
Secret Crossdresser


I am Simone a 50 years old super fit closeted CD who loves occationnally crossdressing in secret. Crossdressing in private with very sexy lingerie, make up, wigs and high heels makes me feel alive, aroused and happy. Pictures of me are #simone My Kik is Yayola50. Come on, drop me a message, ask me questions respectfully.Please Do not use the words Sissy or Slave or Slut. These words are offensive and disrespectful. I also speak french and spanish

Forgot I never showed my poster designs for this pride month

I did this for uni


I felt this so hard! But in my picture the person behind me door has white hair and bifocals because I came out at 50.

I do not have time for regrets now. No room for tears. I will reach out to tomorrow for whatever time I have left. For the whole world that's on the other side of that door.


Well I think this is my role model. Beautiful, classy, sexy, elegant, and slutty all at the same time



Cross-Dressing Spectrum

Over many years I (Mrs. Silk) have gotten to know countless men who are cross-dressers and I have come to realize that each and every one of them is a unique individual with many different qualities and talents. Sadly the society in which we live stereotypes cross dressers. Words like weird, queer, pervert etc., are used to describe them. Many people in their ignorance assume that men who want to wear female clothes must be homosexuals; whereas the reality is that the vast majority are full blooded heterosexuals.

Since this is so long, I have posted each Color on it's own. If you feel you are a particular color, then like, reblog, comment on that post please.

  1. Red
  2. Infra Red
  3. Orange
  4. Yellow
  5. Green
  6. Blue
  7. Violet
  8. Ultra Violet

Stereotyping is the result of ignorance, prejudice and fear. It is much easier to put a label on something or somebody and classify them so as to avoid the difficulty of overcoming ignorance and admitting to fear and prejudice.

Many people know little or nothing about cross dressing or men who cross dress. The media does not help by dramatizing and falsifying reports on the subject. When we are faced with something we cannot understand, something which is not part of our own experience of life, we are challenged by it. Most of us, instead of taking up the challenge and informing ourselves, prefer to use labels to excuse our ignorance.

Prejudice simply means pre-judging a person or an issue without bothering to inform ourselves properly of the facts. Once again, prejudice saves us time and trouble. Faced with something which is strange or disturbs us we make a judgement which justifies our ignorance and absolves us from exploring any further. Prejudices make us feel safe and comfortable and reassure us that we are right.

It can happen that when we are faced with something which appears out of the ordinary,something which we recognize might exist within us, then we give way to fear and anxiety. Stereotyping is used to overcome this fear. We label and dismiss the the person or situation we fear and that gives us a sense of security.

Cross dressing is far more common than many people realize. This is not the place to go into a detailed explanation, but it is important to remember two important facts.

1. We are all a mixture of the male and the female. Some men like to get in touch with the gentle, creative, feminine side of themselves by wearing female clothing.

2. In the past, men were flamboyant dressers. Male clothes in Regency times were very exotic. Today's fashion has denied men the opportunity of dressing up in lace and frills and very bright colors. In the past men have worn wigs and make up etc., but today they are consigned to dull drab suits. The 'Peacock syndrome' still exists. Why can't a man dress up to look beautiful? For a large number of men the only answer is dressing in women's clothes.

There is nothing weird or odd or peculiar about cross dressing; it is part and parcel of being human. It is something which has been created by society itself. After all, it is quite acceptable today for women to wear shirts and trousers; whereas it is deemed unacceptable for a man to wear a frock or a skirt and blouse.

Human beings are a rich diversity of all sorts of different forces and desires. We are a mixture of male and female, a mixture of dominant and submissive, etc.. This rich diversity is present in men who wear women's clothes. I have found that it is not only people who don't cross dress who have little understanding of the rich diversity of cross dressing but also cross dressers themselves.

I have been astounded at times to discover that many cross dressers assume that everyone else who cross dresses is like them. They seem totally oblivious of, or even intolerant, to other cross dressers whose approach to dressing is very different to their own.

In order to explore this rich diversity and to try and explain some of the reasons which lead people to cross dress, I have invented the CROSS DRESSING SPECTRUM. Using the colors of the Spectrum I have tried to explore the many different and subtle varieties of cross dressing.

I have chosen the Spectrum because it has no hard and fast boundaries. The colors merge imperceptibly into one another. So it is with cross dressing. The many different ways and styles of cross dressing merge imperceptibly into one another and yet there is a definite progression as you move from one side to the other.

