
Vy'thanis Lusignon

@vythanis / vythanis.tumblr.com

Inspiration blog for Vy'thanis Lusignon, a Duskwight red mage from Final Fantasy XIV (Mateus-Crystal). Formerly Vy'thanis Felbane, netherdrake.

Obsessed with the characters who stay light hearted and joyous but who have stolen it from the darkness. There is blood under their fingernails — there is pain under their eyes — there is hurt in their timeline and they have felt every blow. But they have refused to let it take their joy, their sun, their kindness, their heart. This. This is mine. This is the thing no one gets to touch. The people who are unbeatable simply because they will always look up from the ground with blood on their lip and a light in their eyes. And nothing can ever cut out the light in their chest. Nothing can touch their rebellious, boundless belief that the universe has a sense of humor. I stay silly, I stay open, I stay alive and alive and I lived when the whole world said otherwise. the dandelion in the pavement. The vine on the wall. I lived and I loved the inherent brokenness of a once whole thing and it was me, I was the thing that is whole no longer. I gave flowers to the darkness. I gave my soul to the light. 


Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?


Vy'thanis isn't particularly skilled, but neither is he bad at it. He's so genuinely friendly that it can be taken as flirting without him realizing it. He does make a conscious choice each day to wake up and be a happy, friendly person though; it's something he practices every day. When it comes to flirting, he's likely to use touches more than words - like little taps to the forearm or holding hands or brushing back hair. If the flirtee is receptive to that sort of thing, then he's pretty good at it.

Anonymous asked:

From the list! Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?

In the most traditional Valentione's Day sense, Vyth is a little bit slow. He doesn't quite get the fuss. He does, however, profit greatly from the "buy your sweetie jewelry" aspect of it, so he's not completely removed from the traditions. He would probably decide to give a new lover jewelry much too early because he thinks it's part of courting traditions. In his own culture as a Shroud-born Duskwight, there aren't many courtship traditions that I know of. He might still appreciate a good meal as an alternative to a successful hunt in the woods. Or he might borrow from his Lalafellin mentor and embrace their traditions (no idea what those might be, though).


Ludus 5. What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?


Vy'thanis is a sucker for being made to feel special. A seduction that flatters him and fluffs his ego a touch will really work well. (It's not the only thing that works, mind, but it does work.) He wants to feel like he's truly, well, special to someone. Once we're into the seduction, he's got an instant "on button" in the Adonis belt (I think that's what it's called) - that little strip of skin between thigh and torso at the illiac crest. Touch him there and he's yours. He's also very susceptible to neck kisses and if you wanted to outright seduce him in public, you could nibble the side of his neck and watch his pupils get big and his voice get growly and before you know it, he's throwing you over his shoulder to go somewhere private.


OC Questions on the Seven Forms of Love.

A little list of OC questions based on the seven types of love identified in Ancient Greek thought. Obviously this is a highly simplified presentation of some quite complex philosophical concepts from Classical History, intended more for the purposes of entertainment than education. I also left out Mania, which is arguably an eighth type of love (Obsessive), because I'm keeping it mostly positive in these tricky times!

Eros – Romantic, Passionate Love.

  1. Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
  2. How important is sex to them in a relationship? Do they see it as something essential to their happiness? Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex?
  3. How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
  4. Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
  5. How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?

How tactful is your OC? Are they able to frame criticism constructively and give feedback in a way that protects against potential hurt feelings? Or are they blunt, or even callous, in their attitude to the failings of others?


Though Vyth is kind and friendly, he's not the most tactful of men. He isn't usually blunt to the point of causing serious pain, but he's quite familiar with the taste of his own feet - so to speak - and he's not great at articulating criticism in a helpful way.


Was your OC loved as a child? What difference has the experience of love and nuture during their early years made to their character as an adult?


Vy'thanis was well-loved by his parents growing up. He was the eldest of four children. They were poor poachers in the North Shroud area, but they did their best to at least cherish their children and bring them up kind and smart. When Vyth was eleven years old, his father disappeared. To this day, he has no idea where Vy'montain went or if he's even alive. (After all, poachers get caught and murdered by Wood Wailers all the time.) At age thirteen, his mother was arrested in her home for poaching and she and three children were escorted away while Vyth hid in a tree not far from his childhood home and watched in horror. He doesn't know what happened to them either.

