
Vy'thanis Lusignon

@vythanis / vythanis.tumblr.com

Inspiration blog for Vy'thanis Lusignon, a Duskwight red mage from Final Fantasy XIV (Mateus-Crystal). Formerly Vy'thanis Felbane, netherdrake.

Junelezen #1: Hello

I figured since it was also the first day of Pride Month, I'd light Vy'thanis up in the pansexual flag colors. Because it was fun. And because this sort of pose fits his personality. He's a lover, not a fighter. So hello, please enjoy (1) gemcutter Elezen.


Of all the places your OC has seen, which do they consider the most beautiful?


So far, I'd say it's Radz-at-Han. Vyth hasn't been there long, but he visited recently and was stunned by the color and warmth and friendliness of the city. He considers it the peak of civilization despite the fact that it's recovering from tragedy and horror. He loves the colorful fabrics and painted walls and multicolor rocks that form part of the city walls. He's not much of a "nature and forests" guy, despite growing up in the North Shroud.


If your OC could pass on a piece of wisdom to others starting out on a similar path to their own, what would it be and where does it come from?


It might be hard for Vyth to convey because he's pretty sure no one else has his "talent" for gemstones, but he'd tell any merchant or miner trying to break into the gem trade to treat their stones like they have stories to tell. Each one will one day become important and sentimental to its buyer, so treat them like they're as unique as your customers.

This advice comes from his experiences as a merchant, even when the stones he sells don't always become sentimental pieces. He learned very early from the Lalafellin merchant that mentored him to treat each sale and item like it's special, because you never know when it really is - and when doing so will earn you large future sales.


i really love duskwight elezen 🖤🖤🖤

rb this w pics of ur duskwight elezen! 🖤🖤🖤

this is Ophianne (ノ∀`♥) she's super cool and has a million outfits and I love her so much


Hard to make a genuine looking smile without crimes, but here's Vy'thanis Lusignon, a Shroud-born Duskwight who now lives in Ul'dah as a gemcutter and merchant. He is a very happy-go-lucky fella, always ready with a smile.


a duskwight headcanon post

(because i think too much about these things)(as evidenced by the size of this post)(absolute unit)

  • getting the obvious out of the way. fangies and eyeshines and hypersensitive ears let’s go.
  • their language is a lot closer to old gelmorran than modern wildwood to the point they’re basically different language families
  • (personally i use breton because, breton is neat)(and works as a celtic language vs Generally Assumed Elezen French) 
  • neventi vad d'ar ghaelmorred, ha mallozh ruz d'ar gredonied
  • i imagine them living in not entirely sub-terranean but still largely underground dwellings, with their own workshops and bazaars and gardens and large communal spaces that’re all connected with tunnels 
  • not all of them though, some took up residence in the ruins of the giant trees for instance. very cosy 
  • over time and for various reasons (destruction of their homes being the main one) some other duskwight took to a nomadic lifestyle, travelling the shroud and surrounding areas in caravans. can’t raid what doesn’t have a fixed address 
  • the ones who still live underground guard their cave settlements with their LIVES and a lot of magic.
  • (the adders can try and destroy the ruins of gelmorra all they want but good luck getting past 7 glamours and very angry grandpas with shovels)
  • to an outsider it can be intensely claustrophobic (esp. because there’s an unspoken Rule that if you don’t speak dusqische you’re not entirely welcome) 
  • don’t mention tam-tara or toto-rak. you will be glared at.
  • (the fact that their ancestral grounds got turned into prisons and masoleums is a sore point)
  • they use a lot of spellwork and magicks to keep the caves lit and ventilated (because lighting a fire underground is a bad idea) 
  • yes cave memes are real

Elezen players should reblog this with their Elezen so I can look at more pretty elves. ♥


Have a Duskwight gemcutter with aspirations of red magery.


What Flower Are You?

Your Result:


You are bright and colorful, with a chaotic and unpredictable streak. While you love simplicity, you are not by any means simple. You have a beauty that radiates and are likely the most charismatic of your friends. You have never been too interested in romantic love, instead finding love within your friends, family, and most importantly yourself. You've always dreamt of making an impact, being remembered and adored. You fear that those you love, could never love you the same. But stop and look around love, you have the aura to command attention, and entire countries declare you theirs. You are already, inherently important and cherished.


Character Associations: Vy'thanis Lusignon

Fill out 3 or more symbolic associations for each category!


joy: he radiates it curiosity: always seeking to know more determination: he will get where he is going


teal: for his eyes copper: just because purple: a magical shade


citrus: he's always recently had some spices: the more exotic the better carnation: a note in his cologne


oranges: his favorite fruit a mining pick: he collects his own merchandise a rapier: he's determined to learn red magic


bright smiles: he's always got one open arms: warm and inviting a casual amble: exploring the world in no real hurry


gemstones: he is a gemcutter after all bubbles: for joy and wonder colorful silks: he loves color and luxury

Tagged by @briar-ffxiv

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