Finding where you are in the Spectrum is both informative and fun. I shall have more to say on this later. The Cross Dressing Spectrum will,I hope,lead to a greater understanding of cross dressing both by those who dress as well as those who don't. Remember the Spectrum is merely a guide. It is not written in stone. You do not have to conform to every detail mentioned in the Spectrum.

Cross dressing is about relaxation and fun. It enables you to explore and discover another part of yourself which is not very much in evidence in daily life. Apart from the extremes of the Spectrum (Ultra Red and Ultra Violet) we are dealing with something which can bring a lot of happiness and enjoyment in the lives of men and women. I have devised the Spectrum to help you get even more enjoyment out of dressing and to be in a position to help others do the same.

I am going to divide the Spectrum into two main categories which I call GLAMOUR and MAIDS. A lot of men like to dress and look glamorous,while others like to dress as maids. The vast majority of the maids will want to dress up as cute little French maids. There is a significant and for women an important, group of men who will dress in domestic uniforms and perform domestic chores. It is important to remember that the division of the Spectrum into glamour and maids is one of convenience. Many cross dressers pass happily from glamour to maid in the same dressing session. Always keep in mind that there is only one Spectrum and our division into maids and glamour is artificial.

Before we start to examine the Glamour Spectrum in detail, I will point out the main changes that take place as we cross the Spectrum from Infra Red to Ultra Violet.

1. Man -> Woman. Infra Red has no real interest in dressing as a woman or being considered as a woman. As we move across the Spectrum this changes. Yellow/Green is the half way stage and here we find a balance between dressing to be a woman while at the same time happy to revert to male clothes and male life style. When we reach the other extreme, Ultra Violet we have someone who hates being a man, who wants to dress as a woman all the time, and is even considering a sex change (SRS).

2. Dressing and the Erotic. Infra Red is totally concerned with erotic feelings and genital satisfaction. If female clothes are worn it is to heighten erotic feelings. Yellow/Green is the half way stage. Dressing in female clothes will still have erotic and genital connections but there is also dressing for the sake of the pleasure dressing brings. Ultra Violet has no interest in the erotic. He/r desire to be a woman is not connected with erotic feelings or a desire for genital relief. This is just a sample of the sort of gradual changes which take place as you move across the Spectrum.

We will now look at these changes in more detail.


The Infra Red is NOT a cross dresser in the strict sense of the word. He has no real interest in dressing as a woman or looking like a woman, glamorous or otherwise. The Infra Red is a Fetishist. He is totally concerned with the erotic feelings that come from touching and wearing certain material or items of women's underwear or clothing. The wearing of these clothes or the handling of materials like silk, satin, tafetta, rubber, leather etc., is aimed at achieving erotic feelings and sensations. These erotic feelings can be either part of a solitary erotic experience or part of a wider S&M or FemDom scenario.

The materials are usually shiny and have a special feel. They are often worn around the genital area.

  1. Underwear. Brightly colored underwear in satin or taffeta. Often with lots of frills and lace. Crotch-less knickers are very popular or knickers with a sheath for the male organ (Not a female garment at all, but reminiscent of female knickers). The underwear is usually in satin or taffeta. Shiny rubber and leather are also popular. Transparent knickers, transparent materials which are shiny are popular too. Brassieres if worn will also be in shiny frilly material. Sometimes no false breasts are worn but if they are they will be very large with very prominent nipples. Peep hole bras are popular with Infra Reds. False nipples may be pierced and rings attached.
  2. Colors are always very strong for the Infra Red. Deep purple, bright red, electric blue are the usual favorites.
  3. Hosiery. Stockings are usually important to the fetishist. They are black and have a very prominent seam. They can be in silk or even rubber. Fishnet seamed stockings are an essential part of the Infra red collection.
  4. Shoes will be black or red with very, very high heels. Often they will have an ankle strap. Sometimes this will lock. High heeled leather, rubber or PVC boots are also popular.
  5. No wig is worn. The Infra Red is not interested in looking feminine. S/he is essentially a man, heightening an erotic experience, by the use of female clothing.
  6. Dresses/clothes/costumes. Outer clothes are NOT usually worn unless it is an erotic little costume which will heighten the erotic sexual experience. The aim is not to look like a woman.
  7. Make up is not usually worn at all.
  8. Dominant/Submissive. The Infra Red can be either. If dominant then leather and rubber materials will be preferred to satin and tafetta. Remember that in the Cross Dressing Spectrum it is not uncommon to be both Dominant and Submissive depending on the mood of the moment.
  9. Enforcement. This is an element we will find right across the Spectrum. The Infra Red may like to fantasise that he is being forced to wear crotchless panties etc. This helps relieve the feeling of guilt at wanting to dress in this way.
  10. Female involvement. Many Infra Reds prfer to indulge in their erotic games alone. If their is afemale involved she will be part of the erotic game and will be dressed in boots and a basque etc. She is entirely at the service of the erotic game being played out. Once it is over she no longer has any importance. Prostitutes are equipped to dress up and play these erotic games.
  11. Public appearances. The Infra red usually lives out his erotic fantasies and wears his fetish materials in private. Perhaps sometimes with a companion. Occasionally the Infra red will attend a party or gather with people of a like mind. S&M parties etc. For the majority of Infra reds their activities are solitary.
  12. Length of dressing sessions. Infra red usually only dresses to indulge in a sexually erotic experience. This is done alone and when erotic sexual gratification has been achieved the session is over. This is where the Spectrum starts. Right on the edge of the cross dressing experience.