He ran west and north, eventually finding a Lalafell cloth merchant at Fallgourd Float who he convinced needed a caravan guard - in the form of a wiry thirteen-year-old Elezen boy. Of course, Rianan didn't need a guard, but he felt for the boy and wanted to do him a kindness, so he took Vyth under his wing and raised him the rest of the way to adulthood.

His birth parents' love and care shaped him into an inquisitive and friendly adult, but it was Rianan's influence that really shaped him as he is today: shrewd, kind, whip smart, and generally happy. From the merchant, Vyth learned how to attract business through an affable demeanor and make deals by making friendly connections. Some see his ready smile and open hand as a sign that he can be taken advantage of, but beneath that kindness lurks a calculating mind that chooses every expression on his face for maximum impact. Everyone's just lucky that his preferred impact is a smile.


Symbolism of Metals OC Questions.

A little list of OC questions based on the symbolism of various metals throughout history. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all symbolic meanings, but rather just a small selection for entertainment, rather than educational, purposes.

Iron - Inner Power, Rage and Primal Urges.

  1. Has your OC ever regretted something they have said or done in anger? Perhaps this has happened more than once?
  2. Has your OC mellowed as they have got older? Or are they just as quick to anger, or as easily irritated, as they ever were?
  3. Upon what does your OC draw to get them through situations of great adversity? Their sense of purpose? The thought of their loved ones? Sheer overwhelming rage? Or perhaps something else entirely?
  4. Does your OC struggle to contain their baser emotions, such as lust, aggression or greed? What helps to keep these feelings in check (if anything actually does)?
  5. Are others ever surprised by your OC's steely resolve or ability to endure hardship? Or are they generally regarded as someone with great inner reserves of willpower?

How aware is your OC of the impression their outfits give to others? Is this entirely calculated on their part? Or are they completely oblivious to the responses of others?


Vy'thanis is very aware of his image. Perhaps more than anyone realizes. He's surprisingly calculated in his choices to appear bright, cheery, and approachable. As a Duskwight, he grew up with prejudice coloring his interactions with the world and even now that he's escaped (most of) that, he does what he can to look non-threatening and easy-going. He also knows what an Ul'dahn merchant is expected to look like and dresses the part accordingly (mostly for fun). Vyth is very much aware that you catch more business with a smile, so he smiles a lot.


Does your OC favour bright, or even clashing, colours? Or do they prefer a more subdued wardrobe? Are they perhaps even keen to keep things strictly monochrome as far as possible?


Vy'thanis loves bright colors. He's often dressed in the Ul'dahn style with light, airy layers and colorful sashes and scarves. (I tend to think of it as Thavnairian lite.) He tends towards keeping things in the same cool color family - blues, greens, and purples - but he's not averse to other colors and not averse to clashing them either. He's a bit of a peacock, really.


OC Armour and Clothing Questions.

