
sometimes i force my siblings to practice improv with me and i say its to make sure theyre funny and quickwitted when im not always there to be quick for them but really it's in case we're ever in a baudelaire orphans scenario and we need an act as the traveling improvisational beauties (we are all quite charming and pretty) that cannot be beat


a few months back on the last blog I posted some vague shit about how I'd just created "the most embarrassing artifact I've ever made" or something like that. I believe I said in the tags I would maybe describe what it was after time had sanded down the edges. now I'm ready: it was a cum tribute to the wikipedia page for schizoid personality disorder. a shaky video from my phone in one hand while I busted a load on a printout of the wikipedia page for schizoid personality disorder. my dick was not in it. only like half of the cum actually made it on the page. the idea of this was incredibly funny to me at the time in some kind of (post?)ironic way but watching the actual thing and hearing my like heavy breathing with the dim ass light and shaky focus shocked me. it was so bad

the way this worked was like. I thought of "cum tribute to the schizoid personality disorder wikipedia page" as a standalone post. and it would have been a good one. but I'm always driven to take my art to the next level, and it was clear that the much funnier option would be to actually create that tribute

this often happens with posts where merely naming the thing is outdone by making it a reality. I used to make "guy who" posts and have progressed to making myself that guy, or at least pretending to be him. gotten some solid bangers that way but my best was definitely in 2020-2021 where I exclusively beat it to hentai for like the better part of a year just to see what would happen, to see if I could make myself a guy who was only into hentai. obviously would have been funnier if it worked

so I still really think it was just a matter of poor execution. I've actually thought of redoing it several times but never bothered. I think if I got the lighting down, got better at aiming an ejaculation, turned off the sound, and maybe got a camera stand... I could have made a solid post out of it. of course now the well is poisoned; now that I've spoiled the idea it would be much less funny. but something else will come next


sugar cinnamon (& caramel) star cookies and miscellaneous other ones!! blue is vanilla, green is mint, red is strawberry... i made cookies for my siblings last week and they wanted more so i had some fun :]


grace jones dressed by azzedina aläia, 1986 in getting it on: the clothing of rock + roll - mablen jones (1987)

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