With Red we move across the Spectrum. This is where the Crossing Dressing Spectrum really begins. Red is interested in cross dressing. There is a desire to dress and look like a woman. Of course, there is no hard and fast line between any colors of the Spectrum. This means that many of the elements of the Infra Red will be present in Red to a greater or lesser degree.

Red will like many of the same materials as Infra Red. Satin, taffeta, shiny materials like rubber and leather. Transparent materials will also be popular. What is different, is the desire to dress as a female. There may be some confusion between the fetish element and the desire to dress as a woman (TV vs TS).

The further you move across the Red Spectrum towards the Orange, the more the desire to dress as a woman replaces the fetish element as the dominant feeling.

  1. Underwear will be brightly colored, frilly, sexy. Preferred materials will be satin and silk. Basques will be popular. Tight corseting will be required. Brassieres are a must for Red. They will be frilly and feminine. There might still be a place for the peek a boo bras and the crotch-less knickers.
  2. Preferred colors for Red will always be strong. There is nothing subtle about her. Purple may be her favorite, followed by red, shocking pink, electric blue and any other colors that catch the eye.
  3. Silk seamed stocking will be preferred to anything else. Often they would have lacy decorations around the top and even around the heels. Fishnet stocking will still have an importance for Red. Prominent lacy garters will be worn.
  4. Shoes will be much the same as with Infra red; high or very high spiky stiletto heels. Black patent is often the favorite. Red often likes to choose between strappy types of shoes, preferably with a heavy band high on the ankle or decorated court shoes.
  5. Red will always want to wear a wig, since looking feminine is very important. The wig will almost always be something dramatic and way out.
  6. Dresses/Clothes/costumes. Unlike Infra Red, Red will always wear women's' clothes, dresses or tops and skirts. Dresses, when worn, are often tight (if in a dominant mood) or full and flowing (for a submissive mood). Tight dresses will be figure hugging, often with a split skirt. The tops will have built up shoulders and sharp definite collars. The full and flowing styles will have deep frills and flounces, rather than delicate ones. Boldness will be the dominant characteristic. Any lace trim will be heavy and often sharply contrasting in color. Necklines will be either low or very high. Red will often like to wear a costume. A very tarty school girl outfit or a short skimpy sexy nurse's uniform.. French maids are also common among Reds.
  7. Make up. Whereas Infra Red did not wear make up, Red will want to be made up in in a bold way. False nails. False eye lashes etc. Something she will share with Orange.
  8. Dominant/submissive. Red can be both. Most common is dominant, but submissive costumes might be worn.
  9. Enforcement. The idea of being forced to cross dress will re-appear in every sector of the Spectrum. It is as true for glamour as for maids. Of course,it is not there with everyone who cross dresses, but it is a powerful element in a the vast majority.
  10. Female involvement. Red will like some female involvement both to help with the cross dressing and to enact out some sort of FemDom scenario. Usually the female will be dressed erotically.
  11. Public appearances. Red will tend to shun public appearances. Parties, of course, are always the exception.
  12. Length of dressing sessions. Red dresses for a variety of reasons. The erotic sexual desire may still be there. However, when dressing for the thrill of being a woman, boredom often sets in once the dressing has finished. Most Reds do not spend long periods dressed up. Often the desire to cross dress is swiftly eliminated by genital gratification. So this is Red. She is moving out of the Fetish element and into cross dressing.


