


Johnlock is canon. Also, let's go Pens!

“You’ve been silent for a while now, John. I deduce you’re on tumblr again.”

“Yeah, well … it’s always fascinating to see what our fans get up to. Stuff they post about us, you know. Most of it is funny, or weird. Or both. Especially on Fridays.”

“What’s so special about Fridays?”

“Er …”

“Oh. Yes. I see.”



“That’s one word for it.”

“Is that even possible? In terms of physics?”

“Um … want to try?”

“An experiment?”

“Yes. For science.”

“I’m all for science.”

“I know.”

For this month’s @sherlockchallenge: Tumblr.

Sherlock had been sitting at his microscope, John browsing the internet from his comfy chair in the sitting room, when a sudden high-pitched noise broke the silence. John’s wide-eyed stare left no doubt as to what he’d been looking at - or so Sherlock thought.

“John?… What was the distressed squeak about?  Did you find something even more physically demanding than last time?”

John cleared his throat as Sherlock walked over.  “They… they banned all the fun stuff… well, I mean, all the um… experiment ideas.”  He sighed.

Sherlock pouted, taking in John’s sad demeanor.  It was frustrating, but… “You do realize these people will find a new place to post this, right?  And until then we already have a lot saved to tide us over.  Things that perhaps we should make sure to try soon, just in case some do-badder comes and cleans out our stash.”

John took a minute, a small smile creeping onto his lips while a tiny spark gradually worked its way up to a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Yeah, better safe than sorry; and that’s a long list - we’d better get started.”  The distance closed, mere centimeters between them. “Fuck Tumblr,” John breathed.

“Fuck Tumblr,” Sherlock returned softly, closing the distance, kissing John with love, determination, and more than a little bit of wickedness.  They’d turn the internet inside out to find their content later.  For now, they had ‘science’ to conduct.

Thanks a lot for the fitting ficlet, @quantum-sparrow. It made me grin wickedly. Looks as if the boys are going to be busy …




Remember when Sherlock died and we didn’t see his funeral cause his death was fake, so the funeral wasn’t important in the long run of the show.

Remember when John got married and we didn’t see his wedding. Huumm.



Bbc Sherlock-s5-John and Sherlock kissing scene-first outtake
Mark: Okay so this is just a short scene, hardly 10 secs.
Mark: Now remember, they do it for a fake reason. A little lip to lip press and that’s all.
Steven: That alright with you two?
Martin: Yeah I am cool with it
Benedict: Sure..uhm.. great
(Ben and Martin come close, suddenly realizing how much they’ve missed eachother)
Steven: ACTION!
Ben and Martin: *chaste kiss*
Mark: Alright that’s good enough.
Ben and Martin: *still kissing*
(5 mins later)
Ben and Martin: *literally devouring each other*
Mark: I am beginning to think this wasn’t such a good idea.
Steven: Beginning?


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