  1. Does your OC have an outfit that is particularly associated with them by others? Why is this? Simply because they are often seen wearing it? Perhaps because it's their usual outfit for adventuring or exploring? Or maybe because it's the outfit they wore for a famous event?
  2. What is the most expensive outfit your OC has ever worn? A finely crafted suit of armour? An extravagant ballgown? Their wedding dress or suit? Did they borrow or rent it? Or did they purchase (or even steal) it themselves?
  3. What kind of clothing does your OC wear in cold weather or frozen climates? Do they already have such items in their wardrobe? Or do they need to purchase or otherwise obtain them when the need arises?
  4. Has your OC ever been asked (or commanded) to wear a particular item or set of clothes and refused? Why was this? What were the consequences?
  5. Does your OC favour bright, or even clashing, colours? Or do they prefer a more subdued wardrobe? Are they perhaps even keen to keep things strictly monochrome as far as possible?
  6. When it comes to combat or other physical activities, does your OC favour heavy armour? Or do they prefer something lighter which facilitates greater mobility at the expense of protection? Or do they have another priority entirely, such as clothing which assists them in channelling aether or magical abilities?
  7. What sort of clothing did your OC wear during their childhood? How did it reflect their social class and culture of origin?
  8. Is your OC particularly sensitive to the texture or feeling of certain fabrics or items of clothing? Do they struggle with scratchy wool or coarse linens? Do they hate overly tight clothing or items with too many buckles or laces?
  9. What does your OC tend to wear in bed? Is this different to what they might wear to sleep when (for example) camping in the wilderness? Would they wear something different if they were sharing their home (or even their bed) with a guest?
  10. Which outfit has garnered your OC the most compliments? How did they feel about receiving such effusive praise? Did they enjoy it?
  11. What is an outfit or style of clothing that your OC admires on others, but would never attempt to wear themselves?
  12. What might your OC wear to someone else's wedding - or a similar cultural event where one is expected to put in a great deal of effort, but without drawing attention away from the bride/groom?
  13. How revealing are your OCs usual outfits? Do they tend to be more or less modest than those meeting them might expect? Is this a calculated decision?
  14. What is an old, worn or shabby item of clothing with which your OC is unwilling to part? Is this due to sentimental reasons? Or simply that they are particularly miserly when it comes to shopping for new clothes?
  15. How does your OC feel about hats and headgear in general? Are such items something that they might only wear for special occasions? Or do they like to have a hat or crown on at all times in order to advertise their wealth or status?
  16. What underwear does your OC generally wear? Do they have special (or even lucky) underwear for special or more intimate occasions? Or do they have purely utilitarian options in this regard?
  17. Does your OC maintain their own clothing and armour? Are they capable at darning, patching and mending? Or do they prefer to delegate such things to others?
  18. Has your OC ever seen a particularly striking outfit, or even a suit of armour, and been wildly envious of it's owner? Would they secretly (or not so secretly) like the chance to wear something similar? Or do they feel they lack the figure or the social status to pull it off?
  19. What might your OC wear at the beach, or for swimming in a lake or pool? Do they have specific clothing for such occasions? Or would they have to improvise with existing items? Or would they actually stay modestly covered up on the side?
  20. Has your OC ever been invited (or just decided) to wear something from a completely different culture? How comfortable did they feel about this? How did other people react? Did they enjoy it?
  21. Does your OC have a large collection of shoes and footwear? Or do they have just one pair of servicable boots? Do they have different footwear for different occasions? Do they have a favourite pair?
  22. How aware is your OC of the impression their outfits give to others? Is this entirely calculated on their part? Or are they completely oblivious to the responses of others?
  23. Is your OC critical - or even snide - about the fashion choices of other people? Do they look down on those who wear outfits which are too revealing? Or too buttoned-up? Or too colourful? Or simply rather cheap-looking?
  24. Does your OC enjoy dressing up for special seasonal occasions in specific outfits? Do they do this in the spirit of fun? For the children in their care? Or simply for attention?
  25. Does your OC like wearing gloves? Or do they find they interfere with their ability to use weapons or operate machinery? Do they reserve them for special occasions?
  26. How many pockets and other options for storing items do your OCs outfits usually have? Do they like to have their money or other items close at hand? Or are they happier with more snappily cut outfits and a seperate bag for items?
