
It's Fine to be Weird

@pragnificent / pragnificent.tumblr.com

Politics, fandom and aesthetic™ from a bitter leftist queer. Mostly a HANNIBAL blog now. Don't tag my posts with "q-slur." Icon by toni-of-the-trees.

Everyone always gives Hannibal hell for refusing to acknowledge that his trauma had any impact on him, especially since he's a skilled psychiatrist, but imagine if he did admit that to himself. Then what? Then, all illusions of being self-made disappear. He won't be the serial killer who chooses to kill out of curiosity and appreciation for the art of death. He'd just be a product of his trauma. Everything that he assumed control of, even the ritual of eating his victims that he'd carefully cultivated, all of that would just be a byproduct of that winter. He would be completely at the mercy of that memory, his whole life dictated and warped by that incident. And he would lose himself. Better to believe this was all his design. Better to dismiss that winter and say that it was determined to happen from the beginning. It would have happened anyway. The teacup would've shattered anyway. He had made it shatter. This was his design.


Hey, you recently mentioned somewhere about how growing pains aren't really a thing the way we think of them in the tags about a post about taking kids' pain seriously. And i've been sitting on that ever since, as someone who had severe 'growing pains' growing up that'd take me out for days but was told to stick it out. Thing is, they never went away and despite hitting 30 soon I regularly google something like 'growing pain in 20s' with some regularity.

I've finally bit the bullet, done the doctor marathon, ended up at a rheumathologist and was like 'idk i've had pain my entire life i was told it was normal'. (Didn't go over well, but how could it have.) Despite him then noting hypermobility he's adamant hsd or heds aren't worth looking into. And now i'm sat here like. Well, was it ever growing pains?

Could you talk more about what you meant with the growing pains? My mind is not letting it go


'growing pains' is something doctors say to dismiss pain in teens and children a lot.

the fact is, yes, some children get pains that are temporary and ultimately harmless and not at all related to growing in fact we don't know why it happens

the other fact is it tends to be limited to the ages of approximately 3 to 11, yet doctors use it to dismiss pain in teenagers - who still do a lot of growing often very quickly (especially boys).

it affects mostly if not exclusively the legs (notably calves and shins) and worsens following physical activity. yet doctors will often use it to handwave away any and all musculoskeletal pain

so yes there is a type of pain children (but not really teens) can experience in their lower legs. but not a) the rest of the body b) long-lasting c) bad all the time and d) it has nothing to do with actually growing

and frankly given we "don't know" why it happens at all i'd bet decent money there actually is a cause for whatever pain happened even if it was temporary. like doing the three-legged race wrong.

edit: sorry skipped over the hypermobile part. for some people (i hate them personally) hypermobility is not painful. for most people it IS. this is for the simple fact that your ligaments and tendons (connective tissue) are too stretchy so they aren't holding your joints in place as well as they should. so you know what has to pick up your slack? your larger muscles. you know what is built for movement and not 24-7 activation to keep you assembled? your muscles. they're doing something they're not supposed to have to do, and they're doing it all the time and they are fucking tired. unfortunately (i have hypermobile EDS and didnt get diagnosed until i was 28) there is no "cure" for this. the only treatments are stabilisation - physical therapy to try and build up the smaller stabilising muscles and support garments or things like k-tape to take the load off the bigger muscles by providing external support. also massage and heat to relieve the tension and tiredness.


if you don't have homemade ligaments, store-bought (k-tape) is fine


we’ve started feeding this tortoiseshell-point siamese recently. she’s beautiful, aside from the fact she has disturbingly big, bulging blue eyes. we’ve started calling her… ‘goop’

it’s goop!

GUESS WHO HAD GOOPLETS! SIX ENTIRE BABIES! mama goop held onto her gooplings for an entire week longer than she had to, so the gooplitos came out very well done and fluffy!!

nearly five years ago… since then, mama goop has aged significantly, and as she nears the end of her life, she’s been given a cushy retirement alongside her beloved husband, papa pumpkin. for everyone who remembers this post, the goop troop sends their regards


The post about angel wings not needing to be purely white to be beautiful reminded me of a picture I LOVE

This pigeon is an angel


The fact that Will regularly hallucinated wounded animals crying because it was one of the most distressing things his mind could come up with


The grandpa from Midsommar is the reason we have bishounen in manga and anime

This is Bjorn Andresen, an actor who became famous around the world, especially in Japan, for his beauty.

