
The World is Darkness

@the-dark-one-fallen-angel / the-dark-one-fallen-angel.tumblr.com

I looked into the darkness of eternity and it looked back into me.


  • If you want to see the TV Show bar chart with the multi-category fandom tags included, please check this post.
  • To make these bar chart race, all series titles in the TV Show Category on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, manually filtered for fandoms belonging in only one category and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
  • Locked fanworks aren’t included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.
  • Jossverse was in the top 10 from 2010-2017 (Top 2 in 2010 and 2011). In 2018, it was removed from the TV Show fandom list and works tagged with it show up in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) instead so I’ve excluded it from the bar chart.
  • Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
  • ETA: About Doctor Who: Doctor Who actually has 2 tags with ranked higher (Higher than Doctor Who (2005) even) on the list. Unfortunately, they were both multi-category tags: Doctor Who & Related Fandoms was also in the Other Media category thanks to the Doctor Who (Big Finish Audio), and the other tag Doctor Who was also in Books & Literature thanks to Doctor Who - Various Authors. You can see them rank in the top 10 TV Shows multi-category bar chart race linked above.
  • About Stargate: The Stargate - All Media Types tag is actually interesting because unlike most All Media Types tags, it’s only listed in the TV Show category. That’s why it still turned up in this list. This might just be a lack of tagging its other categories (like Books & Literature) on AO3, however. Now that I checked its subtags, it actually had at least 2 Book & Literature only subtags: Stargate Atlantis: Legacy Series - Various Authors and Stargate SG-1 - Various Authors. So it probably should not have been in this bar chart race. Apologies for the oversight.🙏

on the topic of humans being the intergalactic “hold my beer” species: imagine an alien stepping onto a human starship and seeing a space roomba™ with a knife duct taped onto it, just wandering around the ship

it doesn’t have any special intelligence. it’s just a normal space roomba. there are other space roombas on the ship and they don’t have knives. it’s just this one. knife space roomba has full clearance to every room in the ship. occasionally crew members will be talking and then suddenly swear and clutch their ankle. knife space roomba putters off, leaving them to their mild stab wounds.

“what is the point?” asks the alien as another crew member casually steps over the knife-wielding robot. “is it to test your speed and agility?”

“no it doesn’t really go that fast,” replies the captain.

“does it teach you to stay ever-vigilant?”

“I mean I guess so but that’s more of a side effect.”

“does it weed out the weak? does it protect you from invaders? do repeated stabbings let your species heal more quickly in the future?”

“it doesn’t stab very hard, it gets us more than it gets our enemies, and no, but that sounds cool — someone write that down.”

“but then what is its purpose?”

“I don’t know,” the captain says, leaning down to give the space roomba an affectionate pat. “it just seemed cool”


Stabby the One and Only

“Oh no, there are more of you,” Zhee said drily.

I grinned. “Zhee, this is Captain Parker of the good ship Hold My Beer.”

“A pleasure,” said Captain Parker, smiling with bright teeth in a dark face. A twitch of his arm said he’d been about to go for a handshake, then fully noticed Zhee’s pincher arms. He bowed instead.

“Yes, good greetings,” Zhee said, bending his front legs briefly to lower his eye level in a similar bow. “Is your ship all humans, or do you have someone else to keep you in line? With a name like that, I have my guesses.”

“All human!” Captain Parker said. “We’re just stopping by for fuel on our way to Basal Station.” He waved back towards the sporty silver cruiser that was easily the classiest thing at this out-of-the-way spaceport.

“Oh hey, us too!” I told him. “Our ship is the little lemon-looking dealie over there.”

“Nice, nice,” he said once he’d spotted it. “Solar sails, always a classic. What species’ model is that? I don’t think I’ve seen it before.”

“Uh, Strongarm?” I guessed with a look to Zhee. “Right? It’s the same as Kamm’s ship, and seemed like a family thing.”

Zhee tipped his head at what would be an extreme angle on a human. “Who can keep track?” he said. “It is fuel-efficient and spacious enough, and that is all that matters.”

“We’re doing courier work,” I told Captain Parker. “Delivering some art right now for a big to-do on Basal.”