  27. What might your OC wear at a social occasion when they needed to (whether they liked it or not) make the most dramatic impression possible? Would they need help picking out something appropriate?
  28. What might your OC wear on a date? Or at least on an occasion where they wanted to make themselves look as attractive as possible? Would they easily make the right choice? Or would they benefit from some tactful advice from others?
  29. Does your OC wash and launder their own clothes? Or do they have staff or companions who will do this for them? Are they fastidious about cleaning their clothes and armour? Or are they willing to wait until things get really bad before they worry?
  30. What sort of clothes did your OC wear at the start of their narrative journey? Where had they obtained them? How quickly did they replace them?
  31. Does your OC enjoy wearing outfits that glitter with gemstones or sequins? Do they like to shine in ostentatious or flamboyant outfits that attract endless attention?
  32. Does your OC have a specific outfit for official or even state occasions? Or would they have to cobble something together or borrow something appropriate from others? What would a "dignified" outfit look like to them?
  33. What might your OC wear in a hot climate or during particularly hot weather? Are they used to dressing for these conditions or would they rapidly need to reassess their outfit?
  34. What is something that your OC would never willingly wear? How did they come to this decision? Do they judge other people for dressing in that way?
  35. How good is your OC at disguising themselves with different clothing? Can they put on an expensive frock or suit and effortlessly affect the mannerisms of the pampered elite? Are they able to put on a rough smock or tattered rags and instantly adopt the stance of a downtrodden peasant or beggar? Or would they stand out like a proverbial sore thumb?
  36. What is the outfit that they keep coming back to for practical reasons? What makes it so servicable? How do they maintain it?
  37. What might your OC wear if they wished to appear intimidating or even frightening to others? Would this be something that advertised their wealth or political authority? Or a more direct indication of just how dangerous they can be?
  38. How ornate does your OC like their everyday wardrobe to be? Are they willing to pay more for detailed embroidery or embossed leather? Will they spend time crafting armour that looks particularly impressive, even if it brings no actual advantage in combat?
  39. Does your OC have an outfit (or multiple outfits) for when they are crafting or engaged in manual labour? Do they still prefer these sorts of clothes to be stylish or at least well-fitted? Or are such concerns the last thing on their mind?
  40. Does your OC have a particular colour scheme which they favour when it comes to their clothes? Do they prefer natural shades, such as browns and greens? Or sombre tones, such as grey and black? Or would they sooner dazzle in metallics, or stand out from the crowd in bold, bright colours such as hot pink or bright yellow?
  41. Does your OC have a dream outfit they would love to own? What would be the occasion when they would wish to wear it? Or would they just like to have it in their possession to take out and look at occasionally?
  42. Is there a colour that your OC will never wear - or at least would rather not wear if they can avoid it? Why is this? Do they simply dislike it on them - perhaps it does not suit their complexion - or are there religious or cultural reasons why they avoid it?
  43. How would your OC respond to finding they have turned up to a social event wearing exactly the same outfit as another person? Would they be mortified? Amused? Would they demand the other person leave?
  44. Is there an outfit or item of clothing that your OC likes to wear, despite the best efforts and complaints of those around them? What do others object to about this item? Is it worn? Unfashionable? Or simply inappropriate?
  45. Does your OC appreciate patterns on their clothing? Or even designs such as flowers or animals? Or would they prefer something a little plainer?
  46. What is something that your OCs partner, lover or friends are scheming to get them to wear one day? What is their motivation? Are they likely to succeed?
  47. What might your OC wear for a relaxed day at home? Do they have comfortable or casual clothes for cosy evenings out of the public eye?
  48. Is your OC particularly attracted to a specific style of dress in others? What is it about these clothes (or lack thereof) that they find particularly stimulating? Would they ever wear something similar themselves?
  49. What might your OC wear to a funeral or memorial event? Would they have something suitable to hand? Or would they need to buy or borrow something for the occasion?
  50. Can you give an example of an outfit your OC once saw that made their jaw drop? What was so startling about that ensemble? Was it exceptionally modern? Rather risqué? Or simply culturally unlike anything they had ever seen before?

