
Whatever It Takes.

@natashasbanner / natashasbanner.tumblr.com

Macenzie | 28
The writer who never writes.

I just saw the strange sentiment of "who wants to read their own fic?" And I just want to put out there that it's actually fine and wonderful if you read your own fic? I don't know about you, but personally I am out here writing the fics I want to read (and the occasional gift), and what's the point of writing the exact thing I want to read if I don't then, you know, read it? I put time and effort into that thing. I made it so I could have it. I wanted it to exist. I refuse to create it and then leave it without my love.

So if you're out there and you read your own fic and you wonder if you're the only one, please know that you aren't. And if you're out there and you haven't read your own fic, give it a try! You wrote that beautiful thing for a reason, and you deserve the ability to read it. You brought something creative into the world and it deserves attention- including your own!


runnin’ home (to your sweet nothings)

Summary: Natasha comes home to Bruce and it's more than perfect.
or pure Bruce/Nat fluff :D
A/N: It's been a while, but Sweet Nothing on Taylor Swift's new album inspired this little one shot. Please enjoy :D


Natasha felt the tension leave her shoulders as she pulled up next to Bruce’s car. It had been two weeks since she’d been home and the relief she felt as she quickly threw the car into park was almost overwhelming. 

She climbed out of the car and hurried toward the front door. Her past self might have been embarrassed at her own eagerness to see Bruce; her outward display of a supposed weakness. But in the years since her “death”, she’d allowed herself to grow comfortable in the relationship they built after the dust from Thanos settled. 


wishing on dandelions

Summary: Druig finds the courage to finally tell Makkari how he feels and I comes from the most unlikely place.
Inspired by Ruth B's song "Dandelions"
A/N: The floodgates have opened and I cannot stop writing these too. I think it's because I watch Eternals almost everyday lol. I was working on two other Drukkari fics when this idea struck me and I had to write it. I hope you all enjoy :)


Druig sat on a blanket in the sprawling grass of Ajak’s property. Clouds drifted lazily through the sky as the sun shone down on him causing sweat to bead down the back of his neck.

He pulled at the grass at the edge of the blanket and twisted a few blades between his fingers as he watched the scene before him.


wishing on dandelions

Summary: Druig finds the courage to finally tell Makkari how he feels and I comes from the most unlikely place.
Inspired by Ruth B's song "Dandelions"
A/N: The floodgates have opened and I cannot stop writing these too. I think it's because I watch Eternals almost everyday lol. I was working on two other Drukkari fics when this idea struck me and I had to write it. I hope you all enjoy :)


Druig sat on a blanket in the sprawling grass of Ajak’s property. Clouds drifted lazily through the sky as the sun shone down on him causing sweat to bead down the back of his neck.

He pulled at the grass at the edge of the blanket and twisted a few blades between his fingers as he watched the scene before him.


A Promise

Summary: In the aftermath of the Emergence, in the quiet of Ajak's farmhouse, Makkari and Druig find each other.
A/N: Hello, I've been obsessed with this pair since the first time I saw Eternals and I finally decided to try my hand at writing them. I hope you all enjoy :)


The old floorboards of Ajak’s old farmhouse creaked and Druig’s eyes flew open. The living room was dark and still from his makeshift bed in front of the couch. He listened for the creaking, but none came and he chalked it up to the house settling.

He closed his eyes again and shifted into a more comfortable position when there was the unmistakable sound of someone coming down the stairs. Druig pushed himself to sit up, his aching muscles protesting the motion.


A Promise

Summary: In the aftermath of the Emergence, in the quiet of Ajak's farmhouse, Makkari and Druig find each other.
A/N: Hello, I've been obsessed with this pair since the first time I saw Eternals and I finally decided to try my hand at writing them. I hope you all enjoy :)


The old floorboards of Ajak’s old farmhouse creaked and Druig’s eyes flew open. The living room was dark and still from his makeshift bed in front of the couch. He listened for the creaking, but none came and he chalked it up to the house settling.