As we move into Orange we are moving across the Spectrum so the subject takes on more and more of the female identity. We are into one of the key cross dressing areas of the Spectrum. Orange is very much concerned with her feminine appearance. She really wants to be taken for a woman and not a man in woman's clothing. She will have a femme name. We must always refer to Orange as 'she' and indeed to all the other ladies in the rest of the Spectrum.

  1. Underwear. The emphasis will be on feminine rather than erotic. Pretty panties and knickers. Lacy and frilly,of course, but not over done.
  2. Strong colors favored by Orange.
  3. Orange will take care of her legs. All hair will be removed. She may even go and have then waxed, otherwise she will use a razor. Stockings will be smart, with or without seams. Colors will sensible and appropriate to the outfit being worn.
  4. Smart high heels will be worn. Court shoes will be favored by the majority of ladies in the orange sector. There may be occasions when slightly lower heels are worn. The emphasis will be on looking right.
  5. Orange will also like dramatic and way out wigs, but as you get closer to yellow, so the wigs become toned down. Orange will probably have quite a few wigs, so that a choice can be made to suit her mood.
  6. Orange will have a large wardrobe of dresses and outfits. She will spend a lot of time deciding what to wear. She will like to change regularly, during any session, given over to wearing her feminine clothes. There may still be a place for fantasy outfits. A Schoolgirl outfit will be popular.
  7. Another very important feature of Orange's boudoir, will be her collection of make up. Orange will require full make up. In keeping with her clothes, the make up will be bold and perhaps a little over the top. Long false eye lashes are very popular, as are bright lipstick colors. Finger nails will receive attention, with long false nails and very bright nail varnish.
  8. Orange is no different to others. She too will have her dominant and her submissive side. More and more the submissive side will pass into the maid section of the Spectrum.
  9. Once again there will be the inclination to fantasize about being cross dressed. This also passes into the submissive maid side of the Spectrum.
  10. Orange will welcome female assistance with her dressing and make up. She will want female advice and guidance, and once dressed, will want female companionship. The aspect of eroticism is diminishing and the female companion will be expected to dress stylishly. Orange may well want to fantasize about having a lesbian relationship with her female companion.
  11. In the Orange sector of the Spectrum, there is a greater chance of appearing in front of others in public as a woman. After all, she has gone to no little expense, and a great deal of time and effort to look like an attractive woman, she will be keen to show herself off to others, both men and women, in order to enjoy their admiration. Orange, like the vast majority of cross dressers, is hetero sexual. Her desire to be appreciated by both men and women is not surprising. There is no sexual intent here, merely a human and feminine desire to be appreciated and admired. There are many in the Orange sector who will not appear in public. It takes a great deal of self confidence and courage to go out dressed. However, there is always the Fancy Dress party which is a heaven sent opportunity to dress up and appear in public.
  12. As we move across the Spectrum, dressing becomes more and more important, and the desire to experience life as a woman increases. How often Orange will dress depends a good deal on the concrete circumstances of he/r life. If s/he is living with a wife who disapproves or does not know, then he/r opportunities for dressing are severely curtailed. Others are able to dress daily, often in the evening after work.
  13. The other problem is boredom. It is difficult to create a feminine environment and life style, without the presence of other women. Even in Cross Dressing Centers, boredom is a real problem. "All dressed up and nowhere to go" is how I refer to this problem. Orange will want some sort of experience of a feminine life style (glamorous, of course). When there is no real opportunity to interact as a woman, then the dressing up, once done, is almost the end of the experience. There is no where else to go. Once again the experience can soon be terminated by genital release. This then is Orange. She is very concerned with her feminine appearance. She will wax her legs, take care over her shaving. Everything is done to appear as a woman.


Remember that as we move across the Spectrum the desire to dress and be like a woman grows greater and greater until we get to the Ultra Violet, where some cross dressers earnestly desire to have a sex change operation (SRS).

With Yellow we are getting towards the center of the Spectrum. As we move across, we will also notice that here is a gradual change from the flamboyant and seductive, to the sober and more retiring. The emphasis is now firmly on the feminine. Orange, Yellow and Green are the very heartland of cross-dressing. Each different, but all three fascinating in their approach to cross dressing.