WoL Questions

A/N: These are a bunch of Questions I have thought up/found and compiled into a list. Feel free to ask me any of these! Also, I'll probably be adding more.

  1. What bath & body works scent(s) would you associate with your OC/WoL?
  2. What 3 scents would you associate with your OC/WoL?
  3. What are some things that your OC/WoL likes & dislikes?
  4. Does your OC/WoL scare easily? If so, how do they react?
  5. Are any of your OC/WoL biracial?
  6. Where was your OC/WoL during 1.0? What were they doing?
  7. What song would you associate with your OC/WoL?
  8. Make a playlist of 5-10 songs for your OC/WoL (for flavor, make a aesthetic collage for the playlist cover).
  9. Does your OC/WoL have any siblings?
  10. Does your OC/WoL have an arch-nemesis? Who? Why? If not, who would make a good nemesis?
  11. Describe the relationship between your OC/WoL and their significant other.
  12. Does your OC/WoL have children?
  13. Does your OC/WoL have a canon minion? If so, why that one in particular?
  14. Does your OC/WoL have an item that they keep with them? If they do, what is it? Why do they love it? Why do they keep it with them?
  15. What is your OC/WoL's love-life like? Who were they in relationships with? Describe their relations.
  16. Were they a part of any organization(s) or group(s)? If so, which ones?
  17. If your OC/WoL had a child who wants to be an adventurer like them, how would they react?
  18. What is your OC/WoL's go-to karaoke song?
  19. Do they know how to dance? (Waltz or otherwise).
  20. What one-liner pick-up line would your OC/WoL use on someone they like?
  21. Which seven deadly sin would you associate with your OC/WoL?
  22. What are some of your OC/WoL's hobbies?
  23. Do you have a lot of OC/WoLs? If so, how many? Do they co-exist? Do they have their own timeline/AU?
  24. How does your OC/WoL express affection? (Platonic & Romantic)
  25. Who is your OC/WoL best friend?
  26. Who are in your OC/WoL's circle of friends? (Can be a mix of OCs & NPCs)
  27. Your OC/WoL switches body with their significant other. What would occur?
  28. What is the cutest date your OC/WoL has gone on with their significant other(s)?
  29. For Miqo'te OC/WoLs: Do they let anyone touch their ears/tail? If so, who and why? If not, why?
  30. OC/WoL then & now (show what your OC looked like when they first started adventuring vs. what they look like now).
  31. Do you have any LGBTQ+ characters?
  32. Where was your OC/WoL born? Were they raised elsewhere?
  33. What would your OC/WoL's limit-break call-out phrase be?
  34. What is something that your OC/WoL desperately needs to hear?
  35. Who is a NPC that your OC/WoL started off disliking, but ended up becoming friends with (or more) with?
  36. Describe your OC/WoL in one word.
  37. If your OC/WoL was given the chance to retire, would they?
  38. Would your OC/WoL's significant other(s) love them if they were a worm?
  39. Who are your OC/WoL's parents? Are they alive/involved in their lives?
  40. Who or what could cheer up your OC/WoL after a rough week?
  41. How did your OC/WoL obtain their weapon? (Given to them? Inherited? Did they find it? Make it themselves?)
  42. What is happiness to your OC/WoL?
  43. What was the defining moment in your OC/WoL's life that changed them for better or worse?
  44. When was the last time your OC/WoL cried?
  45. Create a playlist or multiple of 5-10 songs to represent the relationship between your OC/WoL & their significant other(s).
  46. Does their NPC significant other keep anything that your OC/WoL gave them? If so, what is it?
  47. Does your OC/WoL keep anything that their NPC significant other gave to them?
  48. Do the following exist in your AU? (Vampires, Werewolves, Angels, Demons, Ghosts) Do you have any OC/WoL that are any of them?
  49. If your OC/WoL could go anywhere in Eorzea, where would they go?
  50. What alcoholic drink (FFXIV or real world) does your OC/WoL enjoy?
  51. What is your OC/WoL's favorite color?
  52. What does your OC/WoL's family think about their significant others?
  53. What's your OC/WoL's favorite food (FFXIV or real world)?
  54. Is your OC/WoL monogamous or polyamorous? If they are in a poly relationship, who are they in one with?
  55. Who would your OC/WoL play the pocky game with? Would someone break it off early due to embarrassment/shyness? Would they complete the game and kiss?
  56. What are your OC/WoL(s) getting arrested for? Who would they be sharing a cell with?
  57. What is one time/instance where your OC/WoL gets angry?
  58. Does your OC/WoL manspread or cross their legs?
  59. (not class/job related) Does your OC/WoL play any instrument? If so, what do they play?
  60. Where is the most unusual place they've fallen asleep?
  61. What is their "song" with their significant other(s)?
  62. Do you think your OC/WoL's birth order (youngest, oldest, middle, only child) affected their personality? Why or why not?
  63. Would your OC/WoL fake an echo vision for a petty/funny/random reason?
  64. How does your OC/WoL deal with burnout?
  65. Does your OC/WoL get married? If so, to who? Is it private or publicly known?
  66. What kind of affection (Physical) would be acceptable for your OC/WoL & their significant other(s) to do in front of their family?
  67. How does your OC/WoL react to being called cute?
  68. In a most desperate time of need, who would your OC/WoL trust & go to?
  69. What NPC would your OC/WoL enjoy being around? (Could be romantic/Platonic)
  70. Where does your OC/WoL want to live?
  71. How did your OC/WoL meet their significant other(s)?
  72. When did your OC/WoL have their first kiss with their significant other(s)?
  73. Is your OC/WoL an early bird or night owl? How late would they stay up/sleep in?
  74. What emote would you associate with your OC/WoL?
  75. What article of clothing does your OC/WoL steal from their significant other(s)?
  76. What does your OC/WoL do in their free time?
  77. What is the name of your OC/WoL's chocobo?
  78. If your OC/WoL came with a warning label, what would it say?
  79. What is your OC/WoL's type in a love interest?
  80. What does your OC/WoL wear at night to bed? (Ex. Onesie, matching pjs, undergarments, nothing)
  81. What was your OC/WoL's opinion of each Scion when they first met them?
  82. How old is your OC/WoL in ARR? How old are they in the current patch?
  83. For OC/WoLs that are Miqo'te: Do they have any specific/stand-out traits that are cat-like? (Ex. Purring)
  84. What would your OC/WoL's lockscreen be? Their homescreen?
  85. Does your OC/WoL have an alias or multiple names? If so, what is the significance/meanings?
  86. How would your OC/WoL introduce themselves?
  87. Does your OC/WoL have a comfort object?
  88. When was your OC/WoL at their lowest?
  89. Does your OC/WoL know that alligators have an increased chance of seeing them later? (Write reactions)
  90. Where does your OC/WoL want to raise their children? Do they negotiate a location with their significant other(s)?
  91. When does your OC/WoL realize they're in love/have feelings for their significant others?
  92. What do your OC/WoL's friends think of their significant others?
  93. What is your OC/WoL's ideal date?
  94. Make an aesthetic collage for your OC/WoL
  95. Make an aesthetic collage for your OC/WoL & their significant other(s).
  96. Has your WoL/OC ever lost their shit/cool? What was the cause?
  97. Is your OC/WoL an all-rounder? So what's their go-to for each job?
  98. What does your OC/WoL & their siblings fight about?
  99. What does your OC/WoL & their significant other fight about?
  100. Was your OC/WoL named after anyone? How/Where did they get their name?
  101. Would your OC/WoL ever name their child after anyone? Why and Why? If not, why not?
  102. What would be your Duty Support Phase?
  103. What does your OC/WoL's family tree look like?