“We’re headed to our own to-do,” he said with pride. “In the sports sector.”

“Oh cool, what sport?”

He was about to tell me when a lumpy golden monstrosity of a warship roared to the ground, barely clearing the other nearby ships. Repulsor engines blasted a gust of wind that threw spaceport grit into everyone’s eyes and nearly bowled over those standing too close. That included a handful of humans carrying supplies onto their own ship, every one of whom yelled about it.

The ship was silent for a moment, long enough for two of the humans to run over to their captain, and for many other bystanders to cast disapproving looks. That sort of landing seemed deliberately rude. Had they meant it that way?

Oh yeah, they had.

“HUMANS!” bellowed a voice from the ship’s speakers. “Hand over your mascot. You have one chance before we open fire from orbit.” Various gunports flashed weaponry.


crowley saves aziraphale from a prison and from a church and if that isn’t a fucking queer mood 

hang on i gotta expand on this because i can’t stop thinking about it: 

the prison scene is the only scene where crowley suggests aziraphale change something about himself - his appearance, his clothes, his presentation - and it’s for his own safety. it’s so that he can exist safely out in the world, where it might be punishable to be who aziraphale is - not an aristo, but flamboyant, in his way. this is essentially about staying closeted for personal safety. it’s okay!! you don’t owe anyone your coming out, for any reason but especially where personal safety is concerned. this relates back to aziraphale’s relationship with the homophobic-coded heaven, and aziraphale’s struggle to come to terms with his own thoughts and feelings as they are contrary to heaven’s “the way you should think and feel” codes. crowley understands what it is that aziraphale has to lose - he’s shown repeatedly regretting and struggling with his own fall, and only comes to terms with it in the last few moments of the apocalypse. crowley’s patience for aziraphale throughout the show is based in this: he gets it. he understands what it is to be cast out. he understands what aziraphale is going through whenever aziraphale goes against heaven.

this leads us exactly into the church scene. although this is happening in a church, there’s nothing holy or sacred or divine going on. it’s just a bunch of nazis sitting on an altar plotting to rob and murder a queer person. there were certainly nazis up to that kind of business in the 1940s, and there are certainly nazis up to that same kind of business now today. this isn’t subtle!! this is right-wing religious fanatic fascism in a nutshell!! so then crowley shows up and importantly, crowley doesn’t actually save aziraphale. crowley gives aziraphale the opportunity to save them both. aziraphale has to save himself. aziraphale is the only one with the power to save himself, and in doing so, he saves them both. 

this is the core of the whole show’s arc: aziraphale (the queer person), struggling to be what heaven (the traditional, homophobic family) wants him to be, even though he can see and feel that heaven is wrong. crowley (the out & cast out queer person), patiently standing by and helping aziraphale where he needs it, but ultimately leaving the decisions to aziraphale as to how or when to move forward, right up until crowley thinks they’ve run out of time and have to either run or be destroyed or separated; when he tries to force a decision on aziraphale, their relationship falls apart. it’s only restored when aziraphale finally, on his own, comes to terms with the idea that heaven’s way isn’t the way he wants to live. he doesn’t want to fight. he doesn’t believe in it. he believes in something else now, and he’s finally ready to make that choice. he ultimately turns heaven’s own logic in on itself to stop armageddon and uses love to help adam defeat the devil (aziraphale and crowley offering their love, their support, and their hands to adam, who in turn defeats the devil by denying him power where he has not done the same). 

then at the bus stop, crowley offers aziraphale to stay at his place. aziraphale’s gut reaction is to fall back in heaven’s line, and crowley say, we have to choose our faces wisely. this isn’t about body swapping to save themselves!! this is about rewriting paris 1793! this is about choosing, finally, now that they are on their own side, now that they have chosen their own rules, to be who they really are. aziraphale has rejected heaven, but he needs that last little boost to reject heaven’s rules. rejecting heaven and rejecting a lifetime of ingrained habit and expectation are two different things. rejecting heaven and rejecting shame and fear are two different things. when crowley says, we have to choose our faces wisely, he is saying, we have to choose whether to hide, or whether to be who we are. and aziraphale gets on the bus with him, and sits next to him, and goes home with him. that’s aziraphale’s coming out. that’s aziraphale, quite quietly and quite bravely, finding the strength to be who he is - who heaven didn’t want him to be. to choose crowley over everything he has held onto that made him hesitate to choose crowley. to choose himself over everything other people told him to be. 