Yellow will be very concerned with her appearance as a woman. What distinguishes her from Green, will be the emphasis on the more flamboyant and outward going side of cross dressing. S/he will have he/r moments when s/he will want to dress up to be really noticed and even shock a little.

  1. Underwear. Very feminine. It will vary to suit he/r mood. Nighties may well be a feature of he/r wardrobe. Usually something sexy and flimsy or long and silky, with lace and bows.
  2. The colors are beginning to tone down a little with Yellow. S/he will not favor the bold and loud colors of he/r sisters Red and Orange. Yellow prefers something a little more sedate.
  3. Hosiery very feminine. Quite a variety to suit the occasion. We might even find he/r wearing tights on a cold day.
  4. A great variety of shoes for as many occasions as possible. Sometimes will wear flat sensible shoes if the situation requires.
  5. Sensible wigs that give a feminine appearance, without being in anyway outrageous, or over the top.
  6. A collection of outfits that are tasteful, feminine and suitable for various occasions. Yellow always tries to dress in a way which is appropriate to the occasion. S/he might even wear a smart feminine suit with trousers. Yellow will be less concerned with wearing costumes.
  7. Great care is taken. Yellow will be something of an expert in putting on her make up. S/he will be knowledgeable about cosmetics, and what to buy, and where.
  8. Dominant/Submissive. Yellow might want to explore both sides of he/r character. Submissive will usually disappear into cross dressing as a frilly maid.
  9. Enforcement. Ever present in the cross dressing fantasy. Yellow will have her fantasies, and might want to explore them as a frilly French Maid.
  10. Female involvement. Yellow will be very anxious to have as much female involvement as possible. She will want female help in dressing and female admiration once dressed. If s/he likes to go out dressed, s/he will want the company of a woman. In this part of the Spectrum, we will notice a special relationship developing between cross-dressers and female friends. Sometimes wives and girl friends are involved in this part of the Spectrum. Once again, there may be the lesbian fantasy present in the relationship .
  11. Public appearances. Much will depend on the character. If yellow is self confident and outward going, s/he might well go out in public from time to time. Very often yellow will go out if s/he is accompanied by a female friend and companion. Yellows who have lots of self confidence, will go out regularly, and will not mind being seen dressed in public.
  12. Length of dressing sessions. Yellow will dress as often as s/he can depending on he/r domestic arrangements. S/he might visit a dressing center if s/he is unable to dress at home. S/he will want to have a truly feminine experience as a glamorous woman. I find that a lot of the cross dressers that I dress, and socialize with, are Yellows or Greens. The dressing session will last as long as it is meaningful. If the oppoprtunity is there to socialise with other women, then Yellow is happy to remain dressed all day. Yellow is almost in the middle of the Spectrum. I have given you some of he/r characteristic features. Don't forget, that all cross dressers are individuals, and each one will have her own peculiarities. Sometimes a feature which belongs to infra red, can be carried down into Yellow or Green. The Spectrum is merely a guide to the main characteristics and not a series of stereo types.


Green is almost the exact balance between the outrageous, the flamboyant, the seductive and the quiet, sober, retiring side of the Spectrum.

Although Green is in the middle, and a sort of average cross dresser, it would be wrong to see he/r as boring or uninteresting. All cross dressers, wherever they are in the Spectrum, are fascinating people.

Cross dressers have above average intelligence. They have the imagination to see beyond their own male limitations. They have the humanity to try on, for a limited period, the mantle of femininity. They are often discriminating and meticulous and their ability to assume the female role is marvelous.

With Green, the film star look has gone. S/he leaves that to Orange and Yellow. There might be the odd occasion when s/he will put on a show and really dress up to the nines. For the most part s/he continues where Yellow has left off. Green will share with Yellow the sophisticated lady about town look.