FFXIV Site Write #25: Perpetuity

"Augh!" Vy'thanis cried out as he slumped back in his chair. "Again?!"

His mentor chuckled at his dramatics and gathered up the cards on the table. "It'll take more than a few fancy new cards to beat me, my boy," Rianan said. The Lalafell sorted the cards back out to their respective owners before pushing Vyth's across the table back to him.

"Yes, but I'd rather hoped the five-star one-"

"Still won't do you any good if you don't have the head for strategy to use it."

The Elezen scrubbed a hand down his face and sighed. "How about a round of dama?"

Rianan laughed. "Alright. You're far better at dama than you are at triple-triad. Go fetch the board and pieces?"

Vy'thanis rose from his chair and went over to the shelf where Rianan kept all his games. As familiar as he was with the house, he didn't have to be pointed where to look. He pulled out a board made of wood inlaid squares of all the same color and a bag of flat discs in red and white.

"I'll even let you be white," Rianan said.

"How magnanimous of you," Vyth drawled in return as he sat back down with the game.

The Lalafell chuckled and helped Vyth sort and lay the pieces on the board. Once the game was set up, he settled back in his chair to watch Vyth deliberate for a moment.

White went first. Vy'thanis may not have had the best head for strategy, but neither was he awful at the game. He chose a piece on the front row and moved it forward one square. Rianan followed suit with one red piece.

As the game continued, Rianan decided it would be a good time to broach a delicate subject. "You know," he said as he jumped one of Vyth's white pieces and captured it, "it's been nigh on twenty summers since I found you."

"More like I found you," Vyth said. "I practically threw myself at your cart."

That made Rianan chuckle. "Fair. But it's been many summers. I was already in my middle years when we met. I've been thinking forward another twenty summers and I want you to know I'll be leaving this house to you in perpetuity."

Vyth's hand froze over a piece. "You say that like it's immanent," he said softly. His chest hurt at the mere thought of losing his friend and mentor.

"Psh. Hardly. I'm not even fully grey yet." He reached out and tapped the hovering hand. "Move. Besides, you need someone to help you keep house. I've seen your apartment."

Vyth blushed and selected a white disc to move. "I know where everything in my apartment is," he claimed.

"You still could do with dusting it."

"Stone-cutting generates dust!"

"And I know you're perfectly capable of just ordering it to clean itself up." Rianan clucked his tongue at Vyth as he captured another disc.

"It doesn't work quite that way."

"Oh, near enough. The point being, you need someone in your life. I already know this place is too big for just one person. I rattle around in it like a marble in a tin. When I leave it to you, promise me you'll have someone else to fill it with you."

Vyth's eyes prickled a little and he blinked hard to keep from tearing up. "Nan," he said, using the affectionate nickname he rarely pulled out now that he was older, "I don't need you matchmaking for me. Or meddling. I'll find someone when the right someone comes along."

"Better sooner than later, my boy. I won't live forever."

"Don't say that..."

Rianan smiled warmly at the Elezen he'd adopted some twenty summers ago. "Gives me some time to go grey first. King me."