and then aziraphale goes to hell for crowley and faces the fear he held onto for so long: what would happen if i fell? and here they are: weak, cowardly, pathetic. aziraphale is stronger than hell in every sense of the word. and at the same time, crowley goes back and faces the family who cast him out, the family he has wondered about for so long - did he really deserve it? and he finds after all this time that they are cruel, cold, unloving. he doesn’t want them. he has freedom: he has love. 

it’s a fucking queer mood babey! 

god this made me cry… Crowley constantly giving Aziraphale a space to be himself and have will is a powerfully and beautiful thing. And “rejecting heaven and rejecting a lifetime of ingrained habit and expectation are two different things. rejecting heaven and rejecting shame and fear are two different things.” That really hit me deep for my own home life. What a powerful meta. Reasons this show is gold. I’m just gonna reblog all the meta, don’t care how old it is.


Astrophotographer, in Idaho, captures falling meteor fireball.

Totally amazing..

I've seen enough horror movies to know that man is dead now.

Meteors like this tend to emit very low frequency waves that travel nearly the speed of light and can cause things around you to vibrate so you hear a hissing/sizzling sound right when they go overhead.


Here's the opening to the finale with the background sounds and music stripped away, so you can hear exactly what is being said. This hurt to edit but hearing it like this is an experience...


While I gather my thoughts to write the weekly meta post, here, have Eddie and Buck hugging their son in the exact same way


Something I've chatted with a few in DMs etc but never posted about: how amazing would an episode set during LA Pride be?

At my local Pride they always have a fire engine and ambulance, some on duty in case of emergency and some handing out LGBT Union leaflets, flags (I have a rainbow flag with the fire and rescue service of my county's crest on it in my kitchen from like 4 years back) and sometimes I've even seen them selling the charity firefighter calendars knowing it may be halfway through the year but photos of sexy people sell great regardless (kudos to whoever thought that up haha).

But how great would it be?

Bobby would absolutely be giving dad advice and accidentally adopt gaggle of rejected queer teens and above.

Hen handing out info for fostering and adoption but also giving advise to people looking to sign up to be a fire fighter. Can you imagine Hen and a gaggle of awesome queer and/or trans women helping each other train for fire school and beyond?

Buck with face paint on showing kids inside the ladder truck, Eddie totally not being jealous when he sees Buck being checked out.

Also I've had a random headcanon that Buck is like catnip to drag queens. Like if they are in the vicinity they will find him and end up (consenually) in his lap. I have a fic idea that goes with this but that's for another time.

Michael, David and Josh can all had days off and have cameos. Especially Josh, even for just a moment because after his bashing I just would love to see him revelling in Pride again, ya know?

Karen comes by with some of the kids, someone brings Chris and now Buck and Eddie are assumed to be hot dad's with a very sweet and sassy son.

Chim keeping a tally of how many men ask for his number so he have bragging rights with Maddie and announce that he could have been a successful gay man if he's ever had a desire or interest.

Maddie bring Jee to support them. Maybe she has a letter, maybe not but Jee is gonna grow up with a huge blended rainbow family and Maddie loves that for her. And totally buys adorable baby clothes that will fit Jee for like 2 minutes and some inclusive baby books.

Albert's there randomly? Did he know it was a gay thing? No one's completely sure but he sure does now anyway and, hey, when in Rome! So he's off dancing shirtless with some glittery men now.

Maybe a really brief cameos of the two guys who had a meet-cute as Chim and Hen were treating one? He walked into something because the hottie distracted him I think?

Perhaps we see May all shy at her first Pride, not sure if any letters apply to her or not but either way she's totally an ally (and buys a 'I ❤ my gay dad' t-shirt too).

Seriously. Pride. Joy. Love. Glitter everywhere. With the usual 911 silliness on top, wouldn't it be an amazing episode?

Jee-Yun: Behjababe.
Eddie: You want your teddy bear?
Maddie: Awww, you can understand her?
Eddie: Buck talks the same way when he’s drunk.
Buck: HEY!

