tears because something happened


every time my feelings of resentment towards my dad die down he finds a way to revive them again what a talented man


Not to sound like a water sign here but like revenge and retribution aren’t short term games. They’re long term games. Sometimes you have to wait for the moment to strike. Sometimes you have to set a plan into motion that takes a while to come to fruition. Patience is key.


Gone Girl (2014), dir. David Fincher

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