
Oh damn the Catholics have joined in on the war against AI "art".


Do you guys like have 0 self awareness? Why aren't you using this as a chance to look inward as to why you find yourself agreeing with a clerical fascist publication on this issue? Could it be that your opposition to AI comes from a perspective that is not explicitly treating it as a labor issue?


“Just saw a cartoon depicting student protestors as being pro-Hamas while wearing a Hitler mustache.

That made me curious how student demonstrators in the 1960s were depicted in editorial cartoons.



A surprisingly helpful bit of social maneuvering I've figured out from trial and error: Throughout your life, you are going to need things from people. Often, it's going to be on a deadline. And when that deadline passes, you generally want to know what's going on. So, you need to ask them.

There are two kinds of people, broadly, in this situation. The Shameless will tell you what the holdup is, with absolutely no regard for if the reason is "good enough". This is actually very helpful, because you get the real reason immediately, and can start working on a solution.

The Ashamed is trickier. People who are Ashamed are people who were often told they were giving excuses when they were trying to explain, and they'll often avoid you until they solve the problem on their own. This causes them and you a lot of stress, and often takes a lot longer to solve.

Long term, the strategy for dealing with people who are Ashamed is to provide a supportive environment where they're comfortable sharing any problems they're having with getting things done. But, there's a way to at least partially short-circuit that:

Provide an explanation for them.

One example might be "Hey Susan, I noticed that I don't have your report yet. Are you busy with other projects?" The readymade explanation signals that you're willing to accept an explanation, which is the big anxiety point.

Sometimes, you still won't get an honest answer- especially if the honest answer isn't "good enough" by the standards of the person who traumatized them. But, I've found that it often at least gets you a lie that lets you give them some slack or work around the problem.

Let's say that Susan has actually completely forgotten that she needed to do the report. She's horrified at herself, and completely unwilling to admit the real problem. But, she can now safely reply with "Sorry Jennifer, I've been swamped, and it got lost in the mix. I can have it to you in two days. Does that work?"

From there, so long as Susan gave an estimate for when she can actually do it, she and Jennifer can hash out a solution.

It's not a perfect solution, but it works astonishingly well for how small of a change it is.


This is so important for every trans person & ally to learn. I remember when I first made this blog, I accidentally reblogged a TERF post every once in a while and didn't realize it at all until ppl started making me aware. In hindsight, the issue wasn't that I wasn't well-informed about terf dogwhistles or that I didn't have enough of them blocked, although that was a big part of it, it was because I wasn't taking all forms of sexism equally seriously. If you on some level believe that women are purer & safer & better people than men, that male sexuality is scary & predatory or that one can be "tainted" by masculinity, you're going to be an easier target for TERFs.

It's so important that we as trans & queer people approach this "cultural feminism" as Serano calls it with zero tolerance. Only that way we can keep our spaces safe & welcoming for everyone & give TERFs no chance.

The only way out of this, as far as I can see, is for us as a trans community to explicitly (and loudly) reject cultural feminism—both its essentialism and its zero-sum conceptualization of gender-based oppression. If we did this, then we could all openly discuss our experiences with oppositional and traditional sexism (and the intersection thereof) without other trans people presuming that we’re implying that they have not been impacted by these forces—or worse, that they must be one of our “oppressors.”

anyone wanna join me in an interlocking battle of opposite forces, one which will never end but if it ever did would mean the end of all things, a great clash of gods which ripples through the universe and gives shape to all things? could be fun :3


the default way for things to taste is good. we know this because "tasty" means something tastes good. conversely, from the words "smelly" and "noisy" we can conclude that the default way for things to smell and sound is bad. interestingly there are no corresponding adjectives for the senses of sight and touch. the inescapable conclusion is that the most ordinary object possible is invisible and intangible, produces a hideous cacophony, smells terrible, but tastes delicious. and yet this description matches no object or phenomenon known to science or human experience. so what the fuck


this is what ancient greek philosophy is like

False! “Sightly” is a positive word, so the default way for things to work is good as well.

The true most ordinary object is beautiful, horrible sounding, very smelly, intangible, and delicious.

I still don’t think it matches anything in existence but to truly understand a thing one must know its true nature.

"touchy" is also a word! however it's mostly used for things that aren't objects, like subjects of conversation. it either means "oversensitive and irritable" or "requires careful handling/wording, delicate"

i think the second one works well for our hypothetical object. so we can use that.

therefore, the Default Object is:

  • beautiful
  • makes a horrendous sound
  • smells absolutely awful
  • is very fragile
  • tastes delicious

and i still cannot think of anything that matches this

behold, the default object!


the world is strange and big and beautiful and a lot of it statistically is bugs

What are the existential implications for our reality that the most common way to experience it is as a bug?


(Technically, this isn’t about saving your hands… but if you draw, you’re probably doing a lot of sitting, so…)


This has such extreme shitpost energies but it’s 100% serious


Looks pretty useful for everyone endlessly working at home at their dining room table.

As a movement professional who helps get people out of pain. This is a fully pretty great and relevant for a lot of people.


I've seen posts going around claiming that petting animals is basically tricking them into thinking they're being groomed, and it's bugging me because, like, there's no trickery afoot. Petting and scritching are grooming activities. They help to dislodge loose fur and foreign objects and more evenly distribute protective oils, among other things. Primates are social groomers, and the human impulse to scritch is the legacy of our primate ancestors. We see an animal we like, even a dangerous one, and the monkey brain says "groom that thing".


just got the mental image of a caveman being brought to the modern era and having mental breakdowns at all the eldritch horrors like "buildings" and "cars" until he sees a dog and is like. wait a second. i know that one.

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