In Risky Business (1983), Joel's friend books an appointment with a sex worker on his behalf, without his permission, then eats the newspaper piece that her advertisement is on so that Joel can't cancel. When Jackie shows up later, she's a Black, trans woman & this conversation eventually ensues. Proper pronouns are always used, there's no reference / jokes made to her being trans, & he compensates her for exactly what she asks, as she rightfully points out how kind & patient she is being with him in this situation.


they shot eddie. they SHOT EDDIE. right in front of buck. IN FRONT HIM. SPLATTERED HIM IN EDDIE'S BLOOD. they had eddie REACH FOR BUCK liking a dehydrated man reaching for water. had him YELLING EDDIE'S NAME and crawling on his elbows to get to him. they had him deadlift eddie into the truck. THEY HAD EDDIE SAY BUCK'S NAME RIGHT AFTER WAKING UP. had him ask buck if he was hurt. they had buck BEG EDDIE TO STAY WITH HIM. with HIM. they had buck crying the ENTIRE TIME HE WAS IN THE TRUCK. they had buck shaking like a fucking leaf. they had buck tell christopher. they had him cry throughout the whole conversation. they had buck BREAK DOWN SOBBING AFTER HE FOUND OUT EDDIE WAS OK. buck RAN to eddie. they had "hey, buck" "hey" and that megawatt smile. "you were there for him when I couldn't be, that's what matters". "I think it would have been better for him if I was the one that got shot" and the dirty look eddie threw him. the way you could see him decide to tell buck abt the will. "what's it like being out there?" "the team feels off without eddie" "not what I was talking abt but okay". "I was just the guy standing right there, who couldn't do anything to help him" vs "I knew in that moment what my life would feel like without you. and I didn't like it". the distance in the hospital room when they sat down. buck bringing eddie home from the hospital. "Chris would be taken care of....by you". FOR A YEAR. HE'S HAD THIS IN HIS WILL FOR A YEAR. buck didn't even KNOW ABOUT IT when he started taking care of christopher. didn't even hesitate to jump in and take care of him. didn't doubt that that was HIS job to do, no one else's. "BECAUSE, EVAN". BECAUSE. EVAN. "no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you. that is what I want for him" combined with "there is no one in this world I trust with my son more than you". THAT IS WHAT I WANT FOR HIM. buck is what he wants for him. "make sure you're following your heart, not christopher's". BUCK IS WHAT HE WANTS FOR HIM. BUCK IS WHO HE WANTS. the soft look buck had on his face when he watched eddie and chris. mirroring 3.10. but also mirroring 2.10 and the reunion with Shannon and eddies hesitant face. and also mirroring 4.13 when eddie was watching ana with Chris and his hesitant face. BUCK IS CHRIS'S LEGAL GUARDIAN. they shot eddie.


On an evolutionary level having a pet fall asleep on you is pretty crazy, there’s so much trust there it’s like, “hey little animal don’t you know I’m an apex predator? thousands of years of domestication to make you take a nap on me” but also there’s a lot of stupidity there too, like if I play on the computer too long my cat decides to draw first blood on my feet

You’re only here because some ancient farmers let your ancestors eat the mice in their grain stores

This post is picking up notes again so here’s more of Malo being the 😜 emoji

Sometimes he just forgets to put his tongue away when he’s cleaning himself


at my job we have to go through a training program that teaches us the library of congress classification system, and when i was first being trained my boss started to boot it up and she gave me a really anxious and guilty look and said “listen, i’m really sorry in advance, there’s nothing i can do about this, just…. just try to get through it” and i was like lol what’s she talking about and then the program loaded and i was greeted with a deliriously funny-looking photoshopped wizard with glowing eyes pointing at some intro message like “AH YES, JUST AS THE PROPHECY FORETOLD… APPRENTICE, YOU COME AT A TIME OF MOST DIRE NEED… YOU MUST LEARN OUR WAYS” and my boss just looked at me helplessly and was like “i’m so sorry. it’s like two hours long.”

thankfully it wasn’t an elaborate fever dream and i have found screenshots

holy shit

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