

@reindeerevans / reindeerevans.tumblr.com

my name is scarlett, i'm the biggest ravenclaw fan of gryffindor house since Luna Lovegood.

do people actually not like jily... like what is the point


i’ve had this blog for four years today! crazy that anyone still follows it <3 


Lily’s 10 year challenge


after a dangerous battle against death eaters, they finally found themselves hiding from everyone, just thankful for being safe… 

He always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around, he couldn’t stop himself showing off whenever he got near her.

j a m e s & l i l y - i picture them during their last winter holiday at hogwarts, knowing the state of the wizarding world is going to hell and that they will have to leave the comfort of the gryffindor common room soon. while spending the long dark winter evenings wrapped up in each other in one of the big armchairs by the fire, they try to quell their fears by discussing their future together and arguing passionately about where they will live and how many children they will have. they probably end up falling asleep in the common room most nights, waking up the next morning cold and stiff, but free from nightmares.


snape could’ve been an awesome teacher if he wasn’t a disgusting waste of a human being. he knew from age 16 that the instuctions that the textbooks were giving weren’t as good as they could be. he improved the potions and recorded his methods at age 16. if he weren’t such a shitbag, he could’ve either written the damn textbooks himself, or taught his students his alternate methods. he could’ve revolutionized how potions were being brewed, teaching whole generations a superior method of potion brewing. instead, he spent his time bullying children. 

He could have become rich and famous and been one of the most well regarded wizards of his age with his knowledge of spells and potions

But instead he decided “The girl i hurled racial slurs at put me in the Friend Zone so I’m gonna go become a Magic Nazi and then spend the remainder of my adult years emotionally abusing twelve year olds”

Harry flying for the first time - with a little help from his dad.

[instagram @potterbyblvnk]

Thank you everyone who followed me this year and sent me so many great and positive messages!  2017 had its ups and downs and for me tumblr/instagram was a big UP! I hope you all have a happy new year. See you in 2018 with more drawings and sketches!

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