
Creatures Of The Skies

@dragonstuudiies / dragonstuudiies.tumblr.com

| Trin | March 31 | Aries | ENFP-A | Sideblog to @bloopla | Open to friendly people |

12.07.17 So after been gone for who knows how long… I’M BACK!!! So here are some photosynthesis notes to congratulate my living! And it’s almost finals week and I’m stressed like 99.99% of the students. I’m curious; who here is actually done with finals and on break And who here are stressing for finals bc they haven’t done them yet??? My finals are on Dec 19th to 21st


Decided to give the handwriting challenge a try. Any suggestions? ☕️



hello class of 2021! i hope you’re psyched for freshman year ;)

i thought it would be cool to start a co’2021 studyblr network, because i noticed we don’t have one yet! this was inspired by @hs2017, @co2018, @co19, and @co2020 haha.

what is the class of 2021 network?

the class of 2021 network is a central place you can come to for freshman year advice, helpful masterposts, and tips. it’s also where you can find, meet, and connect with other studyblrs in the class of 2021!

do i have to be co’21 to follow/join?

you don’t have to be a rising freshman to follow the blog! many of the posts we create + reblog can be helpful for other middle/high schoolers.

you have to be part of the class of 2021 to join the network. if you aren’t, there’s probably a network for your class too, so you can join that one instead.

why should i become a member? 

you’ll get your name, location, and url up on the member page. this will help you follow + be followed by other studyblrs! you can also tag your posts with #co-2021 and we’ll reblog them!

do i need a certain blog type/follower count to become a member? how about an admin?

nope! you don’t have to be a studyblr or have a ton of followers to become a member. to be an admin, you have to be a studyblr, but you can still be smol :’)

how do i join? how do i become an admin?

visit here to join; visit here to become an admin! 

i have a question. who should i ask?

feel free to message me (camellia-study) or the co-2021 network!

i’m tagging some studyblrs who i know are in the class of 2021:

even if you’re not co’2021, please reblog this so people will see it! (i’m still pretty smol myself)



we have found a new member!!!!!!!! welcome, @mcchi-studies!!!

chanting* one of us, one of us

@mcchi-studies WOW MEERKAT I SEE YOU

Yas ‘21 squad!! @mcchi-studies 👌🏾👌🏾

‘21 class forever! We should all create a chat on like whatsapp or smth like that!!!

I can make a discord for it?? Only if others want to, I can also do WhatsApp but I'll never be active on it lol


june 18th, 2017 //  i made these notes to study for my french exam, not sure they helped too much tho lol 

exams are nearly over, only one more to go!! i’ve been pretty relaxed so far, and i don’t know if that should worry me haha. this is my very first post, so if it looks like i don’t know what i’m doing, i probably don’t :’))

♫ : 숨쉬는 모든 날 - Bumkey


Hi I’m sky, im semi/quasi-new to the studyblr community because i was kind of active last summer and then junior year happened and i was swamped with work!

I’m 17, rising senior in northern virginia, im a #stemkid but i also enjoy rhetorical analysis (or at least i did this year lol), here’s some more facts

  • im super interested in mass mess spectrometry! 
  • partial IB, ironically i decided to not take ib chem and im writing all of my IAs, which are just hella long papers, on mass spec stuff b/c i love it a lot but all my advisors are just “why are you……not taking……chem…..?this is a chem paper skylar why are you trying to make this a math paper”
  • fav classes are bio and comp sci ATM
  • interested in environmental sci, specifically chemical analysis on environmental systems!
  • im filipina-american
  • i really love sports animes such as the classic basics like haikyuu!! and knb, i just started DAYS
  • favorite artist of all time is frank ocean
  • im an INTP/slytherin/gemini
  • i also like webdesign/programming and i like making tumblr themes websites 
  • i follow on @paladinhunks this is a sideblog

here are some studyblrs i really like:

also if you could reblog/like this post if your a studyblr, especially if you also like science and stuff!!! If anyone wants to talk science or school I’d love to chat

welcome to the community, sky!! hope u enjoy ur time here & thx for the mention!!



March 19 2017

A long time ago I got an ask asking if I could show what’s in my pencil case and I really put it off for the longest and might have forgotten about it too lol. 

Anyways here it is! I use Copic markers in place of things like Mildliners or whatever your preferred highlighter is, but someday I plan on getting a pack of Mildliners because the colors are similar to my Copics but they don’t bleed through pages :|

I also use .38mm Muji pens and a .5 Muji mechanical pencil, and look at how small the stapler and tape are! I got those in a little pack from Daiso Japan. 

Studying for my Chemistry final on Tuesday! :L



Reblog if no matter if you have 50,000 or 50 followers, you appreciate every single one. Reblog if you appreciate the messages you get, whether it's 100 or 1. Reblog if a little smile comes across your face everytime you see a new follower or message. Reblog if even though most of us aren't tumblr famous, we appreciate the little things.


It’s the little things that mean the most 💕

It’s the little things that get us out of our funks. 


how do u guys feel about me starting a studyblr community of sorts for all u lovely sapphic ppl out there? it would just be a place for positivity and chatting about whatever, and supporting each other i suppose? idk if anyone has any suggestions that’d be much appreciated!! 

ok pls like/reblog this post if u would be interested in joining!!


hello everyone~ i’m already almost at 1.3k now!! i wanted to do blog awards as a thank you to everyone so here we are :))


  • must be following me!! (studyblr is your side blog? put your main in the tags)
  • only studyblrs please
  • reblog this post (likes are bookmarks)
  • you may reblog/enter as many times as you like :)


  • favorite url
  • favorite aesthetic (icon + desktop theme)
  • favorite original content (pls have a link somewhere!!)
  • favorite masterposts or printables (pls have a link!!)
  • sweetest blogger (message me!!)
  • favorite overall
  • favorite baby studyblr (less than 1k followers, mention it in the tags)


  • a new friend!! (a follow from me through @iicehearted )
  • i’ll queue/reblog a ton of posts from you!
  • a header or promo if you want one :)

depending on how many ppl enter/how many notes this gets, there’ll be runner-ups for some categories (one winner, two runner-ups most likely). i haven’t decided when this ends, it depends on the response!!

reblogging because i just hit 1.3k!! thank you :))

thank you for almost 1.5k!! you guys are so awesome ily all <3

this ends april 22nd. winners will be announced sometime during the week after that.

also, even if you don’t win, i’ll probably still follow a lot you :))

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