Vyth sighed and put one of the red discs he'd captured on top of the one that had reached the line of squares nearest to him. "I mean it. You'd better have plenty more summers in you."

"I do, my boy. I do."


🦴Have they ever broken a bone or had any sort of major injuries before? If so, what was their ailment?


Vy'thanis has been remarkably lucky when it comes to breaking bones, but not quite so lucky when it comes to major injuries. He has a two-ilm wide band of scarring around both wrists from the time he spent as captive of an insane void-hunter. (Content warning for torture on that prompt I linked.) He was chained up and the shackles tore up his skin, then got badly infected. The conjurer did what he could when Vyth was rescued, but the infection was pernicious and left scarring.

He's got multiple nicks and cuts on his hands and fingers from slipping with a chisel while gemcutting, as well as a scar on the back of his head from falling in the creek and hitting a rock when he was ten.


♡~OC Asks~♡

{Please specify which OC the question is targeted to, for people who may have more than one. Thank you and have fun💕}

{Safe questions}

🦋What is their favorite season?

☕️What is their favorite coffee/tea?

🍓What is their favorite fruit?

🍿Favorite show/movie?

🧁What's their dream date place?

🎀Do they have something they collect? {Stamps, rocks, stickers, etc}

🐾Do they have a pet? What are they, and what's their name?

🌿Do they like camping or road trips?

🍋Do you have a song that you associate with them?

🥞What breakfast dish instantly reminds them of home or being a kid?

🍕What's their guilty pleasure food?

🥝Do they have a food allergy or food they hate?

🍉What is their favorite summer food?

🎄Favorite holiday?

🎃What would their Halloween outfit be?

🎁What is something they keep like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to them? Why is it so important to them?

🧸Do they have a stuffed animal or item they've kept from when they were a kid?

🍷What is their drink of choice? Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic?

🔪Say they were put in a classic 80s slasher/horror setting, who would they be? {Example: The killer. The dude who dies first. Etc.}

🍄Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it?

🎟Say they go to a fair/carnival, what fair treat would they get to eat, and what attraction would they like the most?

🌊What is a phobia of theirs?

🐁Do they find a creature cute, that normal people don't? Such as spiders, rats, snakes, sharks, etc?

🦴Have they ever broken a bone or had any sort of major injuries before? If so, what was their ailment?

🍰What is their favorite dessert?

♥️Favorite color?

🎈If they could travel anywhere, where would they go?

🌻Favorite flower?

🦝What do they smell like?

🍞What smell reminds them of home or better days?

🧿Do they have a superstition or belief? Such as "black cats bring bad luck", belief in ghosts, tarot, crystals, meditation, etc.

🥰Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {keep it pg-13 please}

💫What do they wish on shooting stars? What is their one wish they want to come true?

🪴Free Space for your own question~♡

🔮Random Question chosen by the poster~♡

{Spicy Questions}

🌶Where have they almost been caught having sex? And what were they almost caught doing?

🩵Do they bite or leave hickies on their partner? And do they leave them where people can see it? Or do they hide them and press on the marks when they're in public?

🍇What is their sexuality? And what is their "type"?

🍼Do they have kids? Or are they willing to have any?

🍾What's the the kinkiest thing they've done while drunk at a party?

🍪What is their dirty name for their partner?

🥀Do they have a favorite position?

🧨If they could screw anyone without any consequences, who would they choose?

🎉Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it~?

🌽Have they ever done a dirty video before? Either alone, or with others? If so, has anyone ever "found" it?

🥑What are some of their random kinks/fetishes?

🥥How vocal are they, during sex?

🍐Say they wanted to look sexy for their partner, what sort of outfit would they wear?

🍑How did they react to having their "first time?" And was their partner understanding if they were nervous?

🥧Have they ever had a one-night stand when they were drunk?

🐹What "pet" names do they like being used for them? {Babe, Kitten, Puppy, Mutt, etc.}

🐺Tell me about their first time trying bondage~♡

🔥Do they get turned on by strange things, such as fire, chaos, blood, etc?

🧀Are people with piercings and tattoos a +1 on them being attracted to them?

🐧Do they have a safe word? What is it?

💉Have they done drugs before? Which ones? And are they addicted to anything?

🌹Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {you can add the kink here}

💋Do they kiss first? And do they bite their lips if they're mischievous or aroused? And do they bite their partner's lips when they try and pull away?

🍀Free Space for your own question~♡

🎲Random Question chosen by the poster~♡

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