  1. Green is likely to buy some of he/r underwear from Marks and Spencer, rather than from a lingerie shop like Contessa. Sensible and feminine is he/r style. S/he will avoid the exotic. It is unlikely that there will be many basques in he/r bottom drawer or crotch-less knickers. S/he will choose sensible colors. White, rose, pale blue, etc.. Nighties may well be worn at night, if possible. They will be less glamorous than Yellows, and almost certainly longer.
  2. The colors are getting quite subdued in this part of the Spectrum. Pastel shades. Pale pink, pale blue, etc..
  3. Tights are quite acceptable to Green. S/he will wear stockings, black, navy blue, even tan for day time wear. Seams will be less in evidence. I doubt if s/he will wear fishnet stockings very often, except for a bit of fun.
  4. The move away from ultra high heels continues. Green will choose heels for the right occasion, but s/he will feel comfortable and feminine in low heeled sensible shoes. The color will depend on he/r outfit. Nothing outrageous.
  5. Wig. There is not much difference between Yellow and Green. Both will want to look authentically feminine. If Green wears a long haired wig, it will be immaculately pinned up into a chignon.
  6. Green will have a wardrobe of sensible clothes. There might be a flouncy satin dress, but for the most part, he/r wardrobe will contain clothes that are smart and sensible. Red and purple, so popular with Infra Red and Red, have been replaced by dark green and black. Green may take advantage of the hat and glove department. Neat little hats, with veils can be flattering, to the not-so-young. Gloves can also cover the hands, that are not so delicate any more. While on the subject of age, cross dressers need to be aware of the passing years and dress accordingly. This means as the years go by, you can pass from Yellow to Green.
  7. Green will have a collection of make-up, but s/he will be more restrained than Yellow. He/r make up will be a little understated, but still very much in evidence. S/he will not be quite so keen on false eye lashes, and artificial finger nails painted in bright colors.
  8. When Green is dominant s/he will dress in glamorous clothes. When submissive, s/he will explore the maid scene. S/he may even go as far as to do some domestic work when dressed as a maid.
  9. When dressing glamorously, there is no strong element of enforcement. It may appear when Green is being dressed as a maid.
  10. Public appearances. Given the right personality, and some self confidence, Green would appear in public. S/he would not want to turn heads and be the center of attention, but s/he would like to pass as a woman when out and about. With Green we have passed through the center of the Cross dressing Spectrum. We are heading towards Ultra Violet where the desire to be a woman and experience life as a woman becomes very strong.


We now move into Blue. Here again there is no doubt that s/he needs to be feminine for its own sake, but as we are moving away from the flamboyant, racy side of the Spectrum, so the clothes are going to be toned down even more.

  1. Blue will want to wear feminine underwear, but will not be interested in anything flamboyant or too frilly. Sensible knickers, slips, panties, etc., will be found in he/r bottom drawer. If s/he wears a corset, to help he/r figure, it will be plain and functional , without lots of frills and bows and lace. There will still be a place for satin and silk, as this appeals to ladies. He/r reason for wearing satin and silk will be non erotic.
  2. Colors are now becoming quite subdued. Blue may wear bright colors for special occasions, but in general, s/he favors dark green, navy blue. Sensible, quiet, colors.
  3. Blue will wear standard stockings and tights. The colors will be subdued, and s/he will have that everyday look.
  4. Blue will wear sensible shoes most of the time. Sandals in Summer. Sensible boots in Winter. Court shoes for special occasions.
  5. The wig or wigs will almost certainly be short and conservative in color and style.
  6. We have moved away from the exotic and flamboyant. Blue is unlikely to wear anything over the top. He/r choice in clothes will be conventional and conservative. Sensible skirts and blouses. Sensible dresses in sober colors. S/he will not wear anything that will make you turn the head and look hard at he/r. It is unlikely that s/he will have a collection of school girl uniforms or nurses outfits in he/r wardrobe. Wearing such costumes will be very much the exception to the rule. Blue likes to lead a conventional feminine life when possible. S/he aspires to be quite domesticated.
  7. Make-Up will be competent, but once again, rather conservative. Pastel shades of lipstick. Sometimes only lip gloss will be used. Blue will not want to spend ages making herself up. Mascara, eye shadow, false eye lashes, etc., will rarely be used.
  8. Blues tend to have quite a strong submissive streak in them. While they can be Dominant at times, the more normal mood is submissive or compliant.
  9. We are moving into a part of the Spectrum where enforcement is a less potent factor. If Blue is submissive, s/he may express this by dressing as a maid, even a domestic maid.
  10. Blue will appreciate the support and companionship of a woman, preferably a wife or girlfriend. The relationship will be an important element. In some cases, when Blue finds that s/he cannot find female support and companionship when dressed as a glamorous woman, s/he will be happy to accept a Mistress/maid situation. Blue will dress as a domestic maid servant and work for a Mistress.
  11. Blue will not necessarily want to go out in public, but s/he will want to dress as often as s/he can, and for as long as s/he can. The everyday female experience will be important to he/r and s/he will want to do some cleaning, washing, ironing, and cooking. S/he will be quite domesticated and be proud of he/r domestic skills. Because the dressing experience is not very closely related to genital arousal, s/he will happily stay dressed for long periods. In some cases Blue will only feel he/r true self when dressed.
  12. Blue will want to stay dressed for quite a long time. We are moving into the part of the Spectrum where the desire to dress and be a woman is becoming stronger and stronger. This desire is not directly connected with genital desire, so it cannot be removed by genital gratification. We have nearly crossed the Glamour Spectrum. Blue is to one extreme because of he/r desire to live out the life of a woman. He/r cross dressing gives expression to something deep within he/r and s/he often feels very much at home in he/r everyday feminine clothes.