He closed his eyes again and shifted into a more comfortable position when there was the unmistakable sound of someone coming down the stairs. Druig pushed himself to sit up, his aching muscles protesting the motion.


little wonders

Summary: Natasha and Bruce's daughter is excited for her first snow.
A/N: All the snow recently inspired this little story. I hope you all enjoy :)


“Saylor, time for bed.” Natasha said as she walked into the living room.

Their daughter made no effort to move from her spot draped over the back of the couch with her nose pressed against the window. She’d been there since she’d overheard Bruce telling her that there was a snowstorm coming and they’d been happy to indulge her excitement, but it was starting to get late.


secret moments in a crowded room

Summary: Natasha let Tony talk her into attending a Stark Industries fundraiser. But she didn't have to suffer alone.
A/N: This is loosely based on the song Dress by Taylor Swift and a prompt I got years ago. Also the title comes from the song. Please enjoy :)


“Why so glum, Agent?”

Natasha rolled her eyes, but turned at Tony’s greeting. She offered a small smile when she saw the ridiculous outfit he’d donned for the evening.

It was another Stark Industries fundraiser and Natasha didn’t have a good excuse not to duck out of this one and Tony knew it. It was a masquerade themed event, being so close to Halloween and Pepper’s team spared no expense to get the rich donors in attendance to reach a little deeper in their pockets.


Wouldn't Change a Thing

Summary: Bruce is finally meeting the in laws, but Natasha is prepared for the worst.
A/N: Happy New Year! Here's some fluff to kick things. Please enjoy :) For the prompt: you can make a fictional scene from the black widow movie where, with Bruce’s help, Natasha manages to reunite the family by recreating that scene where they’re eating together from trailer three, where Melina scolds Natasha for her posture and Bruce comments on her and her bad habit of putting her foot on the table, I don’t know, I think it would be funny, maybe?


“You’re nervous,” Natasha said, as casually as could be as she came into the kitchen.

Bruce looked up from the pot he was stirring at the stove. “Can you blame me?”

“It’s going to be fine,” she assured him, wrapping her arms around his middle and resting her head against his back.

He clasped one of her hands as he continued his preparations for dinner.

She sighed and squeezed him tight. “Because it’s true.”


Can you write an Fic with Bruce visiting Nate’s grave and maybe meeting Ylena?


wish you were here

Summary: Bruce visits Natasha's grave in Ohio and meets someone he never expected.

A/N: I watched Black Widow again on a recent flight and was inspired to fill a couple prompts based around the movie. Please enjoy :D


Leaves crunched under Bruce’s boots as he made the trek to Natasha’s grave sight. It was quiet save for the rustle the leaves in the fall breeze. Bruce pulled his coat closer around his still healing arm, careful not to crush the flowers he was carrying.

He’d gotten the letter about her gravesite a few months ago. It had been delivered to his doorstep with no return address or postage, just his name neatly printed on the envelope and an address written on the note inside with a copy of Natasha’s obituary. Bruce had been hesitant about the letter, but a quick search had revealed the tiny cemetery outside of Dayton.


Did You Propose?

Summary: A sleep deprived Tony accidentally lets Bruce’s secret slip in front of Natasha. 
A/N: I was inspired by an edit made by @broadwayfan92 to write this little fluff piece. Please enjoy :)


Tony yawned as he emerged from his room at the Avengers Facility. He paused in the hallway to stretch his arms over his head and crack his back. The smell of coffee and bacon wafted down from the kitchen and his body moved instinctively toward the delicious smell. 

When Tony rounded the corner into the kitchen, he found Bruce at the stove and Natasha sitting at the island with a steaming cup of coffee in her hands. 

Natasha’s head turned as Tony shuffled in and smirked before taking a drink of her coffee. Bruce turned to grab the other mug on the island and caught Tony’s eye. 

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