His appearance inspired a lot of the classic pretty-boy manga characters, including characters like Oskar from the Rose of Versailles, and Griffith from Berserk. He was an idol in Japan for a long time. This is him in Midsommar;


They De-Tumblrized Ms. Frizzle



why would you leave this in the tags lmao

Allow me to explain:

Everyone dropping this pic

And talking about how the new frizz her is her niece, allow me to do a direct side by side instead

These are STILL not the same woman. Where is the icon fashion, the earrings (the chameleon, which might be in the new show idk I haven't watched it), the prominent hooked nose, the broader shoulders, the volume to her hair, the LIFE IN HER EYES

This frizzle looks like she's been called into the school board for inappropriate behavior and dress one too many times and has been broken.

Also others have said it before me but I couldn't find it in the scroll backs but they whitewashed all the kids too. They same face syndromed everyone to either be easier to draw or be more ambiguous so as not to offend or both or something, and it just makes me sad

Fuck it I did the digging cause I'm still mad


And that’s not even to mention what they did to the bus itself.

The old bus had a personality and life and fun and now it’s just… a bus.


It's gives "anti abortion Jehova's Witness cartoon" now


This, I find, is an excellent example of how “aesthetic cleanliness” usually just means making something less interesting. Taking the bus and Frizz’s dresses as a relatively unproblematic, but very stupid, example first. What the showrunners have done here is seen the visuals of the original show and tried to declutter them for the tastes of modern audiences. The issue is that the taste they’re catering to is that of parents because they are generally choosing what children watch, and those parents don’t like clutter, and they see all of those fun shapes and colors as visual noise. YouTuber Tantacrul has a great video on how this effects children in music education. In short it’s why no children’s music toys have the capabilities for experimentation that normal instruments do, parents can’t stand “inharmonious sounds”

The much bigger problem here comes when this design philosophy bleeds into the character designs. What they’ve tried to do is make the show easier to look at by smoothing everything out making it all look a little more “cohesive.” Problem is that when you homogenize everything you, well… homogenize everything. Skin tones are lightened, curls are straightened, Noses are smoothed, fat kids are made skinny, it all becomes less diverse and less interesting. It paints a picture of an executive who thinks that people of color and other marginalized people won’t sell, their version of the magic school bus will be much neater, much more fitting to show our kids.


Problem a) they tried to declutter the visuals to cater to modern parents who like “clean aesthetics,” without considering what will be fun for kids to watch

Problem b) in doing so they whitewashed the character designs and send the deeply insidious message that certain people don’t fit the desired aesthetic and are thus, not fit to be represented in kids tv


Brutally I suspect it's also because the 'cleaner' visuals are less detailed and therefore take less time to animate and are therefore cheaper to produce

Why pay an already overworked animator for ten hours of actually good content when you can pay them for five hours of 'modernised' (read: shittier) content?

As a parent this shows apparently try to "cater to" I can say I hate this style.

I grew up with the Disney Afternoon Cartoons at their peak (Old DuckTales, TaleSpin, GummiBears, Little Mermaid) and remember how *beautiful* cartoons used to be.

And just guess what my kids are watching😏


everyone is like will is so slutty! he's such a man whore. wrong! he's a man having an anxiety attack on the floor twitching and writhing and screaming and somehow being objectified through the whole thing. hannibal is an actual slutty man whore btw

Damn right correct take


Like y'all I KNOW that hearing for the first time that the language you use to define yourself is a cultural construct which carries meanings that can differ across time, place, and context can feel invalidating and/or outrageous, but you need to work on really internalizing the knowledge that language is an imperfect tool that we use in our attempts to articulate the depths of human experience, and therefore terminology Queer folks use to describe ourselves are not fixed objects that sprung as if by magic into the world, but rather the process of long collective explorations, conversations and negotiations.

Also like

Everything ain't about you.

We developed language to tell one another where the ripe fruit is and where the sharp pointy toothed animals are, not for conveying metaphysical concepts or ephemeral feelings. Some things are bound to be misinterpreted or badly communicated

You get it!!!


The image of Leela from Episode 19 of Season 3, "Roswell That Ends Well"

When mom made you dress up as feminine as possible to go out in public and tells you what a beauty you are

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