
gacha games are draining me

@kohimiruku / kohimiruku.tumblr.com

She/Her 🌸 21 🌸 AR 58 🌸 Yae Simp 🌸SilverAsh Simp 🌸 Ozy Simp 🌸 manifesting for gachas to be nice to me

lol i hate today’s era of absolutely zero nuance takes. a friend didn’t behave exactly as you’d wanted them to? cut them off. a guy didn’t text you back instantly bc he has his own life? he’s just giving you breadcrumbs. doing something makes you uncomfortable? don’t do it anymore. someone isn’t instantly available for you? disinterest. just absolutist statements that often don’t apply to the multilayer situations of everyday life. like. stop. literally just stop it


It's incredible how much pop psychology and therapyspeak boils down to treating individualism as the phenomenological norm for human beings and any form of human communication or relationship based on negotiation, compromise, self-sacrifice and trust as an act of violence against the individual


Also. In other news from this morning.

I got a work email and one of the guys included on it has an email that takes the form of first-initial-part-of-lastname, which, yknow, generally works well

But his name is Mario Pregler

And the psychic damage I took as a result of seeing the email mpreg@emailprovider.com at 9 in the morning cannot be overstated

#posts that have 100k notes. in my heart

shhh someone might hear you


People should use this text embellishment more

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Holy shit this is unicode???

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These are all Egyptian hieroglyphs.



...is a flathead mullet. The glyph is used for the animal (ꜥḏw), and apparently also as the biliteral sequence /ꜥḏ/, but only in the word for "country commissioner" (ꜥḏ-mr).



...is a petrocephalus bane. It was used for the biliteral sequence /bs/.



...is an elephant-snout fish. It was used for the animal (ẖꜣt) and also the biliteral sequence /ẖꜣ/.

But there are more!

Say hello to...


...the barbel...


...the tilapia...


...the puffer...


...and, somehow, the catfish.

I don't know why the catfish looks like Zoidberg as a fish. Maybe catfish were different in that place and time. But yeah, don't leave those feisty boys out when fish-posting!

official linguistics post


valuable scriptures

I am *always* getting tagged in this post, and I've reblogged it a couple times now I think. However. It has new info now! So!

Official Fish Post


Very funny that when Arknights first came out people made Kiryu and Majima jokes out of Texas and Lappland and 3 years later when they finally get an event Hypergryph is like "No it unironically is like that in every way" and to make sure there's no room for misunderstanding, Lappland drives a truck into a building and employs a special Lappland Everywhere system throughout Il Siracusano

It's not even just in surface level similarities, I'm absolutely not joking when I say Lappland is Majima. For how brutal Lappland is in this event, to the point of frightening hardened enforcers from how easily she can butcher them, you never see her harm any civilian or outsider like the mafiosos do. She's actually quite polite and amiable, turning up the violence only on those who only speak in violence, and even randomly showing up to save Texas' friends from getting caught in turf wars.

When questioned about why Texas' enemy keeps helping Texas, Lappland answers that it's because she wants Texas to see for herself that the Underworld is inescapable, that even if Texas believes in good and even if she's strong enough to physically win every battle, she cannot create change, and cannot run away to a gentler life. Lappland reasons that if she helps Texas in every step of the way, Texas still won't escape, and that despair will prove Lappland was right.

Because Lappland actually feels the same. She hates the mafia and the power struggles and the terror they sow on regular people, and her behavior as the mad dog Lappland is her own form of rebellion: if she's over the top to the point where they fear her, to the point where they expect her to be uncontainable and act more as a force of nature they can point rather than as a soldier they can order around, then she has that little bit of freedom.

So when Lappland sees Texas turn her back on the underworld and simply fight her way out with her unbeatable strength, it's agony to her. Lappland needs to see Texas get dragged back in repeatedly and feel like there's no escape, because Lappland herself chose to act like there was no escape. If Texas manages to fight hard enough to escape the underworld, or even scarier, to enact real change, then that would mean Lappland, her equal, could also have done so, if she only tried harder.

The only difference between them was the strength of their will and ideals.


“Is Logos worth it? I have Eyja raised already” yeah Eyja is strong but Logos can do something Eyja can’t: Hug his mom.

She didn’t see it coming.

Assigned MILF by the girlies


had a dream that I met a wizard and we fell in love and became unhealthily attached to each other so we decided to meld into one single creature together but the process was horrifically slow and painful and most of the dream was us lying in bed holding hands while lesions opened up in our skin and seeped out blue and green fluid and the wizard said "this is going to take a very very long time" and I said "that's ok"

the critics are raving



If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!


Also do NOT append "12ft.io/" before a URL ! Typing an URL like this https://12ft.io/<URL> will redirect to a site that would break the display of the page by removing the paywall !


Honestly it's kind of prohibited to mash CTRL+P before some paywall windows can load in to get a PDF of the article. Really shouldn't be done tbh very dangerous🤷🏿‍♂️ ❌️


Actually the MOST dangerous action you can take when you run into a paywall is to go to archive today

If you paste a URL into it, then the website will archive the page, and the page will become readable without any paywalls, not just for you, but for ANYONE who goes to archive today to read the article.

This action is extremely dangerous, I have yet to find a single paywall that could withstand it, so please use caution

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