Violet is a more extreme version of Blue. S/he is really only happy and contented when in feminine clothes. Many violets aspire to live out a life in which s/he looks after and runs a house, perhaps as a companion to another woman. S/he will be happy to do the cooking and cleaning, etc. S/he will not be happy when obliged to wear he;r male clothes.

  1. Violet has no interest in being sexy. He/r underwear is feminine, but functional as well. As well as silk for best wear, s/he will have cotton undies, and thermal undies for the cold weather. Violet will usually wear sensible nighties in bed at night.
  2. Violet continues the trend towards more and more subdued and conservative colors.
  3. The lacK of glamour will affect hosiery as well. Violet is comfortable in woolen socks. S/he will make an effort with tights or even stockings for special occasions.
  4. Shoes. Comfort is all important. Shoes can be shapeless but comfortable. Sandals and slippers for indoor wear. Sensible shoes for outside. Heels will not be worn by choice.
  5. Wig. Always conservative in style and color.
  6. Violet will not take a great deal of interest in he/r personal appearance. S/he likes to dress and feel comfortable, for long periods of time. Days, even weeks, are spent dressed as a woman. Dresses, blouses and skirts, cardigans for everyday wear. A coat, brown or navy blue for outdoor wear. Violet will also put on an apron or overall when working around the house. Costumes do not feature in her wardrobe.
  7. Make up. This is not a high priority for Violet. S/he will put on make up for special occasions, but is more comfortable without it, or at least with the very minimum. Some violets have had their facial hair removed altogether. They do not have to wear make up regularly at all.
  8. Violets tend to be submissive.
  9. With Violet, we have come back to the more solitary cross dresser. Violet is not interested in going out too much, though when s/he does, s/he will want to go in he/r feminine clothes. Often s/he will not be recognized as a man in he/r outdoor clothes. If s/he has a companion, then s/he will share he/r dressing experience.
  10. Female involvement. Violet will want the constant companionship of a woman. usually there is nothing erotic or sexual about this. Violet seeks a female companion for support and encouragement and also to authenticate her desire to be a female and live as a woman.
  11. Frequency and length of dressing experience. Violet will want to spend most of her days dressed as a woman and living as a woman. There is no connection at all between her dressing and genital gratification. We are nearly at our journeys end. We have travelled from the ultra flamboyant to the plain and ordinary. From occasional dressing to almost continuous dressing. From a close connection between genital gratification and dressing to the total separation between the two.


Our journeys end is Ultra Violet. Like the Ultra Red, s/he is not really part of the cross dressing Spectrum; since s/he is only happy when dressed as a woman, and is in total denial of he/r masculinity.

S/he is convinced that s/he is a woman within, and that he/r male genitalia are but a freak of nature. Like Ultra Red, Ultra Violet is really off the cross dressing spectrum. Many Ultra Violets seek to have an operation to surgically remove their male genitalia (SRS) and make them physically women as far as possible. I believe this desire for a sex change has more to do with a state of mind in a general sense and is not a result of the desire to wear feminine clothes. It is now time for us to look at the part of the Spectrum which deals with maids.


I loved this post. it worth a reblog


Tired of getting messages from so called “Mistresses”. I can’t mark them as SPAM and BLOCK them quick enough.






Richtig so!

Be a mouth watering Hotwife 😈😈

Yeah it’s your right girls 😈😍

All my good sissy need to keep well toned nobody likes when a sissy lets her body slip


Lets get in shape

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